Xia Zuo and Rexor were in the woods by the lake, preparing for the blood element servants to enter the church of strange demons.

Xia Zuo asked the bald man to take out 5 red beads containing bloodline marks and crush them, releasing the hematin servants in the beads.

He brought these five hemogen servants together, but did not let them merge into one.

After finding the knock on [Vitality Recycling], Xia Zuo developed a good habit:

If something can be solved with multiple hemonic servants, don’t use just one hemonic servant!

In order to better recycle vitality and increase the vitality attribute value more efficiently, Xia Zuo has designed a unique composite hematin servant in the past few days.

3 hematin servants can form a solid equilateral triangle. This is a group of hematin servants, which can also be called a vitality recovery unit.

On the basis of an equilateral triangle, every time a hemogen servant is added to it, 1 to 3 more triangles will be constructed.

The 4 hematin servants correspond to the regular tetrahedron.

The 5 hematin servants are a hexahedron with six sides, all of which are regular triangles.

By analogy, it can be superimposed infinitely, and after each superposition, the new structure formed is a triangle with a stable structure.

This kind of composite hemogen servant with a triangular shape all over the body is particularly suitable for strengthening defense capabilities and becoming a container for important props.

The five hematin servants that Xia Zuo asked Rexor to release formed a hexahedron shape.

After the hemogen servant was finalized, Rexall tried his best and used his pitiful spiritual energy to weave a spiritual sigil, placed it in the center of the hexahedron, and at the same time warned:

"Don't let your hemogen servant activate it now. Once the spiritual sigil takes effect, it will immediately change the perception of this hemogen servant, and you will find that everything around you is different from before. According to my personal Speaking from experience, the distorted senses will make you dizzy and nauseated, and it won’t get better until you enter the flesh wall.”

"Okay." Xia Zuo responded with a red line extending from the hexahedron.

"Do we need to find a higher place? This way you can be closer to the bottom of the flesh wall." Rexor looked around and pointed to a low mountain not far away.

Xia Zuo thought for a while and said, "No need, I will directly control this hemogen servant to fly up. When I set off, you will go find Seritus and the others. If I alert the strange demon behind the flesh wall, I will This hemogen servant will be dismissed immediately, and then he will notify you using the red vest you are wearing."

"Okay, be careful along the way, Xia Zuo." Rexor solemnly warned, "As soon as you feel that something is wrong, you must evacuate in time. Don't let the strange demon church trap your blood servants, they may analyze Take out your bloodline mark and release a bloodline curse on you."

"No problem, just wait for my news."

Xia Zuo shrunk the hemogen servant, rolled it on the mud floor, and covered it with a layer of black mud. The effect of this disguise may not be very good, but it is better than nothing.

The hemogen servant disguised as a small piece of mud drove up into the sky.

Today's Xia Zuo, both in terms of blood volume and control over the hematin servants, is far better than before.

It is no longer difficult to control the hemogen servant to rise straight through the dark clouds.

Rexor, who was on the ground, looked away from the small piece of mud that disappeared into the clouds, turned around, picked up his backpack, and walked towards the nearest city.

About twenty or thirty minutes later, Xia Zuo's blood element servant flew out from the dark clouds and saw the wall of flesh hanging above his head.

Facing the flesh wall covered with blood vessels, villi, and lumps, Xia Zuo simply asked the hematin servant to digest the soul sigil and activate the sensory distortion spell inside the sigil.

A golden finger message appeared in Xia Zuo's mind:

"It has been detected that the host's hemogen servants No. 42 to 46 are being affected by the spiritual sigil, and the following effects are expected to occur:

"[Sensory Distortion]: The observation results of the surrounding things will be distorted, which may lead to the inability to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy and the inability to correctly recognize objective things.

"After the above effects take effect, the screen where the hematin servants No. 42 to 46 are delivered will change. Are you sure to use the spiritual sigil?"

"Confirm." Xia Zuo muttered silently.

The spiritual sigils woven by Rexor melted like ice cubes placed in boiling hot water, infiltrating every hematin servant.

The flesh wall from the perspective of the hemogen servant changed instantly.

The disgusting appearance of the flesh wall no longer exists, and the white floor base filled with a holy atmosphere appears in front of you. The thick blood vessels on the surface of the flesh wall turned into glass pipes flowing with clear water on the base, the dense fuzz became the roots of plants, and the ugly lumps became the foundation of some kind of building.

The flesh wall turned into a city in the sky suspended above the clouds.

Xia Zuo rubbed his eyes and looked at the changes in front of him in disbelief.

Looking at the dark clouds at this time, you will find that they have turned into a vast sea of ​​clouds as pure as snow, no longer as dark and oppressive as before.

"It's really awesome... sensory distortion can actually achieve this kind of effect." Xia Zuo felt it in the alchemy room, and at the same time secretly reminded himself in his heart that all of this was fake and the result of sensory distortion. It is not real, and you must not be deceived by the illusion in front of you.

He calmed down and controlled the blood element servant to fly upward against the light emanating from the white floor.

Soon, the hematin servant arrived two or three meters from the bottom of the floor.

Now it's time to find the way in.

According to Rexall, the interior of the flesh wall is a series of intestinal cavities similar to corridors, which are the passages for the strange demons to move quickly in the headquarters. On the flesh wall, there will be a honeycomb-like skin pattern, which is the ventilation opening of the intestinal cavity. Hemogen servants can fly in through these vents.

When the hematin servant searched for the ventilation vent, he deliberately avoided the slender "roots" hanging from the flesh wall. Xia Zuo did not forget what these things were...

After groping for a few minutes, Xia Zuo found a vent and controlled the hemogen servant to fly in.

After passing through a circular passage paved with white tiles, the hematin servant entered an exquisite corridor filled with flowers, sculptures, and paintings.

There is a skylight on the ceiling that extends to the end of the corridor, and bright sunlight illuminates every corner of the corridor.

On the walls on both sides of the corridor, there is a speaker-like speaker every ten meters, playing gentle music in a loop, and pious voices are praising a certain existence:

“Who can tell where the road to [eternal life] leads,

“Where do [the years] go as they pass by?

“Only you, Vasaksat.

"Who can tell the [growth] of all things?

"Is it as you wish?

“Only you, Vasaksat.


"The end of time is coming quietly, and we welcome you, Vasaksat."

(Note: I used "[]" to mark the details for everyone.)

Xia Zuo listened for a moment, and a not-so-good idea came to his mind.

He had heard the name Vasaksat from Kristó.

The starry sky demon army that is invading the planet below is none other than the Vasaksat Vanguard Army.

It is conceivable that Vasaksat is the leader of the entire legion.

When I think about it, the Strange Demon Church has gathered all the strange demons, and they are all huddled in the headquarters, completely indifferent to the situation on the ground...

Could it be that... Vasaksat has arrived at the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church? !

All the strange demons are grandly receiving Vasaksat somewhere in the church headquarters! ?

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