"You are saying that a starry sky demon that has a close relationship with the mixed-blood mage lost contact with the alien demon church after it descended on the Western Continent. Now this alien demon can no longer be found by the mixed-blood mage due to unknown reasons, so the alien demon The church sent a shadow demon who can read memories to investigate, is that true?"

Beatrice said, "Is this your guess, or is there already a solid chain of evidence? Do you need me to do anything?"

Rexall bent his arms and rested them on the edge of the desk, "Beatrice, I admit that what I said is mostly guessing. But I don't have any better ideas at the moment. I need your help. I want to read "The Kingdom of Starry Night" Real historical records, especially those related to the bandits, including their origins, members, detailed events, and many illogical details in the process. I am convinced that there are traces that can prove the existence of Black Flag. It’s hidden in this history. In this regard, I think the same thing as the Strange Demon Church.”

Beatrice thought for a few seconds, "Okay, let me tell you the truth, there are indeed a lot of problems with the history of the bandits, and just when you told me your speculation, I had already connected the whole incident. ”

"All ears." Rexor folded his arms and listened.

"Hemster, do you remember this biological alchemist? He became Qualuowuqi's subordinate. He used the identity and information advantages of the outer temple researcher to develop his own ordinary people's power in Sbrier Province. .”

Beatrice fumbled in the drawer and took out a bottle of potion and placed it on the table.

Through the glass bottle, you can see the fiery red syrup slowly sliding down the wall of the bottle.

"Hemster gave an order to his third-rate alchemists and bandits. He asked the bandits to arrest the children in Sbrier and Rossak provinces and test them one by one with this fiery red liquid. medicine."

Beatrice pushed the potion bottle in front of Rexor, "Try the effect of this potion."

Rexor opened the cork of the bottle, and a strong pungent smell instantly filled the study room. Fiery red smoke visible to the naked eye came out of the bottle mouth, as if a flame had exploded in the bottle.

"Breathe~" Rexor flapped his nose, "I remember this potion. You mentioned it at the regular meeting between the two palaces. At that time, you said that it was a special potion that could ignite the user's body."

"Yes." Beatrice nodded, "The formula for this potion comes from Hemst's alchemy diary. There are no materials required for the formula here in the Western Continent. A third-rate alchemist under Hemst's guidance can only We can try our best to find local materials as replacements. The potions they refine have no other effect except causing pain, causing body heat, and ultimately death from physical injuries."

Beatrice paused and tilted her chin slightly, "But the one you have is different. I found all the raw materials required for the formula from the temple, and personally refined a batch of potions and gave them to Temple. The one you have is what I kept as a backup. It has perfect quality and the effect described in the formula."

Rexall put the potion bottle in front of his nose and took a deep breath. The fiery red air flow penetrated into his nose, and he found an unexpected sweetness among the spiciness.

He drank the potion, feeling the spicy and sweet liquid slide down his throat and flow into his stomach.

"My body is a little warm." Rexall put the potion bottle on the table and looked at his red palms.

He clenched his fists and waved his arms to make whistling fist shadows in the air. "I can feel a strange force growing in my body. It seems to make my muscles stronger. This force is growing rapidly. decline…"

Rexor patted the muscles on his arm, "Well, maybe my potion resistance is too strong. This thing has limited effect on me. Maybe I need to find someone with a physical fitness close to that of an ordinary person to try it. "

"No need to bother, I can tell you the results directly. In fact, the experiment has been done in the temple a long time ago." Beatrice put the empty potion bottle back into the drawer and continued:

"The younger the age, the better the effect and the longer the duration of the effect. Children under 15 years old and lacking in spiritual ocean will have a slight possibility of directly awakening the power of blood after taking this medicine. Too old , or the spiritual ocean has reached the standard of a mage's servant, then the effect of the medicine will only be to temporarily strengthen the muscle strength."

"This potion can awaken the power of blood?" Rexor was stunned. "Has the Strange Demon Church mastered the potion formula for artificial blood?"

"No, this medicine does not give the user artificial blood." Beatrice shook her head, "but briefly increases the user's blood concentration. If the concentration just exceeds the threshold, the user will awaken the power of blood. If If a person does not have any potential bloodline, then this medicine will have no other effect except making him feverish."

"When I handed over the finished product and the research report of the potion to the outer hall, we were all confused as to why Qualuowuqi asked Hemst to instruct unscrupulous alchemists to refine this medicine, and then find them one by one. Children test medicine?”

