My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 63 The inspection team arrives

One month later.

Yolanda successfully passed the make-up exam, and on the day the results were announced, she was handed over the job of temporary assistant from Xia Zuona.

This is undoubtedly a double blessing for her.

Xia Zuo watched the other party leave the poison alchemy area briskly, and a message from the golden finger came to his mind that the assistant coach's status was lifted.

After saying hello to his mentor, he walked into the advanced alchemy room.

Above the advanced alchemy table, there is a simple alchemy lamp, which together with the wall lamp on the wall illuminates the advanced alchemy room.

Xia Zuo walked to the wall, flipped the switch on the side of the wall lamp, and turned them all off. Only the chandelier above the head was left, illuminating the compact high-end alchemy table.

This is a habit developed over the past few months that helps focus attention on alchemical operations and reflections.

Water, fire, and wind, the characteristics of these three elements have been determined.

There are only two characteristics of the earth element: stability and shaping.

Xia Zuo previously thought that the third trait should be poisonous, but later felt that it was not right, so he deleted it and replaced it with the word "deposition".

This inspiration comes from the unknown potion that increases vitality.

The instructor took it out because he was worried about the accumulation of toxins in the body. Toxins are also linked to the earth element, so the possibility that deposition is a trait of the earth element is greater than that of poison.

Stabilizing, shaping, depositing... what is the last quality?

Xia Zuo scratched his head about this for a long time every day without any clue.

As usual, he temporarily put aside his distracting thoughts and concentrated on practicing the entry-level poison.

Among the five poisons available at the trainee level, only white palate poison is a deadly poison.

The entry-level poisons are different. Burning tongue, eye pecking, ear blasting, and bone evisceration are all fatal. The dosage must be controlled when testing poisons, otherwise it is easy to fall into low blood pressure.

Burnt tongue poison will produce a strong burning sensation the moment it comes into contact with the tongue, which lasts only about 5 seconds. If the dose is high enough, the tongue will dissolve.

The other three poisons are almost in the same situation. They last very short but have strong poisonous effects.

The eye-peck poison stings the eyes like a punch, the ear-blasting poison rings a deafening, loud bell in the ears, and the bone-eviscerating poison causes a sharp pain like a knife cutting through the bones of the spine.

These four poisons will deduct a lot of blood, and the difficulty of refining the poison itself or the accompanying refined powder is much higher than that of trainee-level products.

Xia Zuo just tried them one by one to see what the rewards were, and no longer considered using them to level up.

Black Eyed Poison can also improve the resistance of the four series. Isn’t it nice to use it to gain rewards...

At the moment, he is refining the entry-level poison just to fully master the essentials, reduce the time spent on refining, and prepare for the inspection of the Mage Temple.

It's approaching noon.

Two bottles of freshly baked entry-level poison appear on the storage table in the center of the alchemy table.

Xia Zuo dragged a stool, sat down at the storage table, and opened his notepad to record today's poison refining experience.

As he wrote, he once again fell into thinking about the characteristics of the elements.

He wrote and corrected it in his notebook. Countless underlines cover each phrase.

He racked his brains for the last characteristic of the earth element. He always felt that he was just a little bit short, but he could never break through.

What exactly is this last trait?

Xia Zuo frowned, held the pen and knocked on the cover of the notepad, making a dull collision sound.

Impact sounds of different timbres are caused by different materials.

He subconsciously thought of this and knocked on the smooth surface of the storage table again. This time another sound came out.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Xia Zuo suddenly opened his notepad and wrote in the blank space in the corner:


No, no...

He crossed out the word and wrote a new one: resistance.

He drew a circle on these two words and felt that they were almost inseparable. This was the fourth characteristic of the earth element, but he still had to think about it more.

I watched the hands of the wall clock come to around 5 p.m.

Xia Zuo packed up the alchemy room and left in a hurry.

The third class of freshmen will arrive in more than ten days, half a month later than the previous two classes.

This is because the existing students in each city have been almost exhausted, and the enrollment progress of each testing station is different.

In order to allow new students to enroll at the same time, the school has chosen to temporarily postpone the start of the semester, and wait until all new students are in place before uniformly transporting them to the school.

Once the student source pattern is thoroughly understood, the school will set the exact enrollment date, which will not be easily changed in the future, and the training process for Master Qinhe the day after tomorrow will also be on the right track.

These were mentioned by Kulov and his two students on their own initiative.

