My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 64 Detailed Test (Additional Updates)

Sylvia asked about a dozen knowledge points in the general course. Xia Zuo answered every question fluently.

Soon we entered the second stage.

"On the table of the alchemy table, there is an entry-level poison formula that has not been written into the school textbooks, as well as its refined powder formula."

Sylvia closed the album in her hand:

"We need you to refine a refined poison within 2 hours. You only have one chance to refine it, and the alchemy product must be of perfect quality."

"Follow your instructions, ma'am."

Xia Zuo saluted the figure on the sofa, turned to the closet by the wall, and put on a complete set of poison refining clothes.

Then, he walked up to the alchemy table and came to the storage table. He lowered his head and threw out the detection technique. His eyes scanned the lines of alchemy language, and his expression gradually became serious.

This poison recipe uses 4 basic toxins, which is 1 to 2 more than the recipe recorded in the textbook.

Just the complex toxins required to make the poison require 15 alchemical operations.

Including refining and refining powder, there are 32 alchemical operations in total, 8 of which require the most difficult evaporation and baking.

Xia Zuo looked at the wall clock on the wall and counted the time silently. On average each operation takes only 4 minutes. According to past poison refining experience, you have to start the operation after ten minutes.

He picked up the formula and walked past the four shelves, checking whether the raw materials were accurate and simulating the refining steps in his mind.

Next, he did not start refining immediately.

Instead, pull the blower's cord loop and observe the size of the stove's fire.

After entering the school, the first alchemy platform Xia Zuo came into contact with was the one now used exclusively for teaching. Kulov had used the alchemy table to demonstrate in the first class.

The advanced alchemy platform in the advanced alchemy room was also demonstrated by Kulov before letting Xia Zuo come on stage to refine the poison.

Being able to successfully refine poison at one time is inseparable from an understanding of the performance of the alchemy platform.

Xia Zuo has never touched this high-level alchemy platform.

It is difficult to guarantee that the fire intensity of the stove, the heat transfer rate of the crucible, the heating rate of the oven, and the cooling efficiency of the condensing stove will be exactly the same as the advanced alchemy table in the poison alchemy area.

If there is any mistake in these details, the entire refining work will be ruined.

When he served as a temporary assistant, the freshman made mistakes because he was not familiar with the alchemy platform.

He didn't want to make the same mistake.

Xia Zuo pulled the rope loop of the blower three times in a row, and blazing fire spurted out from the fire outlet.

Fortunately, I tested the fire.

The fuel in this stove is not just the common dry wood and coal. Underneath these fuels, there is something burning.

So insidious.

Xia Zuo suppressed the twitching of the corners of his mouth and suppressed the urge to complain back to his heart.

Sitting on the sofa, Adanavados, the master of poison alchemy, raised a smile and looked at Kulov who was sitting next to him. Both sides saw the satisfied look in the other's eyes.

The bald-headed Rexor let out a dull exhale, as if he was venting some depressed emotions in his heart:

"You are lucky enough to study poison alchemy, and you have got a good student who is cautious enough."

When the big bald head opened and closed his mouth, the sound only spread a few meters away and was firmly confined within the confines of the sofa seat.

"Humph," Adanawados chuckled slightly contentedly, and the wrinkles on his face deepened as the smile deepened:

"This is not stolen, Rexor. These are students trained by our Alchemy School. If your Demon Hunting School is willing to run a territory, can't you also have a stable source of students like us?"

Rexor said nothing, staring at the figure on the advanced alchemy table with twinkling eyes.

Adanawados noticed Shazo checking the oven.

He touched the gray beard on his chest and said:

"It seems that this test is not difficult for this little guy. Kulov, did you remind him to check the alchemy table?"

"No, sensei. I never mentioned it to him."

Adanawados became more and more satisfied, "He is very compatible with the alchemy of poisons. The effect of poisons on the body is very obvious."

Kulov took over from the side and said:

"That's true. I noticed it when he tried the poison for the first time. The elemental resistance increased by taking the poison is very obvious, about three times that of ordinary people."

Rexall on the side was a little moved. He chose to remain silent and did not speak.

"It would be great if he was born in the Silver Moon Federation." Adanawados sighed and calmed down to observe the movement on the alchemy table.

The sofa seat returned to calm.

On the advanced alchemy table.

After Xia Zuo checked all the alchemy equipment, he put down several toxin bottles on the storage table with an expressionless expression.

These old guys...

Sure enough, the longer you live, the more cunning you become.

On the surface, the students are tested with a complicated recipe. Secretly, he was still tinkering with the alchemy equipment.

He picked up the spoon for stirring the crucible, the iron tongs for holding the hot tray, as well as the spatula, glass rod, measuring cup and other alchemical tools and examined them carefully.

Even the rag for wiping the mask was not spared.

Who can guarantee that this rag will not hide some kind of oil that will become dirtier as it is wiped?

Xia Zuo secretly complained a few words again, stood in front of the crucible, picked up the potion bottle and poured out the bottom potion...

Groups of mist of different colors spurted out from the liquid in the crucible and were sucked away by the vent above the head.

There is an invisible barrier between the advanced alchemy table and the sofa seat. The mist that was not sucked away was blocked by the barrier, floated to the ceiling, and was eventually sucked away by the vents.