Beatrice said:

"Now, I think we know the answer. They had an accident while searching for Black Flag, the starry sky monster that came to the Western Continent. It may have temporarily turned into a child and lost part of its memory.

"The blood demon Qualuowuqi traveled all over the country and carefully checked the blood pattern characteristics of everyone, but found nothing.

"In the end, it had to let Hemster test the medicine on a large scale, hoping to use this medicine to stimulate the power of Black Flag's bloodline, significantly improve Black Flag's blood pattern characteristics, and then find Black Flag. But unfortunately, due to the materials and Due to the limitations of alchemy technology, a third-rate alchemist turned the matter of finding the black flag into a tragedy of child abuse."

Rexor nodded slowly, "I agree with your conjecture. We need evidence now. Either find the black flag, or find evidence that it broke through the defense line at the junction of the stars. Do you have any good ideas?"

"After the temple issued a long-term mission to find the Black Flag, I will think about this mission whenever I have free time." Beatrice took out a few notepads from the drawer, "I used elemental puppets to visit two people in the Western Continent. Wizards of the Inner Sanctum, this is the magical record of my conversations with them.”

Rexor opened the notepad, which recorded the conversation between Beatrice and the mage of the inner temple as a dynamic two-dimensional image. If you focus your mind on the image, you can hear the recording of the conversation at that time.

Magic records show that Beatrice first asked the Inner Temple Mage about the situation of the defense line at the intersection of the starry sky. The Inner Temple Mage said: "Everything is normal. The number of starry sky monsters above the Western Continent is only about 3% of that in the Eastern Continent. The usual defensive pressure is very light.”

When Beatrice asked if any starry sky demons had ever successfully broken through the defense line, the two inner temple mage's replies were unified and firm: "No starry sky demons have broken through the defense line. In fact, due to the small number of invading starry sky demons, Even if we don’t take action, they will not be able to reach the middle layer of the creation smoke at all.”

The mage of the inner temple took Beatrice to see what was going on in the smoke of creation. Beatrice's elemental puppet stayed next to the smoke for about half a month.

During this period, the behavior of the starry sky demons was the same as described by the inner temple mage - as soon as they came into contact with the outermost layer of the creation smoke, more than half of the people were melted by the smoke, and almost all of them were dead or injured when they approached the middle layer of the smoke. .

Before leaving, Beatrice checked the light element status of the inner temple mages as a routine to confirm that they had not betrayed the temple.

After reading all the content, Rexor asked, "Didn't the Black Flag come from here in the Western Continent? It descended in other places, and then came to the Western Continent?"

"Now it seems that this is indeed the case." Beatrice nodded and pointed to another notepad, "This is a personnel list. It records all the children who were captured by the bandits and forced to test drugs. I later investigated and found that in the first two years of the bandits' rampage, the bandits would receive Hemster's list before arresting people, and they would only kidnap the children on the list. But from the third year on, they did not I received Hemster's list and abducted all the children who could be abducted based on vague instructions."

"Why is this happening?" Rexor asked while reading the list.

"Because at that time, you and Adanavados came to the Western Continent. Especially you. After the blood demon Qualuowuqi learned that there was a master demon hunter in the inspection team sent by the temple, it immediately stopped walking on the starry night They moved around the kingdom and hid in the plains and mountains on the west side of the Storm Mountains." Beatrice said.

Rexall found that in the first half of the list, bandits kidnapped 10 to 30 children every year, while in the second half of the list, the number of children kidnapped by bandits rose to as many as 150 a year. It is unimaginable how many children and families were destroyed by rogue bandits just to find the black flag hidden among them.

"Are these children still alive?" Rexall asked.

"Those with underlined names are still alive, and the others have died from drug testing or other accidents." Beatrice took out a stack of notepads again, "A few years ago, when I put down my official duties in the kingdom, I went with Dim Blood tests were done on these living children. These are their blood test reports."

Rexor scanned the concentration value on the report and his expression suddenly became solemn. "Although their blood concentration has not reached the level of awakening the power of blood, it is higher than that of ordinary people. Is this the effect of the potion, or... Are they special in themselves?”

"It's not the effect of the potion." Beatrice shook her head, "As I said before, the potion made by the third-rate alchemist under Hemst does not have much effect."

"So the blood concentration of these children is relatively high?" Rexall asked.

"That's right. I also discovered more interesting things." Beatrice took out the old map of the Starry Night Kingdom. The territory of the kingdom on the map is located on the east side of the Storm Mountains. The capital of Starry Night City at that time was still on the northeastern coast of the kingdom. There were only a few old provinces in the country, such as Starry Night Province and Yenan Province.