He now guides Yolanda every morning, helping her get familiar with the entry-level formula, answering the questions accumulated the previous day, and spending the rest of the time lying on the soft sofa meditating.

Xia Zuo didn't need to worry about him.

This extremely self-disciplined student had absolutely nothing to fault. He stayed in the advanced alchemy room all day long, refining poisons and testing poisons like crazy.

Day after day, the life of refining poison was spent in repetition, and finally a change occurred after two months.

This morning, Xia Zuo put on the neatest starry night robe and stood in the castle hall, looking up at the large light group floating above his head to calm his inner nervousness.

Today is the day when the Mage Temple inspection team will test him. He didn't know how the inspection team came to Starry Night City. There was no movement at all, and there was no welcome ceremony or anything.

Tutor Kulov walked out of the door of the poison alchemy area, greeted the students waiting here, and stepped into another corridor.

The two walked through the complicated corridors, walked up the spiral stairs, and arrived at the tower of the castle.

Kulov stopped on a terrace.

"When you get to the room later, don't look around curiously."

Kulov stroked his beard and looked at the students in front of him with a smile.

He finally discovered a small problem with the other party - along the way, his head and neck never stopped, turning left and right, looking around.

"Yes, Professor." Xia Zuo touched the back of his head sheepishly.

Releasing the Detection Technique costs nothing and costs no money. In addition, there are many famous paintings hanging in the corridor, and he can't help but take the information from the paintings into his mind.

There were also the sculptures at the corners of the corridors, the original ancient books displayed in the glass showcases... The dozens of artworks he passed by made him somewhat overwhelmed.

"The inspection team of the Mage Temple has a total of 5 important members. Let me introduce them to you first. After meeting later, be sure to greet them with the correct title."

Kulov took out a manual from his pocket and handed it over, and said at the same time:

"The first one is Master Kolas's student, you can call him Professor Allen."

Xia Zuo turned to the first page of the manual, which showed a portrait.

The man in the picture has short brown hair, a straight nose, and wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He is mature and steady, and looks about in his 30s. His true age is unknown.

Master Kaolas mentioned by the instructor has appeared many times in several books introducing famous figures in the Eastern Continent.

He is a master alchemist in the field of Kit Kat Objects and a well-known mage. Now he lives in the Mage Temple.

"Ms. Starry Night sent a messenger over. Just call her Ms. Sylvia."

Sylvia looks relatively easy-going, with long hair hanging over her shoulders, and a slight smile in the portrait.

"The third one is Rexor, the master of weapons and seals of the Demon Hunting School. Well, just call him Master Rexor."

Rexor's bald head was shiny, and there was a sneer-like arc on his face.

There are only images of his head and shoulders in the portrait, but from the thick neck shape and bulging shoulder muscles, you can feel that this is a strong man with a strong back and waist.

“The fourth one is the master of poison alchemy—Adanawados. He was my mentor at the master level. You can call him Professor Adanawados.

Kulov stroked his beard, briefly recalled the scene when he was a student, then looked at his students and said:

"You may have noticed that Master Adanawados' naming method is rare these days.

"He is a figure from thousands of years ago, born in a country that has disappeared in the long river of history. This country has given birth to many great mages. When you go to the Magister Temple, you can get to know them."

Xia Zuo stared at the portrait of the long-bearded old man on the fourth page and nodded.

"The fifth one is about the same age as you, only four or five years older than you. She is a secretly chosen apprentice. She grew up in the Mage Temple. Her name is Nina. You can just call her Senior Sister Nina. "

About the same age... Xia Zuo blinked at the young woman in the portrait.

It's true. Nina is the youngest among the five people in the group. The age difference between the two is only single digits, which is indeed the same.

"Teacher, is Senior Nina a mage?" Xia Zuo pointed suspiciously at the silver-white soft armor costume on the portrait.

"Well, yes. Not all mages wear robes like our alchemy school and spend all day with books like tower scholars.

“A mage refers to a person who masters the methods of using elements.

"As long as the spiritual ocean is developed enough to accommodate the elements, anyone can try to become a mage."

Kulov flipped forward a few pages of the manual and clicked on the portrait of the big bald head:

"Many members of the Demon Hunting School can also be called mages. It's just that they have some differences with our Alchemy School, so they often call themselves demon hunters, monster hunters, etc. that are more combat-oriented."

