My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 334 The strange tranquility

Rexall wore a helmet with binoculars on his head and looked up at the flesh wall. He had been in this position for two days.

"It's not good. I can't see any blood pattern fluctuations." Rexor's voice was a little hoarse. "This is very wrong, Seret. The other detachments are making such a big noise, and the Knights of the Rose are trying to kill half of them. The forbidden magic field was overturned, but why didn't the Church of Strange Demons send any strange monsters out to investigate? No strange devil passed through any of the intestinal cavities on the inner wall of the flesh. It was like the strange devils fell into hibernation and gave up completely. It’s the same as gaining control of the ground.”

"This is troublesome." Cerites frowned, "If the strange demons don't come out to capture the bait we dropped, then the bait won't be locked up in the interrogation room of the Punishment Team... What should we do... "

"We can only give up the rescue of 'Lone Peak' for the time being." Rexor took off his helmet, his face gloomy, "There must be new variables in the Strange Demon Church. We have to find someone to ask. Let's go down first. .”

The two packed up their toolboxes and returned to the foot of the mountain.

In a dense forest, Rexall took out a poodle cat from his backpack and said, "Kristo, how are the other groups doing?"

"Wait, let me check the surroundings first." Kristo interrupted the bald man's words. She controlled the curly cat to quickly circle in the forest, and then came back and said, "It's normal, but it's not normal."

The curly cat licked his paws and said:

"Their sabotage operation went smoothly, but it went too smoothly. No alien demon cult team showed up to stop it, and the split-limb army that was supposed to show up didn't show up either. What about you? Have you found the intelligence container?"

Serrits said, "The intelligence container is 60 kilometers away to the southeast, where there is a lake."

"The situation here is very bad. No strange demon has passed through the intestinal cavity behind the flesh wall." Rexall sighed silently, "I hope Lone Peak can hold on until we find a way to save him."

Rexall suppressed his sadness and asked Curly Cat, "Is there any new information from other intelligence personnel in the temple?"

"No information has been transmitted, but something bad has happened." The curly cat put down its paws, with a somewhat uneasy look in its green eyes, "We have been trying to contact other intelligence personnel since entering the forbidden magic field. As a result, everyone lost contact.”

"What..." Rexor was taken aback, "Their entire army was wiped out? When was the last time we received information about them?"

"Retunia and the others, based on the intelligence collected by the temple, we speculated that the Strange Demon Church began to clean up the spies in the territory from the day Lone Peak was captured by the criminal law team."

The curly cat showed a humane and solemn expression, "This cannot be revealed by 'Lone Peak', because he is an independent contact line and does not interact with other intelligence personnel. The only explanation is that the Strange Demon Church has already Just grasp the identity of the intelligence officer.”

Rexor frowned, "If your inference is correct, then this must be the cleaning work of the Strange Demon Church before carrying out important matters. They don't want any information about this matter to be leaked. No wonder there is no movement inside the flesh wall. , the strange demons must be concentrated in a certain small area and do extremely evil things."

Cerites interjected, "Do the strange demons already know where the intelligence container delivered by Lone Peak is? Are they ambushing us nearby?"

"If it's really like what you said, we probably won't be able to go back at all." Rexor frowned.

"But we still have to go there, don't we?" said Serrits.

"Yes." Rexor nodded, then was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "No, we are not going. I am enough."

"What?!" Cerites whispered, "Are you looking for death? Letso."

"Listen, if there is really an ambush in that lake, no matter how many people go there, they will die." Rexor said firmly, "The more people there are, the bigger the target will be and the easier it will be to be discovered. It's easier for me to be alone." Sneak in and escape.”

Cerites was silent for a few seconds, "...Okay, I agree with your statement. But why did you go?"

"Because Xia Zuo will help me." Rexor said seriously.

Cerites was obviously stunned after hearing the bald man's words, "...Xia Zuo? Why are you mentioning him? He's not here."

Rexor said nothing and looked at the other person's collar. There was a touch of red there, which was a small corner of the vest.

Cerites lowered his head following the other person's gaze and saw the red vest.

He patted his forehead and said, "Don't tell me that this thing is actually Xia Zuo's blood magic puppet..."

Rexor nodded.

"I actually wore a blood magic puppet on my body?! It's so weird to be leaning chest to chest with a man!" Seritus' brows jumped. "Do you still have such a bad taste, Leisuo? What's wrong with you? If I didn’t tell you earlier…”

Cerites suddenly thought of something, clapped his hands and said, "Oh! Leisuo, I'm starting to admire your caution. You didn't tell us that the red vest is a blood magic puppet. It is an extremely correct choice and it is very suitable. The current situation.”

Rexor smiled meaningfully, "Yes. If there is really a spy from the Church of the Strange Demon lurking among us, he will definitely be exposed when I leave the team alone and be noticed by Xia Zuo."

Rexor looked at the curly cat, and said to one person and one cat, "You two, I have a plan..."

Rexor lowered his voice, "Here's the plan..."

A murmur arose in the forest, which lasted for a few minutes and then ceased.

"Sounds good." Cerites nodded thoughtfully, "But it requires Xia Zuo's cooperation. Do you just believe that he can do it? Maybe he can do more than eavesdrop and watch. Nothing else can be done."

As soon as he finished speaking, the vest on his body became a little tighter, and then bounced out, bulging out a small bump on the leather armor - this was Xia Zuo's control of the hemogen servant, squeezing it on Seritus's chest. Come out with a meat ball

"Ahem, okay, I take back what I just said." Cerites said, while reaching out to press down the bulge in his chest...

The curly cat looked at Seritus' embarrassed appearance and asked Rexor, "Are you sure you don't want me to follow you?"

"Sure." Rexor nodded, "You have to cooperate with Seritus to put on a good show, and at the same time help him control possible spies."

"Okay." The curly cat jumped on Serrest's shoulder and got into the other party's backpack. This pack also contains a Blood Magic Golem, also made by Crystal.

"Then I'll go on my way and try to meet up with the members of the Knights of the Rose as soon as possible." Seritus tightened the strap of his backpack and waved goodbye to the bald head, "Be safe, Leisuo. I'm still waiting to play cards with you."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on." Rexor watched his companions leave.

After the silence returned to the surroundings, he lowered his head and said, "Xia Zuo, did you hear our conversation just now?"

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