After Rexall left the study, he found Diem, and the two embarked on a journey to find the people on the list.

Just as Rexor and the two left the school in the airship, Xia Zuo had just finished reading the book that condensed the inner body.

He knew nothing about what happened in Beatrice's study and was completely immersed in the work of making the inner body.

If the outer shell is compared to putting a patch on the surface of the body, then the inner shell is to fill the outer shell with solid matter, making it stronger and more stable.

Give me a chestnut.

A mage with an outer body ran out of ammunition when faced with a high-intensity attack. He had no energy to cast spells, and even the alchemy items in his alchemy pocket were completely consumed.

At this point, what happens if he continues to be attacked?

The outer shell will collapse due to no energy source, and the physical body will be scorched in high-power flames.

Imagine that if a set of equipment is placed in the body that can automatically generate elemental energy without the need for the caster to consume energy, will the mage have a chance of survival?

The inner body shell is such an energy device.

It is a cross between alchemy and magic.

The inner body shell has a total of 216 units, and each unit is a small elemental energy generator, referred to as an energy unit.

The energy unit is built to simulate the spiritual ocean and contains 1 to 10 small elements inside. Small elements will be enclosed within the ability unit and continuously output energy.

There is no consumption in the process of outputting energy, but there are losses.

The array inside the energy unit will be depleted due to the disorderly actions of small elements.

The mage needs to maintain the magic circle frequently, otherwise the energy unit will be scrapped.

The difficulty in condensing the inner body is to create 216 energy units. The volume of a single energy unit is about 5 cubic centimeters, but if it is cut into slices and spread out on a flat surface, the expanded view of its internal structure will occupy an area of ​​1 square meter.

The best way to create an energy unit is the energy injection method. The operation method is similar to injection molding - the caster injects energy into the pre-made mold, and by constantly adjusting the mold details and energy parameters, the ideal energy unit is finally obtained.

This method requires the mage to learn the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method in order to observe the smallest changes in the mold.

Xia Zuo did not learn this meditation method, so he planned to use the beam energy field to create energy units.

A beam ability field can only correspond to one energy unit.

A beam ability field requires a blueprint.

With 216 energy units, Xia Zuo needs to condense the blueprint of 216 beam energy fields.

Xia Zuoxian spent a day to create the first blueprint, occupying 3 mental slots.

216 blueprints require 648 mental slots, equivalent to 162 mental attribute points.

But Xia Zuo's current [spirit] is only in his early 70s.

Just when he was about to change his mind, the reward message from Goldfinger surprised him:

"It is detected that the host has successfully produced a beam ability field blueprint of an energy unit, and will be rewarded with 800 experience points."

800 experience points!

It gives more experience than completing a sub-project of tower flight testing.

Xia Zuo spent another half day turning the blueprint into a physical energy unit, gaining another amount of experience.

"It is detected that the host has successfully produced an energy unit and will be rewarded with 800 experience points."

It’s 800 points again!

For a single capability unit, from design to finished product, a total of 1,600 experience points will be awarded.

Is such a rich experience reward an exception?

Xia Zuo tried to create new capability units, and the results were exciting.

The experience reward of Goldfinger has not declined. It is still 1600 experience points for making a unit of ability.

Xia Zuo did a simple calculation and finally came to a conclusion:

When he completes all 216 energy units, his eight-dimensional attributes will reach a very terrifying level...

Time came to the morning more than nine months later.

A quiet room facing south in Starry Night Castle.

Xia Zuo sat cross-legged on a soft cushion, bathing in the gentle sunshine, calling up character templates in his mind and admiring his results.











[Free Attribute Points] 108

It has to be said that after mastering the mechanism of free attribute points, the eight-dimensional attributes can be improved as fast as riding a rocket.

When a large amount of experience came in like a tide, Xia Zuofei upgraded eight levels in a row, and all seven attributes except [Vitality] doubled.

If only a year or two earlier, the mechanism of free attribute points had been discovered in the circus, the eight-dimensional attributes would have broken through the sky long ago. The only regret is that, except for the first hundred vitality attributes, the talent Other than that, there are no additional rewards.

Xia Zuo was intoxicated in his imagination, and suddenly remembered the blood demon Qualuowuqi...

Whenever he regrets that he failed to discover the mechanism of free attribute points during the circus, he immediately thinks of Qualuoqi who is wandering around the kingdom, looking for a suitable target.

Xia Zuo shook his head and drove away the distracting thoughts from his mind.

He called up [Blood Induction] in his mind, chatted with Anru'er, and told her that he had made all the energy units, and would enter deep meditation later and start condensing the inner body. By then, he might be half Months of time are not enough to send and receive secret blood messages.

After receiving Anru'er's reply, he checked the element bottle in front of him and the blueprint in the spiritual ocean.

When he was about to enter a meditative state, Xia Zuo paused.

He remembered something.

When he condensed the outer shell of the elemental body, for some reason, the universal elemental body he condensed ran to the spirit body, causing him to mistakenly believe that he had failed to condense it.

So this time...will this happen too?

"Do I have to prepare another set of energy units as a backup?" Xia Zuo touched his head.

He hesitated for a moment and then clapped his hands, "Forget it, let's give it a try first."

Xia Zuo lay down on the soft couch and entered a deep state of meditation.

When condensing the inner body, it is necessary to arrange energy units in the mage's body. First, the mage is required to remove his outer body. Otherwise, the unformed energy unit will be interfered by the outer body and may fail to condense.

As soon as Xia Zuo was weaving the energy framework of his inner body in the spiritual ocean, he received the message from Golden Finger in his mind:

"It has been detected that the host is condensing the inner body. It is necessary to remove the outer body and [flesh camouflage] before proceeding to the next step. Do you confirm the removal?"

[Flesh disguise]?

What kind of skill is this?

Xia Zuo called up the character template, looked through his blood magic list, and found this blood magic that had been silently helping him cover up his blood pattern features.

He used this skill to put a camouflage shell on himself with less than 30 points of blood pattern characteristics.

If you remove it now, your blood pattern characteristics will be exposed. Will there be any problems?

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds and finally decided to cancel it.

If the quiet rooms in the school are not safe, then there may not be a safe place in this continent.

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