In the afternoon, as the sun set in the west and the Starry Night Kingdom was about to usher in the sunset, Xia Zuo's physical body woke up on the test flight platform.

After waiting for a moment, Selena fell straight from the sky and stopped in front of him.

"Do you have any questions about the Star Junction and the Tower?" Selina asked.

"No more." Xia Zuo shook his head.

"Well, let me tell you about the meeting between the two palaces." Selena took out a flat wooden box from her pocket, "This is the base of a surveillance orb. It can project your surveillance orb to two The meeting site. The specific usage methods are all in the box. I will only tell you the precautions here. "

Selina took out a badge and handed it and the wooden box to Xia Zuo, "From the moment you successfully control the elemental body and drive the tower to the starry sky junction, your identity has changed from a member of the outer temple to a member of the inner temple. . You put the badge away first, and next time you go to the Creation Hall to receive the light element, Kristo will introduce you to other inner temple mages."

Selena continued:

"The mage of the inner palace will not directly participate in the daily affairs of the two palaces. Our main task is to guard the junction of the starry sky. From today on, you must develop the habit of writing a guard log..."

Selina spent more than half an hour explaining everything that Xia Zuo needed to pay attention to.

Generally speaking, the members of the inner hall are more of observers to the meetings between the two halls, responsible for giving opinions and voting. The protagonists of the meeting are the various departments of the outer temple. The outer temple departments will report their respective work progress and troubles encountered at the meeting.

Don’t worry about endless wrangling in meetings.

Because everyone present is a high-level mage and above, they deeply understand the preciousness of time.

If the parties have serious differences on a certain issue and fall into a stalemate, the two palace conferences will collect the plans of all parties on the spot, package them up, and hand them over to a device called [Vientiane Star Orbit] for deduction. Finally come up with the optimal solution.

Xia Zuo was stunned when he heard this, "Selena, what is this Vientiane Star Trail? Why does it sound related to the starry sky?"

Selina thought for a few seconds and then said:

"Well, it's hard for me to describe this thing clearly to you. It's not a product of the starry sky, but a complex instrument jointly created by the Alchemy School and the Tower Scholars.

"Wan, Xiang, Star, Orbit, these words can be broken down to understand the principle and function of this thing.

“‘Wan’ is used to describe a very large number of ‘Xiang’, ‘Xiang’ refers to phenomena, processes and results, ‘Xing’ refers to various departments with different opinions, and ‘Gui’ refers to the regulations and codes of conduct of each department.

"The connection of Vientiane Star Track is: the process and results of all plans derived from the established guidelines and regulations of each department, using the plans of different departments as the starting point."

Selina calmed down and continued, "The meeting between the two temples will select the plan that maximizes the interests of the temple from the many results. But this is not absolute. Some of the best plans are obviously short-sighted and do not take into account long-term interests. . Therefore, each department will draw up a new plan again, and then use the Vientiane Star Orbit to deduce it again. In the end, the two palace meetings will choose the best plan that takes into account both current interests and long-term future interests."

It sounds like a supercomputer... Xia Zuo nodded, "Interesting."

"I guess you'll be able to see it the day after tomorrow. The outer hall has been very busy with the Black Flag thing during this period." Selina looked at the sky. It was already evening, "Okay, today's things are all over. . If you have any questions, you can contact me through the communication array on the tower."

"Okay, Selina, thank you for your help." Xia Zuo waved goodbye to Selina and watched her fly towards the teleportation hall.

He packed up the test flight platform and flew to the school to have dinner with Anruer.

That night, after Xia Zuo finished studying the orb base, he lay down on the bed and entered into deep meditation.

Another benefit of having an elemental body is revealed at this moment.

In the past, during deep meditation, he could only face mottled stone walls and cute elements swirling in circles.

Now, he can use this time to control the elemental body instead of the boring meditation process.

The perspective comes to the high tower at the junction of the stars.

Xia Zuo's elemental body stood up from the driver's seat, first checked the condition of the tower, and then used the ecological simulation array to create a small outdoor idyllic ecological circle.

He borrowed the look of Selena's ecosphere and made himself an ecosphere complete with streams and a water-powered windmill.

After pressing the start button next to the magic circle, the surface of the tower was filled with white glare. It melted like an iceberg, and then took shape into Xia Zuo's preset appearance.

When Xia Zuo walked out of the "high tower" and came outdoors, the outside had turned into an idyllic scenery, and the "high tower" behind him had turned into the appearance of a windmill.

Xia Zuo immediately understood the principle of this magic circle.

It first expanded the internal space of the tower to the size of the ecological ball, and then used illusions and plastic energy spells to change the appearance of the beam energy field. Xia Zuo seemed to be outdoors at this time, but in fact he was still inside the tower. The transparent spherical glass cover of the ecological ball was the wall of the tower, and inside the windmill was the cockpit area where the control console was located.

Xia Zuo spent some time tinkering with the ecological simulation circle, and when he was done playing, he turned his attention to using [Spell Training] to gain experience.

He has a great idea!

You know, just using spells to gain experience is a very uneconomical thing.

From the perspective of industrial economics, the industrial chain is too short and the added value is low.

If you want to get more bang for your buck, you have to develop a spell that can both gain experience and have other uses.

Xia Zuo thought of one:

Use spells to create energy bombs, energy mines, energy traps, etc., and other spell creations that can last for a long time.

Imagine that in order to gain experience, he placed hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of energy bombs next to the smoke of creation. When the starry sky demons penetrated the smoke and invaded, the explosion scene would be very spectacular~

Not only did he gain experience, but he also blocked the alien demons in the starry sky. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Xia Zuo also has preliminary design ideas for this kind of energy bomb that has a long shelf life and can automatically detect and explode stars.

First, design a blueprint for an energy bomb using a beam energy field.

Then, use magic to rub the bomb.

Finally, place the bomb next to the Genesis Smoke.

It's that simple.

The difficulty lies in the blueprint design, but this does not trouble Xia Zuo.

He spent one night, with the golden light of the sun emerging on the horizon, and successfully designed an energy bomb that had the appearance of a mine, like a flatulent pufferfish.

Each spike on the bomb is a probe that launches directionally to detect fluctuations. The 72 probes on the surface of the sphere can include the entire 360-degree space around the bomb within the detection range.

This energy bomb with high sensitivity and long shelf life has only two disadvantages.

First, their power is very limited. Xia Zuo estimates that it is difficult for them to truly threaten the Starry Sky Demon.

Secondly, it will occupy a certain mental slot. About every 100 ability bombs will occupy 1 mental slot for a long time.

Xia Zuo can gain more than 500 experience points for every ability bomb he makes, and it only takes half a night.

He seemed to have foreseen the day when all his eight-dimensional attributes would exceed 1,000 points.

Just start by planting bombs near your outpost!

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