My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 343 Wide area recovery of vitality (2 in 1)

Rexor squeezed the brake handle, slightly reduced the speed and said:

"You haven't learned psychic magic yet, right? This genre has its own system and has many functions. However, because it is hidden and dangerous, it has not been fully disclosed to the members of the temple."

Xia Zuo responded with a red line, "Yes. I only heard about the [Mind Sharpening] spell from Master Adanawados before I learned meditation."

"[Mind sharpening] is one of the three basic psychic spells that are necessary when learning psychic spells." Rexall introduced:

“The other two are [Psychicism] and [Psychic Sigil].

"[Psychicism] is used to examine your own mind. It can tell you what your own preferences are, what you hate, what habits you have, what your beliefs and self-concepts are, and a series of things you do in general situations. [Personality traits] that the next person will not be aware of.

"In the spiritual school, these [personality characteristics] that will subtly affect your decisions are called [spiritual traits] and are the most important part of a person's personality structure." (Note: Extended reading: Personality The psychological term "root trait".)

Rexor continued:

“Just like the flesh wall.

“It’s dirty and evil, but it’s for us humans.

“In the eyes of the strange demon, it is a sacred existence.

"The soul sigil I made can change the [self-positioning] in the [psychic trait] from [human] to [devil]. In this way, the hematin servant will no longer be confused when receiving information from the outside world. Judge them from a [human] perspective, but look at them from a [devil] perspective.”

Xia Zuo understood.

In the previous life, as a keyboard warrior who loved to browse DY and watch short videos, it was normal to understand some cutting-edge technology, abstract psychology and philosophical knowledge.

He quickly caught up with Rexor's thoughts and asked, "In this case, the object of worship of the alien demon should be an extremely noble existence from the perspective of a blood servant. My blood servant After seeing the object of worship of the strange demon, will it be disturbed? Or even out of my control? "

"No, it won't." Rexor said firmly:

"[Psychic Sigil] can tamper with the upper limit of [Emotional Strength].

"On the spiritual talisman I created, the upper limit of the emotional intensity of extreme emotions such as [reverence] and [fanaticism] is only one percent of normal conditions.

"Even if your hemogen servant faces the object of alien worship, it will only produce simple sighs such as 'Wow, so spectacular' or 'Wow, so tall'. It is basically impossible for the hemogen servant to lose control."

Xia Zuo nodded, "Then I'm relieved. The [Soul Seal] spell sounds very useful. Can it help the caster restrain fear?"

"Yes." Rexor said, "In fact, every member of the Temple Army has mastered this spell. The same is true for the Demon Hunting School. Many times, we have to go deep into the depths of the strange demon lair, but You cannot tamper with the [Self-positioning] in [Psychic Traits], otherwise accidental injuries will occur. At this time, adjusting the upper limit of the intensity of negative emotions such as [Fear] and [Chorus] to [None] is the best emergency method."

"Well~ when this mission is over, I will exchange for the magic book and study it." Xia Zuo said, "Then I will go and see what the objects of the strange demon worship are, and then I will look for the forbidden magic field generator."

"Waiting for your good news." Rexor tightened the accelerator and accelerated the car.

Xia Zuo took a deep breath, controlled the hematin servant to climb over the thick energy pipe, came to the other side of the pipe, and looked at the center of the large square.

A big question mark appeared in Xia Zuo's mind.

He actually saw a...huge blood vessel?

Yes, the demons were worshiping a shriveled brown vein that looked like a squashed rubber hose.

This blood vessel is suspended more than 20 meters above the ground, and is about 15 meters long from beginning to end. It enjoys the worship of various demons in a lying posture. Its body is filled with energy tubes, and countless energies are being continuously fed to it. The thick energy pipes around the hematin servants also lead there.

The hymns of the strange demons are repeated over and over again.

Every time after singing it once, a strange green light group will appear around the shriveled blood vessels. The shriveled blood vessels squirmed slightly, sucking all the green light into the body. Its brown surface swelled slightly, and then collapsed.

When Xia Zuo saw this scene, his expression became very strange

Isn't this tender green light group the vitality that drifts into nature after death? ?

Are shriveled blood vessels absorbing the vitality of nature?

"Oh! I remembered it!" Xia Zuo clapped his hands and suddenly realized.

When the infiltration team disguised as gunmen killed the tree-shaped monster, he discovered that something was very wrong!

The life force light group that escaped after the death of the tree-shaped monster flew into the sky obviously too fast.

Xia Zuo recalled the scene of hunting monsters in the frozen snowfield.

