While Rexor was rushing to the west of the Forbidden Magic Field, Xia Zuo was exploring the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church bit by bit.

In addition to Kadum, the people in the temple who control the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church also have two other high-level codebreakers - Magolan and Kirk.

Magalan comes from the breeding area of ​​the church headquarters, and Kirk is the supervisor of the reptile area.

When the two were still strange demons, their movement range in the church headquarters was much larger than that of Kadum.

Margolan is responsible for making and transporting feed, regularly cleaning the livestock sheds, and conducting regular physical examinations for the livestock.

The reptilian species area under Kirk's control, together with the four areas of aquatic species, flying species, amphibian species, and subterranean species, together form the biological domestication area of ​​the church headquarters.

Magalan and Kirk each contributed all their memories and provided the temple with a small portion of the map of the Strange Demon Church.

Starting from the obelisk where "Lone Peak" died tragically, walk straight forward along the widest corridor. Whenever you see an upward staircase, go up and check it out.

If after climbing the stairs you find that the door to the room on the upper floor is arched and there is a number plate with an animal pattern hanging at the door, you are close to the biological domestication area.

If there is a license plate with a stone mortar pattern on it, it is either in the pharmaceutical area or near the breeding area.

The abstract map route caused Xia Zuo's hemogen servants to get confused while walking in the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church...

Xia Zuo had to find paper and pen from the desk in the alchemy room and temporarily draw a map of the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church.

In order to prevent the hemogen servant from getting lost, Xia Zuo used tiny blood dots to leave notes on the wall to prevent himself from spinning in circles.

At the same time, he can also more accurately measure the area, room size and building structure of the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church by sensing the distance and direction of the blood spots.

About five hours later, when Rexall was on his way on his "borrowed" mountain bike, there were dozens of hand-drawn maps filled with route maps on the desk in front of Xia Zuo.

Xia Zuo discovered a strange place.

When Rexor and Cerites climbed to the highest peak of the Morgus Mountains, Xia Zuo saw the wall of flesh covering the entire sky through the perspective of the hemogen servant.

Note that it covers the entire sky.

Above the head, wherever the eye can see, there is no blue sky, sunshine or white clouds, only the flesh wall.

In other words, the area of ​​the flesh wall will be at least one million square kilometers.

This is the result of visual observation with the naked eye.

However, after Xia Zuo measured the church headquarters above the flesh wall, he discovered that the headquarters only covers an area of ​​20,000 to 30,000 square meters at most, which is about the size of 30 to 40 football fields put together.

The data obtained after this field measurement is far from the data obtained by observing the flesh wall with the naked eye. The former is only about 1/3333 of the latter.

Why is this?

Xia Zuo frowned and said nothing, puzzled.

He asked the question to the bald man who was riding.

After reading the red-lined text in front of him, Rexor speculated:

"I guess it's because of [plane projection]. The headquarters of the Strange Demon Church may be located at the junction of the natural world and the darkroom plane. The church headquarters uses the [proportional reduction characteristic] between the sub-plane and the natural world to reduce the flesh wall The area is expanded thousands of times and projected into nature."

The relationship between nature and the secondary plane can be understood as two perfect circles nested together with overlapping centers.

The larger perfect circle is the natural world, and the smaller circle is the secondary plane.

Assume that we take a sector-shaped interval with a center angle of 30 degrees on each of the two perfect circles.

Since the perfect circle in nature has a longer radius, while the radius of the perfect circle in the secondary plane is smaller, when the circular angle is the same, the side lengths and areas of the two sector-shaped intervals are different.

It is obvious that the smaller the radius of the perfect circle in the secondary plane, the shorter the side length of the sector-shaped interval of this perfect circle, and the greater the gap between it and the perfect circular sector in nature.

This is the [proportional reduction characteristic] of the secondary plane.

To expand a bit, you might as well think about a question:

Why can teleportation be achieved with the help of sub-planes?

Take two overlapping perfect circles as an example.

Although the two perfect circles are different in size, when a straight line is drawn from the center of the circle to the edge of the two circles, this straight line must have an intersection with both circles.

Any space coordinate in the sub-plane corresponds to a space coordinate in nature.

This is the [one-to-one correspondence characteristic of space coordinates] of the sub-plane.

Putting the above two characteristics together, you can achieve the teleportation effect of moving 1 meter in the secondary plane and easily spanning thousands of meters in nature.

Xia Zuo learned this knowledge about the secondary plane from Beatrice when he first became an official mage.

So once Rexor reminded him, Xia Zuo immediately felt that Bald's explanation made sense.

Rexor glanced at the red-lined text in front of him again and asked, "Have you visited the lowest floors of the church headquarters?"

"Yes." Xia Zuo nodded and manipulated the red line to respond to the other party, "Except for the doors that cannot be opened, I basically recorded the layout of the rooms on the first and second floors above the flesh wall."

"Didn't you encounter any strange demons?" Rexor was confused. "Kadum said that there will be shadow demons squatting in every corner of the church headquarters. You haven't seen any?"

"That's right." Xia Zuo replied.

"This is really evil." Rexor thought for a moment and asked, "Then did you hear any sounds? A slight shaking sound or the sound of moving things?"

"No." Xia Zuo glanced at the perspective of the hematin servant, and then said to the bald head, "Except for the singing of praise for Vasaksat, there was no sound."

"Singing..." Rexor thought for a few seconds, "Wait, I seem to have overlooked one thing."

He stopped the mountain bike, raised his head in thought for nearly a minute, then clapped his hands and said:

"I remembered! This song is not a recording from the alchemy device, but is sung by church members when they pray. It is transmitted to the corridors and rooms of the church headquarters through the pipes in the wall and the speakers on the wall. In More than once in Kadum’s memory, I saw him complaining that the singing of prayers disturbed his lunch break.”

Xia Zuo controlled the hemogen servant to approach the wall, and approached the horn on the wall to take a look. He heard the faint sound of wind in the singing.

"Then what should I do now?" Xia Zuo asked, "Do you want the hematin servants to get into the speakers and find the singing church members along the pipes?"

"No." Rexor shook his head. "I think you can use these pipes and speakers to quickly reach each room and directly search for those rooms with closed doors that seem to contain important information. The only thing you need to worry about is Yes, if there is a strange demon lurking in the loudspeaker, your hematin servants may have no way to escape."

"Yes..." Xia Zuo slapped his palm, "I can indeed do that."

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