In the large square on the top floor of the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church, the pious singing stopped with a long exhalation.


This voice came from a tall figure standing in the front row of the strange demons. It was very close to the shriveled blood vessels. From the perspective of the hemogen servant, it was almost standing directly under the shriveled blood vessels. It was obviously an extraordinary status.

Xia Zuo unleashed his detection technique on the tall strange demon.

【Character Name】Nuke Alofa

[Identity] Master Flesh Alchemist, Butler of Essence and Flesh, several unknown identities

【HP】1.5 million









It turned out that he was Nuk Alofa. Xia Zuo looked at the tall figure's back and panel properties and discovered several strange things.

The first one is the attribute [Charm].

In different species, this attribute will have different numerical upper limits.

From the high-level blood pattern knowledge taught by Kristo, Xia Zuo saw a list recording the upper limit of the charm of species.

The charm attribute value of small creatures such as insects cannot exceed 10 points.

Small creatures such as rats cannot have more than 20 charm points.

For medium-sized creatures such as cats, dogs, and poultry, the upper limit of charm is 30 points.

For humanoids and other humanoid creatures, the upper limit of charm is 40 points.

For humans, the upper limit of charm is 50 points.

Creatures that are larger than humans and possess higher intelligence, their charm increases step by step as their size and intelligence increase.

The creature with the highest charm limit recorded in the temple is Golden Wattle, the national treasure of the Golden Wattle Utopia. It is a flower plant with self-awareness. Its charm limit may be as high as 500 points.

In advanced blood pattern knowledge, the life level of a species is measured by blood pattern characteristics.

The blood pattern characteristics will be limited by charm, will and spirit, these three attributes are extremely difficult to improve.

Obviously, in Nuk'alofa, these three attributes that were supposed to be shackles did not limit its growth.

Nuk'alofa has a deep understanding of the composition principles of blood pattern characteristics, and consciously averages the eight-dimensional attributes to better improve the eight-dimensional attributes... just like he also has a golden finger...

This made Xia Zuo feel a little irritated.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. One person in this world who can cheat is enough.

But a strange demon with the same characteristics appeared in front of him...

Xia Zuo thought for a while and rejected the speculation that Nuk'alofa also had a golden finger.

the reason is simple.

It only took Xia Zuo less than 20 years to improve from single-digit eight-dimensional attributes to the current level.

But Nuk'alofa has been alive for at least a thousand years. If it also has a golden finger, then its eight-dimensional attribute must have several zeros added to it.

Xia Zuo calmed down and looked at the [Spirit] on Nuk'alofa's panel.

Nuk'alofa is a human being, not a strange demon. This is something that Rexor has personally confirmed. The feedback information from the detection technique also directly indicates his [human] identity.

As a human being who lives deep inside the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church, why does he have spiritual attribute values?

In Xia Zuo's understanding, [Spirit] is the spiritual ocean, and the spiritual ocean is the chaotic container that holds the elements, and the chaotic containers are uniformly placed in the depths of the magma of the large volcano.

Is Nuk'alofa's spiritual ocean also underneath?

If this is the case, can we go directly to the bottom of the big volcano, find his spiritual ocean and destroy it? Will we be able to severely damage Nuuk'alofa?

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that his spiritual ocean can be found there.

Xia Zuo didn't know whether the temple had carefully searched the spiritual ocean in the volcano, so he wrote down the idea and discussed it with Rexor later.

Just when Xia Zuo cleared his mind and was about to remind Baldhead that the situation had changed, the sound of breathing that lasted for nearly three minutes stopped.

All the strange demons in the [Compulsory Piety] state neatly lowered their raised arms and let them hang naturally on their sides. Their heads slowly lowered, and their chins were close to their chests.

After maintaining this action for a few seconds, they raised their heads as if they had recovered, and silently stared at Nuk'alofa directly in front of them.

Xia Zuo noticed this strange phenomenon at the first time.

He threw scrying.

The [Compulsory Piety] state on the alien demons has disappeared.

