My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 302 Intelligence Collection

Gray Horn sub-plane, Ancient Sea Fortress.

This is the home, resting place and base camp of the witchers.

The mottled old castle stands on the green mountains, and the early morning mist fills the forest. The demon hunting apprentices are shouting and chopping scarecrows on the castle's training ground.

There's something strange about the sunshine here.

The clouds in the sky are connected together, like a big gray net covering the earth. When the sun penetrated the gray clouds and sprinkled down on the ground, the golden morning light was tinged with a light gray luster.

Demon hunters are accustomed to this unique lighting phenomenon in the Gray Horn subplane.

Some of them were studying mutagen in the alchemy room, or fighting swords while drinking wine, some were compiling thick monster illustrations at the desk, and a few people were lying on the open-air balcony, lazily basking in the sun, enjoying the rare cultivation time.

Rexor and Seretes sat across from each other at the card table, talking and laughing while playing Gwent.

"Buzz" came a vibration from Rexor's alchemy pocket.

"Huh? Didn't I put all the secret message rings in the cabinet?" Rexor reached into his pocket and touched the cowhide shell of the notepad with his fingers. "Hey, it's urgent communication, our vacation. It looks like it’s going to be ruined.”

He took out his notepad and turned to one of the pages. There was a line of text that appeared out of thin air, which was exactly what Beatrice had written.

When Rexor saw the words "Black Flag", his expression became solemn.

Cerites glanced at the expression in his head and then looked at the words on the notepad, "Okay, we have work to do."

He looked at the cards on the table and saw that he had the advantage, "Let's finish this game first."

Rexall knew that he was at a disadvantage, so he said seriously, "No, business is more important."

Then, he quickly collected his cards and put them into his card bag, took out a book, put it on the card table and opened it.

The title of this book is "Information Collection About "Black Flag"", and it is a handwritten table of contents from page 1 to page 5.

Page 6 records the first time the Demon Hunting School heard about the "Black Flag". This page reads:

【Time】1906 to 1913 of this era

[Location] Western Continent·Starry Night Kingdom, Silver Moon Federation·Poseidon City, Outer Palace·Decipher Hall

[Characters] Rexor, Beatrice, Xia Zuo, Dim, Codebreaker Kadum, (others omitted)


1. In 1906 of this era, Beatrice of the Starry Night Kingdom reported that she found traces of the Blood Demon in the kingdom.

(Some content is omitted)

5. In 1910 of this era, Rexall successfully sealed the blood demon Qualuoqi on the west side of the Storm Mountains in the Western Continent.

6. In 1913 of this era, Rexor carried the sealed artifact and returned to the Eastern Continent on a transoceanic airship. On the way, the blood demon Qualuowuqi attempted to destroy himself. Xia Zuo, a fellow traveler, assisted Rexor and prevented the Blood Demon from self-destructing.

7. In 1913 of this era, the Poseidon City Emergency Response Department destroyed the body of the blood demon Qualuoqi, and was subsequently attacked by a high-level blood demon. The blood demon Qualuowuqi received the assistance of a high-level blood demon and escaped from the sealed container in the form of a blood essence stone. He was later destroyed by Xia Zuo, a member of the action team.

(Some content is omitted)

11. The high-level blood demon was separated into 9 blood demons and sealed in the basement of the Poseidon City Emergency Response Department. The blood demon Iboyk was removed from his body, and his blood essence stone was escorted from the outer hall to the Hall of Deciphers.

12. The high-level codebreaker Kadum cracked the blood essence stone of Iboyk and obtained a large amount of information. One of them showed the name of a strange demon that had not been recorded. The content is as follows:

"In compliance with the secret order of His Excellency Nuko'alofa (note ①), I will escort Qualuowuqi who is going to the Western Continent to look for Lord Black Flag."

(Note ①: Nuk'alofa, the deacon of the Spirit and Flesh of the Demonic Church, guided the teaching team to attack Poseidon and other cities.)

It has been confirmed by the Hall of Codebreakers that the name "Black Flag" has never appeared in past history, and the strange demon may come from the stars.

13. The codebreaker Kadum tried to forcibly decipher the broken blood essence stone of the blood demon Qualuoqi, but failed. We lost important intelligence related to Black Flag.

【Event Summary】

The Church of Strange Demons is suspected to have received assistance from the Starry Sky Strange Demons. The Starry Sky Strange Demons named "Black Flag" may have penetrated the smoke of creation and descended to the ground. The temple needs to find the whereabouts of the starry sky demon as soon as possible.

Starting from page 7 and going all the way to page 110, information about the "Black Flag" is recorded on every page.

Since 1913 of this era, the Church of Strange Demons has sent out no less than 100 strange demons of the same level as blood demons and shadow demons, going deep into every corner of the temple territory to look for the starry sky strange demon named "Black Flag".

None of them gained anything.

Sending out manpower to search for the "Black Flag" regardless of the cost made the temple realize the importance of this starry sky demon to the strange demon church.

As a result, the Temple has also internally issued a long-term mission to find the "Black Flag", which is mainly responsible for the two master demon hunters and the codebreaker Kadum who were first exposed to the "Black Flag" intelligence.

Since no strange demon has ever come into contact with the "Black Flag", the information the temple has obtained has been limited to knowing that there is such a number one figure.

The long-term mission of searching for "Black Flag" has gradually become a routine:

Wherever there were clues about the "Black Flag", Rexor and the two went there, brought back the sperm core of the strange demon, and handed it over to the codebreaker Kadum for deciphering.

The deciphering results cannot be said to be the same every time. They can only be said to be exactly the same - the strange demons sent by the strange demon church cannot even touch the shadow of the "Black Flag", let alone find it.

If nothing else, the shadow demon that appeared in Starry Night Kingdom would probably be in the same situation.

Having said that, what needs to be done must be done.

Rexall first wrote down the information he obtained from Beatrice on "Information about "Black Flag"", then closed the book, raised the long sword leaning against the card table, and greeted Seritus:

"Let's go, let's go back quickly. I heard that half of the teleportation hall in the Western Continent has been built, and we can teleport directly there."

"This is quite convenient." Seritus walked beside the bald man.

The two passed through the teleportation room in Gray Corner to the teleportation hall in the outer hall, and then teleported from here to the teleportation hall in the Western Continent.

The second half of the transmission process lasted extremely long, a full minute.

When the teleportation light dissipated, the two of them appeared in the mountains of the Storm Mountains of the Western Continent.

After this part of the mountain was hollowed out, the giant builders sent by the outer palace built a temporary guest transfer room.

As soon as the two Rexalls walked out of the teleportation room, they received a secret message from Beatrice. They followed each other's route map and left the cave, used invisibility and flying spells, and arrived at the school tower.

Standing on the terrace of the tower, Rexor looked at the city and wilderness at the foot of the mountain, and suddenly sighed, "This place has changed too much. I remember that a few years ago this was still a wasteland..."

Cerites patted his shoulder and pointed to the distant hillside behind the two of them, "Look there, Letso. When you came here before, was there a subdimensional passage on the mountain?"

Rexor looked over, and the tall entrance to the subdimensional passage came into view. The metal-colored passage frame still looks like a giant even when it is several meters away.

"During our vacation, what happened to the outer hall?" Rexor slapped his forehead, "The outer hall plans to build five subdimensional passages here!? And the entrance to the passage is designed to be so grand? Obviously just leaving a small hole will be enough..."

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