In the blink of an eye, four or five months have passed, and the final exam day for this freshmen class is getting closer and closer.

Yolanda applied to her instructor to cut down some courses on refining poisons, and wanted to spend more time consolidating the knowledge points in the general courses.

Kulov agreed and allowed her to take only one hour of poison refining class every day to avoid getting unfamiliar with the poison making operation.

But Kulov did not let her do the test paper set in advance.

Xia Zuo also gave up the idea of ​​sharing exam materials with Yolanda.

Yolanda's alchemy level is inferior to Anruer's, but it is enough to refine poison by herself. She found time to refine the poison by herself every day and no longer relied on the guidance of her assistant.

Without his junior schoolmate as a source of support, Xia Zuo was able to devote himself wholeheartedly to self-study of entry-level poison alchemy, and indulged himself in the advanced alchemy table every day.

After frantically refining poison for more than ten days, he decided to take a good rest.

Sunday morning.

Xia Zuo didn't go to the poison alchemy area.

He sat alone in the restaurant and leisurely admired the lake view, with a book introducing the customs and customs of the Eastern Continent spread out in front of him.

It has been several years since I entered the school.

Most of the books in the library have been entered into the [Knowledge Reserve].

Among them, there are many geography books about the Eastern Continent, and there are also many books introducing the Kingdom of Starry Night.

However, there is no book that specifically introduces the continent where Starry Night Kingdom is located.

What’s even more strange is that the ecological environment of the Eastern Continent seems to be much worse than that of the Starry Night Kingdom.

Xia Zuo withdrew his gaze from the lake and looked down at the illustrations on the page:

A monster with slender limbs and an ugly head lay on the corpse. Several militiamen armed with pitchforks charged towards the monster. Behind the corpse, another similar monster was lying on the ground on its hands and knees, fleeing towards the river away from the militiamen.

This monster that devours corpses and hides at the bottom of rivers is a common amphibious monster in the Eastern Continent, but there have never been any rumors of it in the Starry Night Kingdom.

A sound of footsteps came from behind.

Xia Zuo could tell that the man was walking towards his position, but it was not the light and cheerful pace of Anruer.

Who is the one?

He turned his head and looked over, feeling a dazzling light golden light in front of his eyes.

"Senior Mars! Haha. You finally showed up." Xia Zuo stood up and stretched out his right hand in a shoulder-touching salute popular in the kingdom.

This greeting etiquette is limited to two men who have a good relationship. Both parties will hold each other's right hands and their right shoulders will touch lightly. When they have a good relationship, they will reach out their left hand and pat each other on the back like they did.

"Let's sit down and talk." Xia Zuo invited the other party to sit across from him.

He first scanned the area to see if there was anyone else, and then whispered:

"Thank you so much, Senior Mars. You helped me a lot by revealing the passing score for the final exam in advance."

"Don't say that." Mars grinned, waved his hands and said, "I heard from the instructor that you have excellent memory and could have passed the exam."

"Anru'er also passed the exam. I still have to thank you, otherwise I wouldn't have had time to help her with tutoring."

Mars showed a teasing expression, "So you two are in a relationship? I'm really envious. Just like my parents, they also met and fell in love in school."

Xia Zuo turned the topic to the other person, "After so many days, you must have successfully practiced meditation, right?"

Mars picked up the pen used for ordering food on the table, raised it in front of him and shook it:

"I succeeded three months ago. I learned some magic tricks from my mentor before I came out. If it weren't for the fact that mage apprentices are not allowed to use magic in the restaurant, I would have to show you how to order food from a distance."

"Huh? Wait?" Mars leaned forward and asked in a low voice:

"Did you know that you might fail when practicing meditation for the first time? Who told you? Your mentor? Then you must know what's special about the Innate Affiliate."

"Yes, Professor Kulov told me everything." Xia Zuo also lowered his voice and said.

"Yes. Poison Alchemy values ​​alchemical potential the most. It seems that your evaluation results are very good."

Mars' eyes fell on a purple line on the opponent's sleeves, "What is your alchemy potential?"

"I'm the top second class."

Mars was stunned, "What?"

"Top second class." Xia Zuo said in a softer voice: "In a few months, the inspection team from the Mage Temple will arrive."

"Hiss" Mars heard the name of the Mage Temple inspection team and immediately realized that the other party was not joking.

He was stunned for a few seconds before coming back to his senses and muttered in disbelief:

"Top second class, do you know what this means... If you were born in the Silver Moon Federation, you would now be the secretly selected apprentice of the Mage Temple. You don't have to worry about practicing meditation for the first time. Unfortunately, this is the remote Starry Night Kingdom... "

"No, no, no... you still have a chance." Mars didn't know what he thought of, and shook his head repeatedly, with the light golden hair on his head swinging back and forth:

"Listen, you must pass the inspection of the Mage Temple. In this way, there will be no gap between you and those with innate affinity."