Xia Zuo's first reaction was that the two infiltration team members who also mentioned "having fun" were spies sent by the Strange Demon Church. The two people used a short sentence of "enjoy all the fun" to trigger a certain spell alarm preset by the Strange Demon Church. After Nuk'alofa realized that the spell alarm had been triggered, he immediately closed the [Forced Piety Aura] on the shriveled blood vessels.

Xia Zuo thought about it and felt that this speculation was somewhat untenable.

Because he didn't feel any energy fluctuations when those two people were talking.

But in the next second...he was slapped in the face, and his face was full of shock

Nuk'alofa kept his back to the alien demons, raised his arms to both sides, and released a ball of black shadow energy.

This ball of shadow energy suspended in front of him, transformed into a squirming black ball, and gradually condensed into something that Xia Zuo was very familiar with:

Time container!

Under Xia Zuo's stunned eyes, Nuk'alofa used shadow energy to build a time container that transcended the barriers of time and terrain, and replayed the scene of Seritus holding a team meeting inside the container.

Seritus's voice and words appeared in the time container exactly as they were.

Xia Zuo forced himself to calm down and carefully recorded every detail he saw.

He soon discovered that the perspective of the picture in the time container was fixed.

Xia Zuo thought about it and realized that this was the perspective of the infiltrator team member who said "have fun".

What Nuk'alofa did next proved this point.

After watching the historical reenactment once, he switched to another perspective and watched it again. This perspective was the perspective of another infiltrator team member who said "enjoy all the fun."

After watching history repeat itself twice, Nuk'alofa dispersed the time vessel in front of him without saying a word, and the shadow energy returned to his body.

Nuk'alofa, who was in a high position, was silent, and so were the many strange demons below. The former had his hands behind his back, as if lost in thought, while the latter was afraid of Nuk'alofa's majesty.

The great square fell silent.

Xia Zuo looked at the silent square, thinking about the scene he just saw, and his head was filled with questions.

Nuk'alofa did something he had always wanted to do but never done:

[Watch the historical reenactment of the designated location remotely. 】

Xia Zuo had considered this matter when restoring the old historical appearance at the old site of Tarozik Village.

He also tried several times.


The time container he condensed is at most about half a meter away from himself. Once this distance is exceeded, the time container becomes unstable.

He couldn't even do it while he was at Starry Night Academy and the time container was placed at the old site of Tarozik Village, let alone view the history repeating itself at the designated location from a distance.

So how did Nuk'alofa do it?

Xia Zuo thought about it and found only one answer:

The Sands of Time in the Forbidden Magic Field are very regular, and coupled with the darkroom's plane signal covering the entire territory, Nuk'alofa has the ability to view historical repeats across regions.

Taking advantage of the period when Nuk'alofa was silent, Xia Zuo used the thin thread on his red vest to wake up the sleeping bald man.

Rexor opened his sleepy eyes, turned over and sat up, washed his face with the basin at hand and asked, "Xia Zuo, what happened?"

"I found two traitors." Xia Zuo told Bald the entire incident.

After Rexor heard what the traitor had done, he sneered and said, "There is indeed a spy."

When Xia Zuo mentioned that Nuk'alofa was watching history repeat itself from a distance, Rexor raised his eyebrows and expressed his attention, but that was all. He was not as shocked as Xia Zuo.

Seeing the other party's calm expression, Xia Zuo asked, "Master, did you already know that Nuk'alofa has this ability?"

"Yes." Rexor nodded, "I also know that the Sands of Time in the Forbidden Magic Field are different from those in the Temple Territory."

"Can you tell me more about it?" Xia Zuo asked curiously, "If it involves secrets, then forget it."

"Yeah" Rexor Mosuo said with a bald head as he thought:

"Although this is a secret-level matter, I still want to make an exception and talk to you. After all, I need you to help me monitor Nuk'alofa. I will complete the formalities when I return to the temple."

Rexor paused and continued:

"Tower Scholars have been studying the Sands of Time in the Forbidden Magic Field, the Dark Chamber Plane, and the Force Field.

"The more accepted theoretical speculation is that the forbidden magic field can not only restrain energy, but also the sands of time, and the darkroom plane, as a sub-plane, has become more and more integrated with the natural world under the operation of the strange demon church. There are more and more overlapping spatial areas between the darkroom and nature.