Xia Zuo was immersed in alchemical operations.

He releases the detection technique at all times, refreshing the information fed back by the detection technique every three seconds. At the same time, the stirring action on the hand cannot be stopped.

About half an hour later.

A bottle of unknown poison of perfect quality appeared on the desk.

Xia Zuo rested on the table and used his detection technique towards the glass bottle.

[Item name] Unknown poison

[Prop type] Poison

[Item level] Entry level

[Props Quality] Completeness 100%, perfect

[Related Resistance] Earth Resistance

[Props Description] The producer is Xia Zuo.

[Props Effect]

Every time I drink a third of the bottle, a bulge appears in random parts of my body.

Every time a bulge appears, 1 layer of severe pain effect will be obtained, and 2 blood points will be deducted every second for 5 seconds.

Severe pain effects can be stacked, and the duration of each layer of severe pain effects is calculated separately.

Severe pain in bulging

Xia Zuo secretly wrote down the poison's effect. When his physical strength was almost restored, he walked to the shelf again to get the toxin bottle.

The refined powder of this poison needs to be repeatedly evaporated to dry the water, and most of the time is spent in the stirring crucible.

Unfortunately, every time the water is evaporated, there is only one-fifth of the liquid in the crucible. It must be operated manually, and the self-stirring arm cannot be used, otherwise the pot will easily get stuck.

Xia Zuo could only slide the spoon around and around like a numb machine.

The hour hand of the wall clock points to 10 am.

Xia Zuo poured the freshly baked green powder into the poison bottle, capped the bottle and gently shook the bottle to allow the powder to completely dissolve into the poison.

"Detection Technique"

[Item name] Unknown poison

[Prop type] Poison

[Item level] Entry level

[Props Quality] Completeness 100%, perfect

[Related Resistance 1] Earth Resistance

[Related Resistance 2] Wind Resistance

[Props Description] The producer is Xia Zuo.

[Props Effect]

Every time I drink a third of the bottle, a hard bulge appears in random parts of my body.

Every time a hard bulge appears, 2 layers of severe pain will be obtained, and 4 blood points will be deducted every second for 2 seconds.

Severe pain effects can be stacked, and the duration of each layer of severe pain effects is calculated separately.

Ms. Sylvia, who was wearing a starry night robe, cast questioning glances at the masters on the left and right.

After receiving a positive reply, she looked at the figure on the alchemy table and said:

"The second round of testing is over. You have passed this round of testing. In the last round of testing, we need you to identify the poisonous effect of this bottle of poison. You can test the poison or use conventional identification methods. As long as the correct poisonous effect is given , even if you pass the test."

Xia Zuo lowered his head and rubbed his brow, taking a look at his blood volume.

【HP】50/50 (health)

Theoretically speaking, if this entire bottle of refined poison is consumed, at most 24 blood points will be deducted, and even [Emergency Moment] will not be triggered.

However, drinking a whole bottle directly would appear reckless, inconsistent with the previous cautious persona, and may arouse questions from the inspection team present.

Most importantly, a line of text on the detection results caught his attention:

[Severe pain effects can be superimposed, and the duration of each layer of severe pain effects is calculated separately. 】

This is a partial description.

To be specific.

Suppose that at 10:00:00 seconds, you drink one-third of the bottle of poison to create a bulge, which will disappear at 10:00:02 seconds.

After finishing the first sip, wait for 1 second and drink another third of the poison. The bulge produced this time will disappear at 10:00:03.

If you want to identify the details of this poisonous effect, you must drink the poison at least twice. More importantly, the poisonous effect after refining only lasts for two seconds. The interval between two poison tests cannot exceed 1 second.


too thin.

It's so thin.

Xia Zuo thought for a while and came up with a precise plan.

First, determine the dose required to take effect.

According to the internal rules of poison alchemy, when the critical dose is unknown, it is correct to drink one-third of the bottle first.

Xia Zuo uncorked the bottle, poured a third of the bottle into the measuring cup, lifted the cup and drank it.

A round bulge instantly appeared on the back, as if something was trying to get out of the body. The raised tip swayed from side to side as if struggling.

2 seconds passed almost instantly.

The pain comes and goes without a trace.

Xia Zuo took a few breaths to recover from the discomfort caused by the severe pain.

Then, he took another measuring cup and poured poison into the two measuring cups in front of him.

He looked at the clock on the wall, calculated the time, and drank two cups of poison one second apart.

A bump appeared on each of the left and right arms, and then disappeared one after another.

"Ms. Sylvia."

Xia Zuo pressed his temples hard twice to drive away the dizziness caused by violent blood draining in a short period of time:

"As you and everyone here can see, I determined the poisonous effect of this refined poison through poison testing.

"Every time you drink about a third of the drink, a bulge will appear in a random part of the body. The bulge will cause severe pain that lasts for 2 seconds.

"After drinking one-third of the first dose, subsequent poisons will not make the existing bulges bigger, nor will they prolong the existence of the bulges. Instead, new bulges will appear in random locations, and their duration will The time is also 2 seconds."

"Then..." Sylvia made eye contact with the masters, looked in the direction of the advanced alchemy table and smiled:

"Congratulations, Xia Zuo. You passed the test of the inspection team."

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