My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 87 Surrender without killing

Half an hour later, Xia Zuo turned into a gas cloud and hid in the tree crown, overlooking the scene of the wooden house.

Slight and dense footsteps sounded in the forest.

Mars walked in front of the crowd with a solemn expression, holding a thick vine staff in his hand.

Next to him was a stalwart soldier wearing matte armor, with a thick beard extending from his chin to the front of his dark gray breastplate.

The soldier looked a bit old, with wrinkles and scars on his face, but his eyes were bright and clear. His expressionless look filled the air around him with a chilling atmosphere.

Mars led a group of people to stop more than ten meters away from the wooden house.

He tapped the staff in the direction of the wooden house, and invisible shock waves emitted from the tail of the staff and spread on the grass toward the wooden house.

"Captain Varrick." Mars lowered his voice, turned his head and said to the tall figure beside him:

"The five people in the house were all in the room to the left of the main entrance. Three of them were already asleep, and the remaining two were drinking."

Mars gestured in front of him about the specific seating arrangements of the five people, "The person sitting at the very back may be a senior mid-level mercenary."

"Yeah." Captain Varrick let out a dull breath.

The metal armor of each of the soldiers behind him has been specially treated.

Not only does the surface not reflect light, but it also does not make a clicking sound when moving.

Xia Zuo used scrying on Varrick.

[Character name] Varrick

[Identity] West City Soldier Captain

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)


[[Four series resistance] 10% (provided by armor.)









[Character Specialties] Unknown

(Failed to obtain more information due to insufficient perception and knowledge reserves)

The size of the other soldiers is similar to Varrick's, except that they are a few times smaller. Correspondingly, their attribute values ​​​​are also lower, and their strength and endurance are mostly in the early 10s.

These soldiers are equipped with light crossbows and quivers, as well as a hammer and shield.

There are no decorative glyphs on the one-handed hammer and shield made of metal. There are only honeycomb-like patterns on the place where the hand is held to improve the controllability of the weapon and shield.

Varrick lowered the metal visor of his helmet and silently made a series of gestures to the soldiers.

Two soldiers were separated and walked towards the window of the bungalow, holding the shield behind their backs and holding the hammer tightly with both hands.

There were snores coming from the house, as well as low whispers. The packhorse tied not far away was a little restless, and a soldier stepped forward to calm the horse.

Two soldiers guarded the front door of the bungalow with their shields raised. The back door and other windows were also guarded by soldiers.

The two soldiers in charge of shooting stood on the spot, unloading the crossbow string, and aimed the faint arrows at the window in front of the house.

Varrick held the shield in his left hand and the hammer in his right hand, walking towards the main entrance step by step.

Except for the slight squishing sound of boots on the grass, there was no big sound.

Varrick stood at the front door, shook the hammer in his hand, and nodded to the soldier by the window. Two cold eyes showed through the gaps in his faceplate.

The soldiers squatting on both sides of the window got the signal, swung the heavy hammer backwards, drew a large arc in the air, and slammed the hammer head against the window covered by the curtains.


There was a loud noise, the window panels instantly shattered, and pieces of wood scattered in all directions.

"Boom boom!" The crossbow string vibrated crisply.

Two crossbow arrows pierced the night in the forest and shot into the house one after another.

"There are enemies! Damn it, what's going on with your trap, Kakufu!" The leader's thick voice, mixed with a heavy snort after drinking, came from inside the house.

"Ahem, cough, cough, I'm... hit by an arrow..."

"Put out the candles quickly!!"

The room was in chaos, with five men shouting.

Varrick, who was guarding the front door, kicked down the door.

"Bang!" The door panel resisted, but the door lock betrayed it.

When the door opened, Varrick raised his shield and rushed in with a roar, followed closely by the two soldiers behind him.

The two soldiers who broke the window climbed into the house one after another, swinging their hammers to hit the scurrying enemies.

"Ugh!!" The tall assassin leader dodged the hammer, picked up the machete on the wall, shouted and slashed at the soldier in front of him, saving Kakufu who was hit by an arrow.

A shield pushed up and collided with the machete, making a loud noise.

The soldier holding the shield was pushed back by the huge force from the machete. With the help of his companions, he stood firm, shouted and pounced on the fierce assassin leader again.

The assassin leader raised his sword and swept across it. The violently swung blade rubbed against the air, making a buzzing vibration.

Mars shouted in the direction of the low house:

"Put down your weapons and surrender! You will get a fair trial! Resistance will result in death!"

"F*ck you! We are not cowards!"

The leader cursed loudly, his muscles bulging high, and he forced the soldiers back with a series of swords. He pulled up Kakufu at his feet, glanced at the wounds on the opponent's back, and his face instantly darkened.

Sitting near the window, Kakufu was first hit by a broken window panel, and then hit in the back by a crossbow arrow.

A large stain of blood seeped out from the clothes behind him, and the blood flowed to the ground, staining the wooden floor red.

This person who is about to take revenge will definitely not be able to hold on any longer!

"Yes! We are not cowards! I will chop you to death!"

Serenf, smelling of alcohol all over his body, swung his two axes wildly in front of him, and the axes hit Varrick's shield, laughing wildly as he fought with the stalwart soldiers in front of him.

The round table was overturned, the delicacies on the table were scattered on the floor, and the dinner plates fell to the ground and shattered. The wine glass and barrel hit the wooden wall and rolled to the floor.

Pidov, who knew how to make poison, crawled on the ground, put his head in his hands and got behind the table leaning against the wall.

He tremblingly poked half of his head out from behind the table, staring at his companions and soldiers who were fighting with each other in horror.

He drank the least and felt the fear of being surrounded by enemies the most.