"Is it because of the master-level element bottle?" Xia Zuo asked curiously.

"Professor Kulov even told you this? Oh, that's right. The Temple sent an inspection team to come. Professor Kulov will explain it to you in detail."

Mars felt his lips dry for a moment. He looked at the big round table in the center of the restaurant, "Wait a moment, I'll get something to drink."

Xia Zuo stood up and said, "I'll go too."

The two of them each picked a drink and sat down again.

Mars took a sip of water and let out a satisfied hum.

He glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping and said:

"Professor Kulov certainly didn't tell you that the benefits of sleeping well-behaved elements are not limited to this. Let me think about how to tell you..."

He stroked his hair, thought for a moment and finally found the right sentence:

"That's it. The difficulty of spells varies from high to low. Mage apprentices can only learn spells at the current stage.

“But there is one exception.

"If the obedient element sleeping in the spiritual ocean happens to have a certain spell, no matter what the level of the spell is, the mage apprentice can use the spell smoothly, but the power may change.

"In the wizarding world, people call this kind of magic a talent spell."

Xia Zuo nodded in realization.

To put it simply, once a person with innate affinity becomes a mage apprentice, there is a chance that he will have an innate spell.

The key is that this talent spell is not limited to levels. It may be just a small trick, or it may be a spell that can only be mastered by high-level wizards.

This is a bit interesting.

No wonder the school will not give up on any innate affinities. This type of person is born to be a mage.

Mars faced the opponent's envious gaze and smiled: "The master-level elemental bottle also has the same effect."

"!!" Xia Zuo's eyes widened, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Mars rubbed his hands, with a lot of emotion in his words, "It's really unimaginable that I actually have a junior student with top-level alchemy potential."

He looked at the wall clock in the dining room:

"I'm going back first and packing my luggage. I have to leave for Yenan Province at noon. The resident mage there is in urgent need of an assistant. I originally wanted to come to the restaurant and have a good meal, but the effect of the satiety potion has not worn off yet. , I have no appetite at all. Now I wish I could spend all my time meditating and rely on satiety potions to satisfy my hunger every day..."

Xia Zuo stood up after him and walked all the way to the door of the dormitory, "I wish you a good journey, Senior Mars, how should I contact you in the future?"

"You'll know after you become a mage apprentice." Mars touched the opponent's right shoulder again, "I wish you success in passing the inspection in advance. I believe you will be fine."

When he stepped into the doorway, he stopped and turned around, "Say hello to Anruer for me. I sincerely hope that you can become a couple. I think you are quite suitable."

"Thank you, goodbye, Senior Mars."

Xia Zuo stood at the entrance of the corridor and waved goodbye.

He returned to the restaurant and sat down, slowly digesting the information Mars had brought.

The time was approaching noon, and cheerful footsteps came from behind.

"I'm coming~"

When Xia Zuo heard the soft and beautiful words, he raised the corner of his mouth and stood up to hug each other.

"After lunch, I will send you to [Flower Guardian], then go back to the academy to refine the poison. I will pick you up at the store before evening and come back to enjoy dinner together. What do you think of this arrangement?"

"Okay~" Anruer leaned on her boyfriend's arms with a happy look on her face.

As time goes by, the learning atmosphere in the school becomes stronger and stronger, and the depressive atmosphere of preparing for the exam gradually becomes stronger.

Usually in the restaurant, you can still hear the sound of laughter. One month before the exam, all the re-taking students and freshmen were carrying schoolbags and hurriedly going back and forth between the dining hall, classrooms and dormitories.

Xia Zuo and An Ru'er were not affected at all. Instead, they felt a lot more relaxed because they did not have to teach on their behalf.

Especially during the final exam days, candidates have to eat in the dormitory. There were only a few people in the entire restaurant.

During the 25 days of the final exam for freshmen, they spent more leisurely time.

One day at noon.

Xia Zuo and Anruer chatted quietly while eating.

There seems to be a dark cloud floating in the restaurant today, shrouding the hearts of many candidates.

The results of this final exam were announced in the morning.

Among the many students who retaken the exam, only three passed the exam. Apart from these three, the rest will leave the school within this week.

Among the freshmen of this year, only 5 people passed the exam.

These two figures were far lower than Xia Zuo's own expectations.

Anruer sat next to her boyfriend, covered her mouth with her hands and said:

"Let me tell you quietly, my instructor said that this 25-part exam is much more difficult than ours."

Xia Zuo knew nothing about this. He had been intoxicated in refining poisons for the past two months and had not cared about passing the final exam.

With a little thought, he figured out the reason.