He turned back to Nina's page:

"Nina's situation is similar to that of the castle manager Dim. She first practices breathing techniques, and then practices meditation. Her individual combat strength is very good. She plays the role of a guard in this inspection group. Of course, she is only a symbolic protector. The team members are more responsible for handling chores.”

"Demon hunting school, warrior guild, alchemy school..." Xia Zuo touched his head and muttered.

He remembered that the head of the college once said in a class that there are four ways to become a mage:

"Professor, what is another way to become a mage?"

"Tower Scholar, the oldest path.

“They call themselves scholars.

“Focus on developing your own spiritual ocean, because only in this way can you tame more powerful unruly elements and release more powerful spells.

"In the eyes of tower scholars, the spiritual ocean is the only thing worth investing time and energy into. There is no trace of them here in Starry Night Kingdom, but there are quite a few in major libraries in the Eastern Continent."

Kulov pointed at himself and then at the students:

"Our school of alchemy does not pay attention to combat, but focuses on the study of alchemy. But if it is necessary to use force, we can also do it.

"Tower scholars are knowledgeable, knowledgeable about all things, and focus on the study of spells. They are buried in a sea of ​​books like a sloppy old man all day long. When you study spells in the future, you will often come into contact with the books they create.

"The school of demon hunting and the warrior guild focus on the field of combat. One specializes in fighting monsters, and the other's opponents are mainly mortal objects. The school of demon hunting is more sophisticated and requires extremely high willpower. The threshold of the warrior guild is much lower. , even ordinary civilians can participate.”

It sounds like Tower Scholars are extreme spiritual flow mages.

Although members of the Alchemy School also focus on spiritual attributes, they also take perception into consideration.

The school of demon hunting focuses on improving the will after the spirit reaches the standard.

The Warriors Guild improves physical fitness first, and then improves spirit.

Any path will eventually be related to the elements, and as long as you can master the method of controlling the elements, you can be called a mage.

While the two were chatting, a letter flew from the corridor and fell into Kulov's hands.

"Let's go, the head of the hospital and the inspection team are ready. Don't be nervous. Think before you speak. When you are tested, just perform normally."

Kulov gave some instructions and led the students towards the ajar door.

Xia Zuo followed his mentor and entered a spacious and bright alchemy room.

In the center of the alchemy room is a high-level alchemy platform. Toxin bottles have been placed on the shelves in the four corners. There is a stack of books on the storage table in the middle.

He looked past the alchemy table and towards the depths of the alchemy room, where there were six single sofas placed side by side.

The head of the hospital, Beatrice, and the masters from the inspection team sat there. The sofa to Beatrice's right was empty, and it should be Kulov's seat.

Nina, wearing silver-white soft armor, stood next to the sofa. Her long golden hair was tied into a ponytail and hung behind her head. The lines on her face were somewhat tough, and her whole person was full of heroism.

Her soft armor uses very little metal. Both arms were wrapped in silk-like material. No shoulder and leg armor. The lower body is a long skirt that hangs down to the calf. This is a set of ceremonial armor that is both ornamental and ornamental.

At this time, Nina was looking at Xia Zuo, who looked very young, with curious eyes.

Xia Zuo calmly came to the inspection team and said hello to the masters in descending order of age. He also did not forget to greet the soft-armored girl beside him.

Except for the bald Rexor who had a sullen face, the others all nodded in response with slight smiles.

Professor Allen, a student of Master Kolas, looks younger than the portrait, but his hairline is slightly receded and his forehead looks a bit bigger.

Kulov's poison alchemy teacher, Master Adanavados, has several wrinkles of different shades on his face, and he is as old as Kulov.

Perhaps due to the shortcomings of this discipline, even with the help of unknown potions that enhance vitality, aging is inevitable due to the accumulation of toxins.

Lady Sylvia, the messenger of Lady Starry Night, wore a starry night robe and opened the album in front of her:

"Xia Zuo, we already know that you have an extraordinary memory. The inspection team decided to simplify the first inspection link. Now, I will ask the questions and you will answer them directly."

Xia Zuo looked at the other party's shining green eyes and said, "Yes, ma'am."

Thanks to Xiaoye from Qianye’s family for the 100 points.

Thanks to Huanyue Tianyou for the 100 points.

Thanks to S Mengji for the 1500 points! ! !

Thanks to S Meng Ji, Reading is Good, Dream World, Call Me 998, Black Winged Messenger, Feng Wuzi, Hua Kai, Ze Ming, and Dao Changchang for your monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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