"The most typical example is the projection of the flesh wall on the sky. Ordinary sub-dimensional projections are limited by the size of the land where the sub-plane blends with nature. The area of ​​the flesh wall projection almost covers the entire forbidden magic field. , this is the best evidence that the darkroom is deeply integrated with nature.”

Rexall picked up the kettle and took a sip. "As for how Nuk'alofa received the secret signal from the spy without any spell fluctuations, it has something to do with the darkroom plane. The darkroom plane is related to the natural world. After blending, it can be said to be everywhere. The shadow demon master who controls the dark room can record what the creature does and the surrounding scene as long as he looks at individual creatures."

Xia Zuo nodded slowly. Rexor's explanation was as he expected, and then asked: "Since it can watch the spies who infiltrated the team, can it also watch other people? Will the Shadow Demon Lord have discovered it? Are you mad?"

"No." Rexor shook his head, "Although the darkroom plane is deeply integrated with the natural world, it has not yet completely integrated into one. The prerequisite for the Shadow Demon Lord to pay attention to a person is that this person Only when I say specific words or do specific actions that cause a reaction in the dark room plane can the Shadow Demon Lord notice me. As long as I don't say those four words, the Shadow Demon Lord will not notice me."

"Do you need me to inform Seritus and the others to evacuate?" Xia Zuo said, "If Nuk'alofa sends out the Demon Cult team, and you are unable to use spells, it will be very difficult to escape by then. ."

Rexor shook his head slowly, "We will evacuate, but not now."

He looked and walked towards the entrance of the cave, and said at the same time, "The most important thing now is not to expose that your hemogen servants have penetrated deep into the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church. I hope that your hemogen servants can stay there and provide us with a steady stream of services." Continuously provide intelligence. If we evacuate without warning, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the strange demons, and they may search the headquarters - although this is unlikely, I still don't want this to happen."

"Okay. I will pay attention to concealment." Xia Zuo retracted the red thread on his red vest.

Rexor came to the entrance of the cave, waved to the curly cat squatting in the nearby grass, whispered something to it, and then returned to the same path to continue resting.

The top floor of the headquarters of the Strange Demon Church.

A hazy purple-black mist emerged around Nuk'alofa.

Whispers came from the mist, lingering around Nuk'alofa.

About a minute later, the chatter disappeared along with the mist.

"Hiss~~~~" Nuk'alofa took a long breath, then raised his arms high and took the lead in singing a song of praise.

An invisible wave of energy spurted out from the shriveled blood vessels and swept across the entire square.

All the demons immediately raised their arms and sang loudly along with Nuk'alofa.

After seeing this, Xia Zuo said doubtfully, "Why do they feel like they are more excited? The singing seems to be getting louder?"

Xia Zuo threw out the detection technique.

[Mandatory Piety] has changed.

[Enhanced Forced Piety]: The affected person falls into uncontrollable extreme fanaticism, and the output speed of belief power is doubled.

Improved by 1x! ?

Xia Zuo was stunned, turned the perspective of the hemogen servant, looked at the shriveled blood vessels, and threw out another detection technique.

[Wide Area Vitality Recycling]: Accelerating charging, the current charging progress is 82.1%. It is expected to be fully charged in 18 hours.

The charging speed of this trait has also been doubled!

What does the Demonic Church want to do?

Xia Zuo immediately told Rexor about the strange situation at the ceremony.

Unable to reveal the existence of Gold Finger, Xia Zuo provided vague information, only vaguely stating that the strange demons were becoming more fanatical and the frequency of writhing in shriveled blood vessels had increased significantly.

Rexall was sitting cross-legged on the ground drinking fruit wine.

He was also puzzled after seeing Xia Zuo's information and could not understand the purpose of the strange demon's behavior.

"Xia Zuo..." Rexor said after thinking for a few seconds, "Go find Kristo, tell her about this, and ask her to ask the tower mage who specializes in forbidden magic fields and strange demons. Mage scholar of incubation. I have a bad feeling. If we don't figure out what the strange demons are doing, we may suffer heavy losses."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Xia Zuo stood up and left the alchemy room, knocking on Kristo's door.

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