My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 344 The Third Party (2 in 1)

Whether the red vest made by Xia Zuo can accompany the temple's reinforcements requires Rexor to apply to the temple.

Of course, the first step is to get Rexor's own approval.

When Xia Zuo proposed gathering more red vests to ensure that the reinforcement team had one manpower, and at the same time leaving 1x the inventory as a backup, Rexall agreed without much thought.

In the past month, the red vest has proven its ability to effectively protect infiltrating players with its excellent defensive performance.

Judging from the golden finger information received by Xia Zuo, the red vest has resisted 60,000 points of damage for the infiltration team, with an average of about 1,600 points per person, most of which came from penetrating injuries caused by bullets.

You must know that in this place where magic cannot be used, even the elemental body cannot be activated. The team members who are the temple mages can only protect themselves with protective gear.

The upper limit of blood volume for each of them is only 1,000 to 3,000 points.

It resists an average of 1,600 points of damage per person, which is equivalent to saving everyone's half life.

The protective effect of the red vest was obvious to all, so Rexall naturally had no reason to reject Xia Zuo.

Baldhead readily agreed to Xia Zuo's request, and when he met Seritus the day after tomorrow, he immediately started preparing a plan to wipe out the Izhu Group.

Later that day, Xia Zuo sorted out all the information he had obtained and handed it over to Kristo, and then went into the work of refining large quantities of red vests.

He called up his character template at his desk.











[Free Attribute Points] 166

I didn't get much experience in the past month, I just got a level upgrade, but my vitality attribute value experienced an explosive growth.

The vitality attribute value of up to 17,000 points gave Xia Zuo a blood regeneration speed of 17,000 points/hour and 17,000 blood streaks.

The ultra-high blood return speed provides strong support for the red vest to resist damage. Theoretically speaking, as long as the total damage suffered by the red vest within one hour does not exceed 17,000+38*20,000, that is, 777,000, no one wearing the red vest will die from excessive damage.

If he infiltrates the team members and is willing to accept Xia Zuo's blood mark, Xia Zuo is confident that everyone will be invincible, and it may not even be possible to get injured - this is the characteristic of [blood relationship], Xia Zuo Zuo can help the holder of the blood mark heal by conveying vitality.

A pure-blood mage with ultra-high vitality attribute value + a bug-like bloodline mark characteristic. Is this an extremely powerful auxiliary combination?


Xia Zuo himself realized it.

But he was not happy that he had such a strong power.

The reason is simple.

The intelligence obtained from the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church shows that Black Flag intends to join the temple with an innocent identity and seek the status of an important member of the temple.

Xia Zuo has determined that he is inseparable from Black Flag, and it is even possible that Goldfinger is Black Flag.

Why do you say that?

Because Black Flag named this plan [Candied Poison Pill].

"Preserves" refers to what Black Flag will do, which is very beneficial to the temple. It can induce the temple to tilt resources to him, and his prestige and status will be indestructible.

"Poison pill" refers to betrayal that takes the fuel out of the cauldron.

Just imagine, when Xia Zuo produced thousands of red vests and distributed them to the temple army, Goldfinger suddenly turned against him, took back Xia Zuo's blood magic authority, and used the red vests to massacre the temple army. At this time, what should Xia Zuo do?

This is not Xia Zuo's wild speculation.

He has evidence, logic, and speculation.

Does Black Flag know about the thorns of punishment?

He must have known.

So how should he respond?

Of course, after completely stripping away the memory of being a strange demon, this part of the memory is hidden in a place that is "hidden and can be used at any time".

So where is it hidden?

Not any part of the body can be detected, and Thorns of Sin can easily detect it.

Can the spirit body do that?

Maybe not. The spirit body is golden-white from top to bottom, and any abnormality cannot escape the eyes of onlookers. What's more, the temple now controls the shrine and can examine a person's body without their knowledge. spirit body without attracting the target.

If the physical body can’t do it, and the spiritual body can’t do it, then where else can it go?

Spiritual thread!

The spiritual thread hiding the golden finger!

The golden finger is something that can fully scan Xia Zuo's consciousness and thinking.

No matter what Xia Zuo sees, hears, or thinks about, Gold Finger will silently observe from the sidelines and send out the message "Host detected".