He could be sure that whether it was a caveman, a snow monster, or a giant frost dragon, the life force light group after their death flew into the sky at an extremely slow speed.

Now seeing the scene of shriveled blood vessels absorbing the life force light group, Xia Zuo immediately realized the reason why the light group was extremely fast.

There is a fact before Xia Zuo:

In addition to his [Vitality Recycling] talent, shriveled blood vessels can also affect the vitality light group.

Judging from the results of visual inspection, the efficiency of shriveled blood vessels in absorbing the vitality light group is far higher than that of level 30 [Vitality Recycling].

How much higher will it be specifically... Xia Zuo felt a little annoyed, rubbed his brow a few times, and used the detection technique on the shriveled blood vessels.

[Name] Unknown, temporary name: shriveled blood vessel

[Type] Flesh Alchemy Product


[Quality] Broken, completeness 20%


1. Broken vitality container: It can hold 72 billion points of vitality, and it currently holds 380,000 points. The more vitality it can accommodate, the higher the integrity, and the upper limit of accommodation will increase accordingly.

2. Wide-area vitality recovery: Continuously inject abilities to recharge. The charging progress is currently 82%, and it can automatically recycle all life force light groups within a radius of 820 kilometers. It is expected to be fully charged in 36 hours.

3. Deliver vitality: It can deliver vitality to the designated target.

4. Forced piety halo: Forces designated targets within a range of three thousand meters to create extreme feelings of worship for them.

5. Vitality conversion device: The worshiper's devout faith is used as the main energy source of the device, and any other energy can also be used as auxiliary energy.

Prediction: The vitality conversion device will convert the power of faith into vitality at a ratio of 10:1. Convert auxiliary energy into vitality at a rate of 100:1 or lower.

6. The Controller's Mark: It will only be controlled by the person who holds the Controller's Mark. The holder of the brand is immune to the aura of forced piety and can freely mobilize the vitality stored in the container.

The remaining properties are unknown.

Damn it, it can store 72 billion points of vitality.

Xia Zuo covered his face and said in his heart, "F*ck"

This is the effect when the [Quality] is Broken and the integrity is only 20%.

If the integrity reaches 100%... can the energy capacity of shriveled blood vessels reach 360 billion points?

So how fast can it regenerate blood?

Xia Zuo did the calculations based on his character template.

With 360 billion points of vitality, the blood regeneration speed is 360 billion points/hour, which corresponds to 100 million points per second.


The blood regeneration speed is 100 million points faster?

If Xia Zuo could have this kind of blood speed, and use it with [Blood Sacrifice Casting], he would probably be able to reach the temple in seconds.

"That's outrageous." Xia Zuo rubbed his face a few times and quickly calmed down.

He adjusted the perspective of the bald head and told the other party what he had discovered.

Xia Zuo did not disclose the existence of the life force light group.

He just mentioned that the energy hub at the church headquarters was supplying energy to the dry blood vessels. At the same time, every time the hymn song was sung, the dry blood vessels would become more alive. This was used to hint to the bald head that the shriveled blood vessels were slowly reviving in some way.

After reading the description of the red line, Rexall pondered for a few seconds, then his expression changed drastically, and he said in a solemn tone:

"Although I don't know what that shriveled blood vessel is, I probably have an idea of ​​what the Strange Demon Church is going to do.

“They are preparing for the mass production of strange demons.

"Using transformation rituals to transform humans into the lowest level of strange demons, and then letting them devour the same kind and improve their own level is just a common practice with slow progress.

"If the Strange Demon Church wants to create 1.12 million strange demons in a short period of time, it will obviously not use such a slow method."

Xia Zuo felt bad, "What other way is there?"

"If I deduce correctly, the shriveled blood vessel should be an evil device that converts various energies into vitality. The Strange Demon Church encourages all members to dedicate their faith to it, which can accelerate its accumulation of vitality. Speed. Then, the strange demons inject the accumulated vitality into the strange demon incubation room to forcibly give birth to new strange demons."

Rexor slowly exhaled and said in a muffled voice, "When spawning strange demons, this approach will waste at least one-third of the vitality in the process of converting the vitality into blood patterns. This is hunting demons. The school of thought came to precise conclusions after in-depth observation of the hatching of strange demons...but I always feel that something is wrong."

Rexor said while thinking:

"I originally thought that the alien demons would adopt a strategy of fighting to support war. After they used bone capsules to transform a batch of alien demons, they would throw these alien demons into the battlefield, harvest the vitality of living creatures, and supply it to the incubation room at the rear. Finally, Forming a wave of offensive momentum.

