It only took about half an hour for Xia Zuo's tower to take off from the ground and fly to the coordinates of the base where the stars meet. And it was a success without the need for professionally trained astronauts, complex power systems and expensive aerospace fuel. , even the launch time is not as demanding as launching a satellite.

Magic and alchemy have once again proven themselves to be simpler and more effective than science in some aspects in a world where elements exist.

Under Selina's guidance, Xia Zuo activated the identification array disk, parked the tower at the designated space coordinates, and then activated the tower's junction cruise mode, allowing it to travel with the help of the anti-gravity array , suspended steadily above an altitude of tens of kilometers.

Selena asked from the side, "How is the energy consumption? How much energy is left?"

Xia Zuo looked at the energy reading on the console, "There are still 2.3 million points of energy, and about 1.6 million points have been consumed. The cycle charging speed is 360,000 points of energy per hour. After deducting the consumption of cruise mode, the charging speed has dropped. to 250,000 points per hour.”

"Well...let me do the math...the main body of your tower is a beam energy field, so the energy storage limit will be higher than that of a regular tower. The energy balance is about 50% more than other towers. The cycle charging speed is slightly slower. . You have to find time to accommodate some more elements.”

Selina pointed to the button that activated the ecological simulation circle, "Let's talk about accommodating the elements later. You first try to build a small ecological circle."

"Okay. Later today, I will use my body to contain the elements." Xia Zuo reached out and pressed the button.

The holographic map on the console shook, and the tower model fell apart into hundreds of small, square squares. The colors of the blocks vary, generally there are four types: red, blue, brown, and green.

Selina separated these small squares according to color, divided them into four piles and placed them in the four corners of the holographic map, leaving an open space in the center of the map.

"The small red squares are fire attribute energy sources, and blue, brown, and green correspond to water, earth, and wind attribute energy sources respectively."

Selina picked up two red cubes and a brown cube and rubbed them in her hands, turning them into a bright little sun. "Ecological cubes of different colors can be synthesized into specific spell buildings. The appearance of the building is You come up with your own ideas. The one I have in my hand is an artificial sun constructed using illusion and energy-shaping spells. Of course, it only has the function of shining, and it will not rise in the east or set in the west like the real sun."

Selina placed the artificial sun on the top of the holographic map, then took out a manual and placed it on the operating table. "This contains the formula for synthesizing blocks. Common animals, plants and natural landscapes can all use specific formulas." Rub it out. They are just like this artificial little sun, they are just the products of illusion and energy-shaping spells, not real objects."

"It's interesting... you can still play like this." Xia Zuo looked through the manual with great interest and found that the content was very detailed. Everything from ants to elephants and giraffes could be simulated with blocks.

"Your tower has more beam energy fields, so there will be more ecological cubes than other mages, and more props can be simulated." Selina added.

She took out a magic circle disk and shook it, "This is the last magic circle disk that I need to install."

Xia Zuo put down the manual and looked over.

Selina inserted the array disk into the slot and pressed the start button next to the slot.

The holographic map is refreshed, and an environmental map with a broader view appears in front of you.

Shazo's tower is marked on the map as a vertical cone.

The area around the cone was empty, with no other creatures or aircraft present.

Selina reached out and fiddled with the holographic map, turning the map's perspective to the sky above the tower.

A hazy layer of smoke appeared above the tower.

Selena introduced:

"This array disk is a real-time holographic map of the intersection of the starry sky. This smoke layer is the creation smoke. The real-time holographic map has its own detection function and will detect the situation within 150 kilometers around the tower in real time.

"If there are star monsters appearing in the smoke of creation, they will be marked on the map with red dots. Your elemental body will also receive an alarm from the console. At this time, you must always pay attention to the smoke of creation. situation."

Xia Zuo took a closer look. Apart from the billowing smoke, Xia Zuo saw the slightest sign of being invaded on the image of the creation smoke, so he asked, "Selena, when was the last time a starry sky monster invaded?"

"It was noon the day before yesterday, local time in the Western Continent. The next time should be after noon the day after tomorrow." Selina stretched out her finger and pointed at the cylinder on the map, and a timetable appeared from the cylinder, "Real-time holographic map It will also synchronize the time point at which every starry sky monster invasion is detected. It is blank now. When there is a starry sky monster invasion, the record will appear on it."

"It's very convenient." Xia Zuo nodded.

"But... I guess it might be difficult for you to use this function." Selina said.

"Why is this?" Xia Zuo was slightly stunned.

Selina explained, "The defense pressure over the Western Continent has always been very light. The number and scale of the starry sky demons are small, and they rarely break through the middle layer of the creation smoke. It has been three years since the Temple deployed its defenses over the Western Continent. It has been more than a hundred years, and there has yet to be a team of starry demons that can penetrate the middle layer of smoke."

"So this is an idle job?" Xia Zuo scratched his head. He thought that after arriving at the junction of the starry sky, he could regularly brush the starry sky monsters and harvest the vitality attribute value. Who would have thought that the defense pressure here would be so light? It’s like coming here to retire.

"It's understandable..." Selina smiled, and then said with a slightly serious face, "But don't let your guard down. There is no guarantee that the scale of the next invasion will exceed expectations. If this happens, you must do it in time Use the war communications array to contact the temple."

"Okay. I'll remember it." Xia Zuo nodded.

"Then... the lift-off thing is over." Selina thought for a moment and said, "Originally, I should have taken you to see the starry sky demons, but the situation here in the Western Continent is special, and there are too few starry sky demons. . You have almost no chance of actual combat, so you must practice casting spells from the tower. The targets used for practice can also be simulated with ecological cubes. You will know how to do it after studying the manual."

Speaking of using towers to cast spells, Xia Zuo already had many fantastic ideas in his mind.

When he heard Selena mention this matter, he asked, "Selena, don't you need to report when casting spells in the border area?"

"No need." Selina shook her head, "As long as it does not affect the defense work, you can practice spells as much as you like. However, the environment here is different from the ground. You should pay more attention when practicing to avoid spell backlash."

"Okay, okay." Xia Zuo rubbed his hands excitedly.

He has not forgotten his identity specialty [Spell Training].

As long as you cast a spell, you can gain experience and mental attribute value rewards based on the spell's power and casting time.

Since the number of starry sky monsters in the border area is too small, use spell training to gain experience!

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