If one day, Xia Zuo hears some kind of [Awakening Secret Order], and Golden Finger immediately scans the secret order, and infuses Xia Zuo with the memory and personality of the strange demon from the spiritual thread, what will be the ending of Xia Zuo?

It is obvious that he cannot resist the powerful power brought by Golden Finger. It is difficult for him to refuse such a power to leave him, and he cannot bear the great changes in his life. likely to slip into depravity.

All signs indicate that the existence of Goldfinger is probably not the "loyal system" or "a plug-in completely controlled by oneself" as Xia Zuo expected, but "an evil contract that consumes money first and repays the price later."

These thoughts and conjectures made Xia Zuo feel uneasy.

But he didn't panic or panic.

In this world, Black Flag is not the only one with great abilities.

The elements can compete with it.

If the fight with Goldfinger really comes to a head, Xia Zuo may be able to abandon his physical body, continue to survive in the form of an elemental body, and then use the power of the temple to destroy the physical body controlled by Goldfinger.

In addition, Xia Zuo has many other ways.

For example, blood melting agent.

This special oil added to the blood magic puppet to prevent the leakage of blood patterns is suitable for clamping golden fingers.

Xia Zuo plans to add a trigger-type blood-melting agent to every red vest - as long as the triggering agent is poured on the red vest, the blood-melting effect will be triggered and the red vest will be destroyed.

In this way, even if Goldfinger really rebels and deprives Xia Zuo of the right to control the hematin servants, the red vest can be quickly eliminated by the temple members.

"Bang~" Xia Zuo lit the furnace and began to refine the potion that triggered the blood melting agent.

His movements suddenly froze, and his face was full of confusion.

"That's not right." Xia Zuo put out the stove, sat back on the chair next to the desk, and fell into deep thought.

He... seems to have made a mistake.

Goldfinger may not rebel...

If the golden finger is really the means arranged by Black Flag, then it will definitely guide the host to show up and contact the blood demon Qualuowuqi when he is searching for the whereabouts of the Black Flag in the Starry Night Kingdom. .

For example, the real mechanism of free attribute points is directly given, allowing Xia Zuo to quickly upgrade and improve his blood patterns, and then be discovered by the blood demon Qualuowuqi.

But the actual situation was completely different from Xia Zuo's previous speculation.

Not only did Golden Finger not disclose the mechanism of free attribute points, but he also deliberately misled Xia Zuo to upgrade quickly in order to suppress the growth of blood pattern characteristics. It was not until Xia Zuo obtained the identity of [Pure Blood Mage] and unlocked the knowledge of blood pattern that he Understand the mechanism of free attribute points in a true sense...

At this moment, Xia Zuo realized the complexity of the matter.

He also realized that the guess he made on the night he learned the Black Flag information from Beatrice was right:

[Someone, something, or a strange demon intervened in Black Flag's plan and changed the direction of the plan, causing it to deviate from the established track. It was no longer the "honey poison pill" Black Flag had expected. 】

This third person standing between Xia Zuo and Black Flag may be a member of the Temple, or an independent person outside the Temple and the Strange Demon Church.

He has been hiding behind the scenes and has never appeared on the stage. He may have changed his vest and become active in a certain corner of the world.

In any case, this person's ability is definitely comparable to Black Flag, or even surpasses Black Flag.

TA modified the golden finger, deleted the factors that might cause the host's corruption, made the golden finger harmless, and then put it into Xia Zuo's spiritual thread.

So, who will this third party be?

The answer may only be revealed when Xia Zuo uses the Sands of Time to restore the historical appearance of the underground alchemy room.

Xia Zuo thought a lot and wasted a lot of time.

He rubbed his brow a few times, walked to the alchemy table, and lit the fire again.

Although Goldfinger's actions to prevent the host from being discovered by the blood demon Qualuowuqi won some of Xia Zuo's trust, he still insisted on refining the triggering blood-melting agent, holding the key to reversing the disadvantageous situation in his own hands.

Rexor's call for reinforcements to the temple was done in secret.

He arrived at the town where Seritus and others were, and did not show up directly. Instead, he sent an instruction to Crystal requesting a meeting through Xia Zuo, and then met Seritus alone far away from the town.

His approach seemed to distrust the other members of the infiltration team, but it was absolutely justified.

