In the alchemy room of the secret room.

Xia Zuo rubbed his hands excitedly.

The discovery of [Vitality Recycling] made him particularly happy. This talent is the largest source of vitality attribute value and will cause qualitative changes.

A simple calculation shows that if you want to recover all the vitality released by a living creature after death, you only need to arrange 100 hematin servants around it.

If you continue to invest in blood patterns in [Vitality Recycling], the number of hematin servants can be further reduced.

Those little red vests used as blood magic protective gear are composed of a hemogen servant with a mental attribute value of 5 points.

Xia Zuo will change his strategy in the future and use many hematin servants with only 1 point of mental attribute value to form a small vest to increase the success rate of recycling.

As for how to expand the results of this operation... Xia Zuo couldn't modify the vests worn by the infiltrated team members, so he could only use his brains on [Vitality Recovery].

He brought up the spell panel of this blood magic, decisively consumed 200 blood patterns, and clicked [Vitality Recycling] to Level 30 in one breath.

【Name】Vitality recovery



Whenever a living creature dies, there is a 30% chance of recovering 10% of the vitality attribute value.

After upgrading the spell level, only 3.3 hematin servants are required to ensure that the vitality attribute value of one living creature is absorbed. The probability of having two hematin servants recover vitality attribute values ​​at the same time is 9%!

It can be said that it is not a qualitative change.

Xia Zuo clenched his fist and waved it a few times to vent his joy.

He calmed down a little, scanned the perspective of the hemogen servant in his mind, and focused on Rexor.

The entire infiltration team was divided into 3 teams:

The 10 people who fought against the tree-shaped monsters formed a team of hired gunmen. They were hired to mop up the monsters as a cover and get closer to their destination little by little. They will follow the established route and search for locations where intelligence may exist.

More than 20 other people stationed at the Knights of the Rose and provided fire support to the Knights of the Rose as unidentified foreign aid.

It is worth noting that the Knights of the Rose are an armed force that rejects alchemy equipment and pursues guns and gunpowder. It often goes against all forces that support alchemy equipment.

The alchemy breeding equipment is a product of the Strange Demon Church.

The existence of the Rose Knights has always been a thorn in the side of the Strange Demon Church.

If it weren't for the secret support of the Holy Temple, the Knights of the Rose often used advanced weapons to resist the suppression of the strange demon church. This group of warrior guild members rooted in the hostile territory would have been dispersed long ago.

Now, they are launching a high-profile attack on the forces that are at odds with the Knights of the Rose, and are ruthlessly clearing the enemy's territory, just to attract the attention of the Strange Demon Church.

This is an important part of Rexor's plan.

Just as the Knights of the Rose were clamoring head-on with the Strange Demon Church, Rexor and Seritus broke away from the large army and went deep into the hinterland of the Forbidden Magic Field, heading straight for Stillwater Town and surrounding towns.

Why are they going to Stillwater Town?

Because Stillwater Town is located in the valley of the Morgus Mountains, it is the only way to go to the Morgus Mountains from anywhere.

The Morgus Mountains are the most steep and highest mountain range in the territory of the Strange Demon Church, located in the center of the entire Forbidden Magic Field.

Theoretically, this should be the location of the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church, so where is it?

After accompanying Rexor to a peak in the Morgus Mountains, Xia Zuo knew the answer through the perspective of a hemogen servant.

The mountain at the feet of Rexor and the two men was just a little higher than the top of the clouds, about twenty or thirty meters. When people stand on it and look at the surrounding gray clouds, they will have the illusion of standing in the ocean. The mountains that protrude from the tops of the clouds look like small islands.

Looking up, there is no starlight, sun, moon, higher clouds or deep starry sky. A vast wall of flesh covers the entire sky.

There is a huge light source on the flesh wall, which is slowly moving from east to west, simulating the sunlight in the forbidden magic field.

It is raining in certain areas of the flesh wall, but in fact the rain comes from the countless small black holes that open on the flesh wall.

Climatic phenomena including lightning and thunder, wind and snow, etc. are not controlled by the natural world, but are operated by the flesh wall.

"Sinful air, sinful rain." Rexor wrapped his whole body in an alchemy cloak, and put a mask on his face connected to the gas cylinder. His eyes scanned the flesh wall through the lenses on the face, "No matter how many times I look at it, I They all think this thing is scarier than the smoke of creation.”

"Tell me, if we blow up this flesh wall, can we lift the forbidden magic field?" Cerites stood next to the bald head in the same costume.

"Maybe we can talk about it later, we have to do business first. 'Lone Peak' is still waiting for us to rescue him." Rexor opened the backpack behind him, took out two sets of alchemy measuring tools, and distributed one set to his companions. said:

"The other two teams have received news. They have searched almost all possible locations, but still found no trace of intelligence.

"Then there is only one possibility. 'Lone Peak' adopted the most urgent strategy, temporarily made an intelligence container, and used it to send the intelligence out of the flesh wall.

"The intelligence container will leave traces on the flesh wall. You will find where the traces are, and I will locate the specific location of 'Lone Peak'."

Serrits took the tool box and took out a tripod and a rangefinder that looked like a telescope.

He used the special lens on the lens barrel to observe the surface of the flesh wall, looking for parts that emitted light green light.

The information container used by "Lone Peak" is a special prop designed in advance by Weapon Alchemy. Its blueprints and craftsmanship were submitted to "Lone Peak" along with the mission instructions.

This tool can break through the hard shell of the flesh wall and leave traces of dye that can only be seen with special lenses.

After emerging from the inside of the flesh wall, the intelligence container will fall under the influence of gravity.

Obviously, this method of transmitting information has great disadvantages.

The separation of intelligence personnel and intelligence is a forced action, and intelligence personnel cannot ensure that the intelligence is safely delivered to the frontline.

"Lone Peak" must have taken this measure under very critical circumstances.

The diameter of the hole caused by the intelligence container in the flesh wall is only about 30 centimeters.

Seretes held the rangefinder and searched with squinted eyes for nearly two days before he found traces of light green in the southwest corner of the flesh wall.

By observing the angle and the distance displayed on the rangefinder, he calculated the approximate direction of the fallen intelligence container on the map of the Strange Demon Church's territory.

"I've got it done, Leisuo." Cerites rolled up the map and looked at the bald man next to him, "How is your situation?"

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