Beatrice used illusion magic to summon hundreds of small flags and placed them on the map. Each flag was marked with a numerical number ranging from 1 to 10.

"These flags represent the birthplace of the children. The number on the flag is the blood concentration of each of them. Do you see anything?" Beatrice asked.

After thinking for a moment, Rexor cast an illusion and used magic lines to connect flags with the same blood concentration numbers, eventually forming a blood concentration contour similar to an altitude contour - on the coil near the outside, the flags Blood concentration numbers are lower, ranging from 1 to 5. The closer to the inside, the higher the blood concentration number on the coil.

There are 10 flags on the contour line in the center of the coil, and each flag has a blood concentration number of 10.

Apparently, there once existed something strange here, which interfered with the blood concentration of newborn children in the surrounding area in the form of radiation.

If you want to ask where the black flag is most likely to be, it is undoubtedly here!

"What is this place, Beatrice? Are these villages still there?" Rexall asked with some urgency.

"That's the southernmost area of ​​Rossak Province. Unfortunately, Reso, these villages are no longer there." Beatrice sighed silently, "The bandits slaughtered the villagers like crazy and burned everything there. Only Ten people escaped the disaster, and they were all children abducted by the bandits."

Rexor clenched his fists, "Where are these 10 children now? There is probably a black flag hidden among them."

"Three of them are in the academy. The other seven live in nearby cities." Beatrice paused, "One of them is very familiar to you and me."

Rexor was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the map, place names, and village names again.

[Rossak Province, Tarozik Village. 】

"I seem to have heard the name of this village somewhere..." Rexor pondered for a few seconds, then slapped his forehead, "Xia Zuo! This is Xia Zuo's hometown!"

Rexor frowned, "He can't be Black Flag. If he was Black Flag, he would have died in the Creation Hall long ago. But..."

"But what?" Beatrice asked.

"But he is a pure-blood mage." Rexor touched the top of his head a few times worriedly. "We previously speculated that Black Flag is a strange demon related to mixed-blood mages. Xia Zuo, as a pure-blood mage, fits this speculation. He At the same time, he is a child born in Tarozik Village..."

Rexall picked up the blood test report and looked at the blood conditions of the other nine children. Except for Xia Zuo, who awakened the blood power related to body activity, the blood power of the other nine people was not comparable to that of the mixed-blood mage.

"Is there something wrong with our speculation? The black flag has nothing to do with the mixed-blood mage. It may be another type of strange demon." Rexall put the test report on the table, feeling annoyed. He took out the wine bottle and took a sip. The cool drink diluted some of his irritable emotions.

Beatrice waited for the other person to calm down and asked, "What are you going to do now?"

Rexall put away the wine bottle, picked up the list and the bloodline test report and said, "I plan to test these people again, the most stringent test. If he is a mage, he must remove the elemental body. If he is a bloodline The awakened person must temporarily close the power of his bloodline. If...if he has both, I will also ask him to take off all disguises and let me detect it carefully."

Rexor stuffed the list and bloodline test report into his alchemy pocket, "Where is Xia Zuo? Let's start with him."

"He condensed his inner body and elemental body in the quiet room." Beatrice thought for a moment, "If you want to detect him, I can create an opportunity for you. Although he is easy to talk to, he will not care about your doubts and Offended, but I still hope that you two will not have a conflict, even though the possibility is slim."

Thinking of Xia Zuo's current status, Rexor nodded, "Then what do you think we should do?"

"When condensing the inner body, you need to remove the outer body. At that time, the camouflage spell in the blood magic will also be temporarily ineffective." Beatrice said, "This is your best chance to detect him. When he reaches this step, I I’ll let you know.”

"Okay." Rexor nodded, "I'll wait for your news. I'll go detect the others first."

Rexall left the room.

Beatrice cleared the table, leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes, as if taking a rest.

A few minutes later, she used communication technology to call in Ellin who was waiting on the balcony.

This chapter is two in one.

In particular, some readers may be resistant to Rexor's behavior of secretly detecting Xia Zuo, but this behavior is excusable in the world view of the Demon Hunter or the world view of this book. In the witcher world view, when witchers investigate an incident, in addition to some schools using all possible means, other schools will also use unconventional methods, such as investigating secretly when others are unprepared. In the world view of this book, the demon hunting school itself has certain privileges. Their duty is to supervise and investigate other schools and enjoy special law enforcement powers.

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