"But they have adopted another strategy at this time - using the method of infusing life force to induce strange demons... Aren't they worried about wasting life force?"

Xia Zuo knows the answer.

Characteristic 2 of shriveled blood vessels [wide-area vitality recovery] can perfectly solve the phenomenon of wastage of vitality.

But he couldn't tell... After all, in Rexor's eyes, he didn't have a powerful detection spell and couldn't explain how he knew this feature.

Fortunately, Rexor's thousands of years of life were not in vain.

He quickly came up with a guess and said with a sneer, "Ha! I remembered it. The strange demons have even invented a blood magic device that can remotely recycle the blood of the blood demon. The device that can recycle life force on a large scale is definitely not Question. Maybe that shriveled blood vessel has such an ability."

The bald man really guessed it right... Xia Zuo touched his nose...

"Then what should I do now?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Well, let me think about it." Rexor pondered for a moment and asked, "How long do you think it will take to create an army of millions of alien demons by spawning alien demons?"

Since you want to build an army, it must be based on alien demons with frontal combat capabilities.

When facing human forces, hybrid magicians, who have the ability to control life force, are the most effective.

Then there are some shadow demons to help the mixed-blood mages penetrate the defense line, some hopeless assassins to assassinate key figures on the temple side, and logistics members such as the joy commissioner who specializes in breeding strange demons.

On the premise that mixed-blood mages are the main ones, it is easy to calculate the minimum cost and time-consuming to build an army of strange demons.

Xia Zuo called up the panel data of the mixed-blood mage, and based on the vitality attribute values ​​of the converters, blood addicts and blood demons, as well as the rising speed of the vitality points in the shriveled blood vessels, he came to a rough conclusion:

It will take at least two years for the Strange Demon Church to have an army of one million people.

This is unreasonable.

Because the previously obtained information showed that Vasaksat will come to this planet in 16 months at the latest and 12 months at the earliest.

If the Strange Demon Church had taken 2 years to build an army... it might have been destroyed by the Temple long ago.

Rexall also considered this, but due to insufficient information, he did not have a good idea to explain this anomaly.

He had no choice but to say to Hongxian, "Xia Zuo, don't go looking for the generator of the forbidden magic field. Just keep an eye on the ceremony. Since the strange demons can't take care of the ground, huh, let's give them a big gift."

"Master..." Xia Zuo was slightly startled, "What do you want to do?"

Rexor sneered and said, "I am going to gather people to uproot the various strongholds of the Izhu Group and destroy the alchemy facilities of the Izhu Group that make bone capsules."

"Hiss," Xia Zuo said, "This is a war, Master. You will be surrounded and suppressed by the enemy. The battle will be very tragic..."

Xia Zuo was slightly worried.

It's not that they are worried about major battle losses on the temple side, but that the vitality of those who die in the forbidden magic field will be drained away by the shriveled blood vessels.

Rexall's idea of ​​leading people to eradicate the stronghold of the Yishu Group is tantamount to collecting life force from shriveled blood vessels. It is tantamount to increasing the enemy's strength and helping the Yishu Church speed up the process of creating an army!

He thought of the characteristic 2 of shriveled blood vessels [wide-area vitality recovery]. After continuous charging, its recovery radius will become larger and larger, eventually covering the entire forbidden magic field.

Suddenly, Xia Zuo was shocked.

Could it be that infiltrating the team fell into the trap of the Strange Demon Church? ?

The Church of Strange Demons used the hands of the temple to create massacres in the forbidden magic field. The members of the Strange Demon Church tried their best to recharge their withered blood vessels and enjoy the results, easily collecting the vitality brought by the killing and cruelty. When the time is right, the Strange Demon Church will send out troops to sweep the ground and catch all the temple members who cannot cast spells!

Xia Zuo stood up from his chair, walked around uneasily for a few times, and then thought of a way.

He wants to compare with the shriveled blood vessels!

Let’s see whose energy recovery technology is better!

Xia Zuo sat back on the chair and asked Rexor, "Master, how many manpower are needed for the plan to attack the Izhu Group's stronghold? Are there enough temple members in the forbidden magic field now?"

Rexor thought about it and said, "That's not enough. I need the support of at least 200 temple members, including at least 50 weapon alchemists. If they can use the weapons workshop in the Forbidden Magic Field to mass-produce Holy If you have firearms and protective equipment, that would be great.”

very good! .Xia Zuo clenched his fist fiercely.

When the temple reinforcements set out, they just happened to bring all his army of blood servants in to recover vitality in all directions!

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