Despite the risks of getting into the speaker, Xia Zuo decided to give it a try.

After Rexor set off again, Xia Zuo controlled the hemogen servant to fly into the speaker and groped forward in the dark pipe.

When you are in the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church and there is no light at all, most mages may be blinded because they cannot cast [Light Spell] to illuminate the environment around the hemogen servants, and they cannot see the reference objects. Unable to tell whether his servant is moving forward,

Xia Zuo thought of a way.

He activated the [Time Sand Vision] and used the regularly distributed sand of time to locate the current location of the hemogen servant.

The golden light of the Sands of Time cannot illuminate the environment.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as you always pay attention to the changes in the spatial coordinates on the Sands of Time, you can determine whether there is a pipe blocking the way in front of the Hemogen Servant, and whether it is continuing to move forward.

Xia Zuo compared the hand-drawn map in front of him and controlled the hematin servant to go to the next room, which might be the data room of the breeding area.

A ray of light loomed not far in front of the hematin servant.

The hematin servant accelerated and flew over, passed through the round bell mouth, and entered a room with a closed door and filled with all kinds of cloth, wood and sundries.

"It turns out it's not a reference room. I guessed it wrong." Xia Zuo picked up the pen and wrote the words "sundry warehouse" on the corresponding room on the hand-drawn map.

Rexall's idea works, and the hemonic servants can indeed enter closed rooms through speakers and pipes.

Xia Zuo controlled the hemogen servant to fly back to the prison area and got into the horn next to the obelisk.

The hematin servant successfully entered the prison.

The place is still empty.

The cage behind the bars was empty, as were the other rooms.

Fortunately, it is not without gain.

In a room that looked like an archive room, Xia Zuo saw books placed on a skeleton shelf.

Unfortunately, the text on the scroll was very unfamiliar and Xia Zuo could not understand it.

Taking into account the tight time limit, Xia Zuo had no choice but to give up searching for files related to "Lone Peak".

The hematin servants walked along the corridor and stairs to the third floor above the flesh wall.

This floor seems to be a dormitory.

Xia Zuo saw a lot of bone furniture that had the appearance of a bed.

One floor up, um... it seems to be a place for classes? ?

Xia Zuo is not sure.

Here he found a room with small round pits. Directly in front of these small round pits was a much larger round pit, with a classroom seat and a podium between them.

Go up one more level and come to the fifth floor above the flesh wall.

The sound from the speakers was louder.

When the hematin servant was flying in the pipe, he could already feel the vibration of the pipe wall caused by the singing.

This floor has become the focus of Xia Zuo's search.

Because he saw the alchemy sand table and three-dimensional map in a large room with a vast area similar to a conference hall.

Xia Zuo thought he had found such crucial departments as the General Staff and Combat Command...

But when he walked into another room with the same specifications and layout, Xia Zuo knew that he had guessed wrong.

This floor is more like a classroom, where combat knowledge is imparted.

What is the fourth floor for?

Can't understand

Xia Zuo felt like a person who accidentally landed in a foreign country. Everything he saw was extremely unfamiliar and he could only use his past experiences to make assumptions.

He conveyed all the scenes he saw to Rexor.

The bald man was as confused as he was.

Xia Zuo suggested, "How about asking Kadum to help me. I will write out the words I see, and Kadum will translate them into the common language of the temple."

Rexall slowed down the speed of his motorcycle, avoiding tree branches and pits on the ground, and said thoughtfully:

"Have you checked the scroll? Are there any weird spells or tricks on it?"

"Probably not..." Xia Zuo carefully observed the perspective of the hematin servants. "They look similar to ordinary sheepskin rolls, but the material is very strange. They don't look like sheepskin. They should be the skin of some kind of monster."

Rexor hesitated, "First write down all the words you can see with the most ordinary ink, and give them to Kristo, and she will help run errands to the decipherer's hall so that Kadum can decipher them as soon as possible. come out."

"Okay." Xia Zuo nodded, found a blank notepad, and wrote a few pages with his silver sand palm.

He also wrote down the house number patterns he saw on other floors.

After handing the notepad to Cristo, Xia Zuo continued to explore the church headquarters.

About half an hour later, Kristo came back.

She walked into Xia Zuo's alchemy room, put her notepad on the desk, and said solemnly:

"Kadum has translated the church's text. You guessed it right. Those rooms with the alchemy sand table and map are the classrooms in the church of strange demons. They are imparting knowledge about sneaking into the temple territory and teaching the strange demons. How to find people with a specific bloodline, how to infuse the target with bloodline-stimulating potion, and how to fight against the temple’s guard team.”

Kristo opened the notepad and clicked her fingertips on one of the pages, "Kadum said that these rooms with small round pits are the strange devil incubation rooms in the strange devil church. The number on the door is Patterns represent the type of monsters hatched. Which pattern do you see more?"

Xia Zuo glanced at the translation on the page, "There are more patterns on mixed-blood mages. I saw almost no patterns on other strange demons along the way. And most of the incubation rooms seem to be newly built, and the facilities inside are very new. There are no Signs of use.”

"This is consistent with the content of the scroll you saw in the classroom." Kristo turned the pages of the book. "The lesson plan in the classroom states that the Church of Strange Demons is planning to incubate hybrid mages on an unprecedented scale and use them to Sent to the front line. The 'unprecedented scale' here should be related to the 1.12 million bone sacs. And the word 'front line', I guess, is not the front line of sneaking into the temple territory, but the front line of a full-scale war. What exactly is it? Yes, you still need to record more words on the scroll."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Xia Zuo closed his eyes and focused his attention on the perspective of the blood element servant.

The hematin servant stretched out a slender red silk thread, gently lifted a scroll and placed it on the open space next to it, and unfolded the scroll with the gentlest force.

At the same time, Xia Zuo kept his eyes closed, controlled the silver sand palm next to him, and quickly wrote down lines of strange words on the notepad.

There were no strange demons to interrupt the quiet deciphering work.

In a relatively quiet environment, the hematin servant opened dozens of parchments and presented the contents to his master.

Kristo went back and forth between the secret room and the Hall of Deciphers, and handed the notepad filled with strange demonic words to Kadum.

Most of the day passed like this, and Kadum's translations were all piled on Xia Zuo's desk.

The translated content... made Xia Zuo confused and shocked, while Kristo had a sad face.

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