"Why! Why is this happening! Why were we discovered the first time we met! Why is this?!" Pidov grabbed his long hair and cried desperately.

Puev held a leather shield in his left hand and waved a short gun in his right hand. The leather shield blocked forward and barely blocked the hammer, and his left arm hung down weakly amidst the loud noise of the collision.

"Bang bang!" Two heavy hammers hit his waist, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The squirrel emerged from his collar and then retreated.

"Hey!" Puev lowered his voice and blew a weak whistle.

The squirrel came out and looked up at its owner with its small black eyes.

"call out"

Puev thrust out the short spear with all his strength, and the sharp tip of the spear struck the soldier's shield, drawing a line and making a harsh and sharp noise.

He blew the faint whistle again.

The little squirrel reluctantly rubbed its head on its owner's neck, then jumped to the ground and shuttled around everyone's feet.

The little squirrel ran towards the door and was about to escape from the house.

The soldier guarding the door noticed the little guy and raised his hammer high...

"No!" Puev roared, "I surrender! Don't hurt it!"

Puev threw away the shield and short spear in his hand, raised his hands and walked towards the door.

The soldiers guarding the door and everyone fighting in the house were stunned.

The assassin leader swung his machete at his shield, and the force of the shock made his arms tingle.

At this time, I was really surprised to hear that my companion had surrendered.

When he was distracted, a shield hit his machete hard.

"Roar!" The assassin leader clenched his scimitar and swung it back. The blade collided with the shield with a bang, and bloodshot eyes popped out of the tiger's mouth. He almost lost his grip on his weapon.

The assassin leader glanced at Puev raising his hands in surrender and the squirrel running out of the door, and cursed:

"Damn it! You trainers shouldn't have been involved! Damn it!"

A few meters outside the house.

Mars saw a cloaked man walking out of the house with his hands raised, and also saw the little squirrel turning around and crawling back to its owner.

He stopped the soldier who was about to fire the crossbow in time, asked him to control the cloaked man, and then shouted into the house:

"Surrender! We will not kill prisoners! As long as you surrender, you will receive a fair trial! As long as you have not killed anyone, you will not be sentenced to death!"

"I surrender! I surrender! I have never killed anyone! I have never killed anyone!"

Piedov climbed out from behind the table board in a panic, climbed over the window with his hands and feet, lost control of his center of gravity, fell down the window frame on his face to the ground, and was carried into the soil outside the window.

When the assassin leader saw Pidov surrendering, his face suddenly became anxious. He shouted and rushed forward to kill the traitor, but was pushed back by several shields.

Mars stood outside the house and asked another soldier beside him to control the long-haired man.

"Did you see that!? As long as you surrender, you will not die! I say for the last time, you will receive a fair trial! As long as you have not killed anyone, you will not be sentenced to death!"

There were only three assassins left in the house.


It should be said that it was two people.

Kakufu, who was hit by an arrow in the back, was completely unconscious. His face was white and gray, and he was taking in more air than out. He was no different from death.

"If you have never killed someone, you will not be sentenced to death."

Serenfu held up his two axes and recalled with blurred eyes.

A fierce look appeared on his face, his aquiline nose drooped in front of his mouth, and he laughed wantonly, as if he was crazy, "Hahaha! I will be sentenced to death? I will be sentenced to death! I will chop you to death!" !”

He took a big step forward and struck out with his axe.

Varrick no longer mercilessly grabbed people alive, the metal armor on his body expanded in a circle, and he swung two hammers in an instant, so fast that he didn't even see Xia Zuo outside the room.

"Bang bang!" Two hammer shadows hit Serenfu's waist, one on the left and one on the right.

"Poof" Serenfu spit out a mouthful of blood, the ax slipped from his hand, and his body fell limply to the ground, spitting out blood.

Only the assassin leader was left standing.

He leaned against the wall, holding the machete in front of him, gasping for breath, "Come on, come and beat me, you bunch of bastards."

Mars walked towards the bungalow and stopped in front of the window.

The leader took one look at the figure's clothes and light golden hair outside the window, and shouted even more loudly, "Bah! You're a lackey from the academy!"

Xia Zuo was floating in the air and frowned after hearing the curse.

Not to mention Mars. Seeing this situation, he knew that there was no hope of persuading him to surrender, so he nodded towards Varrick who was gripping the hammer tightly.

Puff puff

Several muffled sounds came from inside the house, which were the sounds of blunt objects hitting flesh and blood.

Xia Zuo floated down, looked into the window, sighed silently, and then floated further.

The smell of blood filled the room, and the sight of being beaten to pieces with a hammer made him feel a little uncomfortable. Maybe it was because of the refreshing medicine, but he didn't suffer from any negative symptoms such as nausea.

Mars' performance surprised Xia Zuo.

This senior, who has been the assistant to the mage stationed in the city for more than two years, seems to have already adapted to the sight of enemies dying tragically.

Seeing that Mars was so calm, Xia Zuo's anxiety gradually calmed down.

Let the soldiers handle the rest later.

A convoy of military horse-drawn carriages stopped in the distance and drove over.

The soldiers carried the corpses to the carriage, and then put the surrendered prisoners on the carriage.

The house was cleared of valuable items.

Those letters involving the assassin's identity were all accepted by Mars.

Xia Zuo floated behind Mars and followed him towards a carriage.

Warrick turned his head and looked at the air behind him, and the place where his eyes were focused was exactly where Xia Zuo was.

With 11 points of perception and decades of combat experience, he is keenly aware of the tail behind the team.

Mars patted Varrick's arm armor, raised his left hand, and bent his left thumb.

Varrick nodded as if he was aware of it, and no longer paid attention to the unshown figure of his own person behind him.

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