As an experienced demon hunter who is well aware of the cunning of strange demons, he is always vigilant, especially in the forbidden magic field where magic cannot be used to identify authenticity and detect strange demons.

The more secretive and important the matter, the more cautious it is. It is always right.

Kristo found a cave in the valley for the two of them.

After checking inside and out several times, Cristo signaled that it was time to speak. Her curly cat walked to the cave entrance to watch the wind, leaving the bald man and the cold-faced man in the cave.

In the light of the flickering candlelight, Cerites first described the recent situation, and then asked, "I heard Kristo say that you have changed your mind? Do you want to do something in the forbidden magic field? "

"Yes." Rexor nodded and told Xia Zuo all the information he had obtained at the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church. "...I have reason to believe that the strange demon is determined to create a large number of strange demons and start an all-out war with the temple. This requires huge vitality to support. And bone sacs. The strange demons found a way to convert various energies into life force, and also obtained 1.12 million bone sacs. We cannot destroy the headquarters of the strange demon church, destroy the shriveled blood vessels that transform life force, nor can we destroy the bone sac inventory. But the supply to the bone sac can be cut off."

Seretes asked, "So you want to?"

"I want to clear out the stronghold of the alien group." Rexor clenched his fists with both hands. "Not only to prevent them from creating more bone capsules, but also to obtain the manufacturing technology of the bone capsules to prepare for the future attack on the alien army."

"Sounds very dangerous..." Cerites said with his arms green, "It's difficult for us alone to do it."

"I need to call more people." Rexor said, "At least 200 soldiers trained in weapons alchemy, as well as many machine guns and mortars. There are a lot of explosives in the forbidden magic field. If we can send them It would be even better if some weapons alchemists help us make ammunition and shells in large quantities."

Rexor looked at Seritus who was thinking, and continued, "Xia Zuo and I have discussed it. He will create more defensive blood magic puppets to protect the temple reinforcements."

Rexor paused, "The entire plan must be carried out secretly, and the Yishu Group must not be aware of it. Try not to reveal this plan to the members who infiltrated the team. I still can't completely believe that being born in a forbidden magic field, only in Members of the Knights of the Rose who have been in the temple territory for several years. They don’t even have the element of light.”

"Okay." Cerites nodded, "I will keep an eye on them and make sure they do their thing honestly."

Rexall thought for a moment, "Maybe we should put a smoke bomb out."


Rexall said, "Tell the infiltration team that a reinforcement team of about 100 people is on the way. When they arrive, everyone will attack the Mishima Group's stronghold together to obtain medicines and tomes on flesh and blood alchemy. .”

"It's a good idea. If there is any change in the Mishima Group, it means there is a spy in the team. At that time, Xia Zuo's little red vest will come in handy." Seretes said.

"I will not forgive the betrayers, but I will not be mean to the loyal ones." Rexall said, "If it turns out that the people who infiltrated the team are loyal, then after this mission is over, I will tell both parties The Temple Council applied to grant them the element of light."

Rexor patted his chest and said to a piece of red vest fabric sticking out of his collar, "Xia Zuo, after Seritus announces the false news to the infiltration team, I need you to help me keep an eye on everyone. Action. If anyone appears abnormal, report it to Cristo."

At this time, Xia Zuo was condensing the improved red vest.

After hearing the bald head's words, he responded with the thin thread of the vest on the other person's body, "No problem, I will keep an eye on them."

Rexor conspired with Seretes, and then rested in this cave.

Kristo's curly cat stayed at the entrance of the cave to look out for the tired Rexor.

Seretes returned to the town alone and gathered the people together to announce the false news.

Xia Zuo was watching the changes in everyone's expressions from beginning to end.

Everyone behaved normally, either excited or calm.

After Seritus finished speaking and announced that everyone was disbanded, the team members scattered around, either training, guessing, or reading.

Two inconspicuous people came together and chatted about the dancers in the town's entertainment venues.

The two of them talked about everything from body shape and appearance to skills, and finally ended with the collision of wine glasses.

This was a normal chat, and Xia Zuo didn't pay much attention to it. The blood magic puppet following the two of them didn't take this conversation to heart either.

But just when the two put down their wine glasses, looked at each other, smiled, and whispered "Enjoy the fun," something changed at the ceremony at the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church.

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