1.12 million bone capsules means that the Strange Demon Church can create 1.12 million strange demons.

After Rexall learned the news, his face became as solemn as a deep pool.

You know, in a world with magic and supernatural powers, just one or two thousand mages or strange demons are enough to launch a war that destroys a certain area.

For example, after the disaster that Tambus State suffered many years ago, according to subsequent statistics, the number of strange demons invested by the Strange Demon Church was only 3,000.

If all 1.12 million bone sacs are transformed into strange demons, the accumulated combat power will be enough to break through the blockade between the crystal stone remnant territory and the Wildhammer Kingdom.

What's more, with the teleportation technique, the Strange Demon Church can launch cross-regional operations, and is no longer limited to the mortal flow of fighting from east to west.

A full-scale war between the Temple and the Strange Demon Church may be coming.

Apart from this, Rexall really couldn’t imagine where else these 1.12 million people could be used.

Xia Zuo immediately informed this information to Kristo in the alchemy room next door, who then informed other pure-blood mages and the temple.

As you can imagine, the outside of the secret room must have become very "lively".

In the tense atmosphere, Xia Zuo's hemogen servants and Rexor set off again, heading straight for the inland lake more than ten kilometers away.

This lake is extremely vast, covering an area slightly larger than the city where the headquarters of the Yiju Group is located.

Fortunately, the container containing the information weighed more than 90 kilograms. During the fall, it would not be blown away from the falling trajectory by the strong wind. It basically fell straight down from the breach in the flesh wall.

It looks like a cone with a light head and a heavy foot. The sharp and hard cone can break through the soil or water surface and penetrate into the soil or river bed. It will not be easily taken away by animals and monsters.

Rexor found a fishing boat and came to the lake, directly below the breach in the flesh wall.

Xia Zuo controlled the hemogen servant to wrap the diving searchlight, jumped into the lake, avoided swimming fish and underwater monsters, and carefully searched for the intelligence container underwater.

Time passed day after day, and Xia Zuo and Rexor still found no trace of the intelligence container, and their hearts sank.

The worst happened.

The emergency measures taken by "Lone Peak" in critical situations were seen through by the Strange Demon Church.

The Strange Demon Church sent strange demons to find the intelligence container and brought it back.

The only good news is that the Church of Strange Demons gathered all the strange demons for a certain matter and did not send any strange demons to station at the lake, waiting for the infiltration team from the temple to fall into a trap.

This further proves that the plot of the Strange Demonic Church is extremely important...

Wordlessly Rexall paddled back to shore.

Xia Zuo weaved text with red thread and asked, "Should we let the infiltration team take the opportunity to destroy the city? Or propose to the temple to send troops and launch an attack when the Strange Demon Church has no manpower available?"

Rexor sat on the grass and frowned, his hands bent on his legs, and he put his hands on his head and said:

"Things are not that simple... Xia Zuo... The combat effectiveness of the temple army here is not much better than that of well-trained professional gunmen. A large-scale attack on the Forbidden Magic Field is the most difficult strategy to face the enemy. What's more, the current situation is very unclear Oh...I don’t know if this is a trap set by strange demons..."

Rexor calmed down, looked at Hongxian and said, "Xia Zuo, there is only one way to test the intelligence now. We must find out what the Strange Demon Church is doing!"

"What can I do?" Xia Zuo asked.

Rexor raised his hand and pointed to the sky, "I need you to use the hemogen servant to enter the flesh wall and look for all clues. It is best to find the 'Lone Peak'...or a part of the 'Lone Peak' and get information from him."

"I have the ability to control the blood servants to fly up. But I don't know how to get in, and I don't know the route..." Xia Zuo said.

"It's best not to know. You must not know." Rexor sat down cross-legged. "The headquarters of the Strange Demon Church is an evil palace built on the flesh wall. The temple calls it the [Ascension Hall]. There is The ceremonial place where all strange demons are promoted from the official mage level to the high-level mage level is as important as our Creation Hall. As long as humans step into that place, they will immediately fall and fall hopelessly."

"Then if I go in... wouldn't I be seeking death?" Xia Zuo was stunned.

"No." Rexor shook his head and said firmly, "You are immune to corruption, I'm sure."

"Oh, yes, I am immune to corruption. Even the stars and monsters cannot distort my body." Xia Zuo remembered his specialness and immediately gained confidence, then said, "Okay, I'll go."

"But you will face another problem." Rexall said, "The headquarters of the Strange Demon Church is made of sinful flesh and blood. Its filth will stain your soul and make you feel that life is worse than death. You want to Gouge out your own eyes. Imagine using a ladle made of maggots to scoop up soup from a festering wound on the belly of a dying girl."

"Stop, stop. This is too disgusting..." Xia Zuo manipulated the red line to turn into an exclamation point, signaling the bald man to stop quickly, "What should I do? I can't close my eyes and fumble in there, right?"

"I will distort your senses." Rexor said with a serious face. "I will construct a spiritual sigil and put it into your hemogen servant. In this way, any stomach-turning things you see will be eliminated." Things will turn into things that you like and yearn for. It can also translate part of the strange language you hear, mainly the positive content. If what you hear is full of malice, the spiritual sigil will not translate They. Plus, it doesn't allow you to read strange demonic texts."

"The soul talisman...distorts the senses" Xia Zuo frowned and thought.

In his memory, in the scientific world in the previous life, there were some scientists who divided the world into two parts.

One is the world of things in themselves, and the other is the world of phenomena.

There is only objective matter in the world of things-in-itself.

The phenomenal world is the world composed of human sensory information.


A plate of braised pork.

The color of braised pork is the product of vision processing of the wavelength of electromagnetic waves.

Fragrance is the feeling after the sense of smell processes the movement of molecules.

Taste is produced by taste receptor cells after recognizing signaling proteins, and then transmitted to the brain via the nervous system. It is essentially an electrical signal.

The temperature of braised pork is a sensory reflection of the intensity of molecular movement.

The color, aroma and taste of braised pork all belong to the realm of phenomena and are processed by human senses.

Without any sensory processing, humans can never know what the purest and most material braised pork looks like, because humans cannot exist without the senses. Even the results of scientific research need to be viewed with the naked eye.

Therefore, in theory, as long as the operating mechanism of the senses is changed and sensory deception is achieved, a person can have a new understanding of the world.

Psychic magic can do just that.

(Note: Extended reading: String theory, this subject is difficult to understand because it studies the world of things in themselves, not the world of phenomena. It is difficult to directly connect the theoretical content with the phenomena seen in reality.)

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