Xia Zuo forced himself to calm down.

He knew that he was getting closer to the truth, but he did not forget that he was at the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church. He always kept in mind that the magnificent scene and peaceful atmosphere in front of him were the product of distorted senses.

The Hematin Servant wandered around the vent for a while, and after confirming that there were no guards or surveillance tools in the corridor, he cautiously floated out and searched for interrogation rooms, prisons, and other rooms where "Lone Peak" might be held amidst the sound of music.

Except for a few people in the temple, almost no one knows the layout of the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church.

The insiders are all high-level codebreakers in the codebreaker hall, and there are three people in total.

Rexall introduced them as converted demons, the kind of special humans who were originally demons, but after being inspired by the temple, they were reborn as humanoid creatures.

Generally speaking, there is only one way for strange demons to fall into the hands of the temple.

But there are a few strange demons who hold high positions in the church, and they still have some value in recruiting them.

For example, Kadum, who has octopus-shaped ears, was once the chief clerk of the warden of the Strange Demon Church, responsible for compiling and managing trial drafts, arrest warrants and other punishment-related documents.

Kadum originally had a high status in the Church of Strange Demons, but due to the strict management of the church, he had never left the prison office and knew nothing about the layout of the headquarters.

However, he recorded the conditions in the church prison.

Information such as the prison guard's shift change time, the composition of the guard team, the prison's passageways, etc., he handed over to the temple in its entirety - the way he handed it over was to let the person in charge of persuading surrender read the memory.

If after so many years, the Church of Strange Demons had not decorated the headquarters, it is unlikely that the layout of the prison would have changed. Because the enemies locked up in this place need to be watched closely at all times, and decoration will only add to the chaos.

Xia Zuo's destination was a room with an obelisk at the door.

The obelisk will record the name and crime of the person being judged in the words of the Church of Strange Demons.

The punishment for traitors in the Church of Strange Demons is obelisk torture - the executioner lifts the prisoner, keeps him in a supine position, and then presses him onto the obelisk to expose the sharp corners and sharp edges of the stone. Penetrating the prisoner's abdomen. The blood will flow along the blood groove, through the lines on the stone tablet, and finally drip into the sewer.

The surface of the stone stele, which has been soaked in blood for many years, is covered with blood stains. On the base of the stele, there are blood streaks formed by the condensation of dried blood, extending from the edge of the base to the mouth of the sewer pipe.

But if it is reflected in the distorted senses, you will see another picture:

A bright beam of light shines from the ceiling, and the bright sunlight reflects on the stone tablet full of words. The reflected light falls on the surrounding smooth stone walls, reflecting the words on the stone tablet on the wall.

This is a holy place of judgment.

The prisoner who died on the obelisk would curl up in a peaceful posture, hugging the tip of the obelisk passing through his abdomen, and sleep like a soft pillow.

It is conceivable that when his body withers and his arms are no longer able to maintain their current posture, his corpse will spread out its limbs like a blooming flower.

When Xia Zuo saw this scene, he knew he was late.

Although Xia Zuo has never seen the appearance of "Lone Peak", he doesn't know how "Lone Peak" steals information, let alone how "Lone Peak" contacts the temple and cooperates with Rexall, but he can Here in human form, the only people who are tried and punished for rebellion are "Gufeng".

The Strange Demon Church executed "Lone Peak" simply.

Based on his professional experience, Xia Zuo determined that "Gu Feng" died 10 to 15 days ago, that is, within one or two days after he delivered the intelligence container, he was sentenced to death.

Xia Zuo sat in the alchemy room, looking at the scene of the blood element servants in front of him, bowing slightly and saluting, paying tribute to the hero who sacrificed his life for the temple.

Xia Zuo brought up Rexor's perspective.

The bald man was currently driving a "borrowed" mountain bike on a muddy mountain road.

Xia Zuo controlled the red vest and used a bright red thread to describe to Rexor what he saw in the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church.

After Rexor saw the words outlined in red lines in front of him, he slammed the brakes with both hands. The mountain bike left two long tire tracks on the dirt road.

"Hey" Rexor sighed, his face full of fatigue, and his bald head seemed to have many more wrinkles.

"We...failed..." Rexor took out the wine bottle, took a few swigs, sat on the car mat, looked up at the sky, and closed his bloodshot eyes.

Xia Zuo believed that the strong bald man could survive. He gave up his words of comfort and wrote in red lines:

"It's not that there is no gain at all. At least we know that the bone sac inventory at the headquarters of the Yiju Group has been swept away by the Yimo Church. Moreover, I found that the major events being prepared by the Yimo Church may be related to Vasaksat."

Rexor heard the red thread twitching rapidly in the air, turning into the swishing sound of words.

He opened his eyes and read the text in front of him, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, "Wasaksat... this starry sky demon that we have only heard of the name but never seen face to face has actually arrived. Church?! How did it come from? The starry sky junction above the Eastern Continent has never been breached..."

"I'm not sure if Wasaksat has arrived," Shazo wrote. "It may be on the way, or it may be at the door."

Rexor thought for a while, put away the wine bottle, and held the handle of the car with both hands, "I have to join Seritus and the others as soon as possible. When I return to the temple, I will propose to the two temple meetings to enter a state of all-out war! Xia Zo, go find Kristo and tell Kristo about Vasaksat's possible appearance at the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church, as well as the fall of 'Lone Peak', and ask her to inform the important officials of the two palaces. "

"Okay, I'll go right away." Xia Zuo just wanted to get up, then sat back in his seat, and then wrote:

"I plan to use the hemogen servants to go deep into the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church and continue to spy on intelligence."

"No, Xia Zuo, this is too dangerous." Rexor said solemnly, "You are the only pure-blood mage in the temple who has not been mastered by the strange demon church. We have lost the 'Lone Peak'. We can no longer let you put yourself in danger. If the Strange Demon Church gets your bloodline, they will soon deconstruct the blood magic principle of the hemogen servants and fill the vacancy of blood magic caused by the lack of Shangquan's bloodline."

[After Rexor finished speaking, he didn’t know what he thought of, and a trace of confusion flashed across his face, but it quickly dissipated. 】

"Master, you should aim to become a hero in life, and after death, you should be a hero among the dead." Xia Zuo translated the classic sentences from the previous life and continued:

"The fearless spirit of Lone Peak inspires me. Although I don't know his past deeds or how he became a strange demon, this does not prevent me from using him as a role model."

Xia Zuo looked at the silent Rexor and continued:

"Besides, think about it. As long as I go deeper, I might be able to see what the Strange Demon Church is doing with the bone sacs, right? Maybe, a complete troop deployment plan is on the table in the corner. . The price I have to pay is very small compared to the risks I have taken and the results we have achieved. At worst, I will stay in the temple for the rest of my life and never go anywhere."

"Xia Zuo..." Rexor took a deep breath and said slowly in the breeze of riding, "Okay, go ahead. But you have to promise me, no matter what you see or hear, you won't go deep. Think about its meaning and simply record it. Don’t be seduced by distorted senses and the words of strange demons.”

"I promise you." Xia Zuo nodded, "I have a hunch that even if Vasaksat stands in front of me, I will not be affected by it."

Xia Zuo stood up, walked to the door, and went to explain the situation to Cristo.

Rexor tightened his grip on the accelerator. The roar of mountain bikes echoed in the mountains and forests, disappearing in the splashing muddy water.

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