This freshmen class is actually quite smart. Most of them waited for a year before applying for admission. This year is enough time for self-study of many textbooks.

The purpose of general course examinations is not to pass students, but to select the best ones and allocate teaching resources based on test scores.

If the exam difficulty is not increased, the passing rate will be astonishing, and the final exam will lose its meaning.

Some people may wonder, is it feasible to enter the school one year later to avoid this most crowded wave?

Hmm... maybe. However, professors will still adjust the difficulty of the exam according to the academic level of the freshmen.

The worst-case scenario for candidates is that professors believe that the reason for the good performance of this freshmen class is not their own outstanding talents, but the result of years of hard study.

Professors will increase the difficulty of the exam again and ask new questions in different ways in order to screen out the talents they want.

Therefore, don’t be smart but you will be misled by your cleverness. When it comes to final exams in schools, there is a completely unequal relationship between the candidates and the test takers.

Entering a university to study normally according to the established life trajectory is the correct way of thinking.

Xia Zuo found the lonely Yolanda, who was sitting in the corner feeling dejected, obviously failing to pass the exam.

"It seems that our Poison Alchemy School has been wiped out. What about you?" Xia Zuo asked.

Anru'er's mouth was stuffed, and she shook her head from side to side and made a "Uh-huh" sound.

Very good, very good. After another year, the school will be much cleaner.

At 1 p.m. that day.

Poison Alchemy Zone.

Xia Zuo walked into the basic alchemy room. When he saw his instructor pointing at the chair opposite the desk, he moved over and sat down.

"Good afternoon, Professor."

Kulov handed two picture books to the other party, "This is an introduction to the next class of freshmen. You read it first, and then we talk about something."

Xia Zuo lowered his head and opened the album.

There are only two freshmen in the next class, both boys, one year shy of adulthood, not natives of Starry Night City, and their life histories are relatively simple. There isn't much content in the album, so it didn't take me long to read it.

Seeing the student raise his head, Kulov put his fingers on the table and asked:

"What do you think of Yolanda's alchemy qualifications?"

Xia Zuo held his chin in thought and said:

"As for Yolanda...she may not be able to refine perfect quality refined powder on her first day as an entry-level poison alchemist, but there is no problem with excellent quality, probably 3 to 5 bottles."

"It's pretty much what I expected. It's about the third to fifth level of special grade."

Kulov nodded, pointed to the alchemy platform behind him and said:

"I'll call Yolanda over in a moment. After she completes the promotion test to the trainee level, you teach her to refine the refined powder of White Palate poison. Tomorrow she will refine the refined powder here. I want you to watch over her. , to prevent the explosion of red bile."

"Yes, Professor, leave it to me."

"One more thing." Kulov took out a stack of test papers from the drawer and brought them to the students one by one:

"Yolanda's alchemy potential and learning talent are both good. The most important thing is that she passed the test of black eye poison. It is worth staying for further training.

"In this final exam, she passed a total of 16 subjects, and 9 required make-up exams. Among the make-up candidates, she is considered a top student.

"I want you to help her with some tutoring to ensure that she successfully passes the make-up exam. In this case, she will serve as a temporary teaching assistant next year, and you can study entry-level content on your own with peace of mind."

Xia Zuo turned over Yolanda's test paper, and the deductions were concentrated on the more difficult application questions.

"No problem, Professor. I need to use something in the storage room."

"Use it, just put it away after use." Kulov waved his hand and then asked:

"Do you think you are suitable for the job of teaching assistant?"

Xia Zuo almost did not hesitate, shook his head and said:

"No, Professor, I don't think I'm suitable for this job. In contrast, I prefer to play with advanced alchemy tables."

"Yeah." Kulov nodded:

"Allowing you to serve as a temporary teaching assistant has indeed delayed a lot of things. But we have gained a lot. It is worth it that I have reduced my meditation time and worked with you to build a teaching model for teaching assistants. With your after-class summary, lesson arrangement and teaching experience , Yolanda will be more calm when dealing with new students.

"If there is no more suitable candidate than her in the next year, I would like to apply to the head of the school to formally appoint her as a teaching assistant. What do you think?"

"I agree, professor." Xia Zuo raised his hand decisively in agreement.

Yolanda has a strong sense of discipline and is more approachable as a woman, making her more suitable as a teaching assistant.

"Then it's settled. I'll call her over..." Kulov picked up the pen, wrote a few lines of words, and controlled the paper to fly out of the poison alchemy area.

Thank you for the flowers blooming, choosing the bright, the long road, the legendary one, book friends 20200404083015359, there are book friends in the book wasteland, I read books and look at me, sad and sad DD, Luo Wugui, Qixi Qixi, Wonderland Crane, Beach Salted Fish 233, NiNi is so tired and voted for the monthly ticket~

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