Afternoon the next day.

Inside the castle in West City.

Xia Zuo ended his meditation and opened his eyes on the soft couch in the guest room.

This morning, he followed the army's carriage team to the castle. After several hours of meditation, his energy was restored.

It's time to set off back to Starry Night Academy.

Along the way, catch a few uninhibited elements on the road.

In order to save effort and potions, Xia Zuo decided to ask his mentor to help identify the characteristics of these unruly elements. He would keep the ones he could use and exchange the ones he couldn't use to get points.

You can get 20 points by turning in 1 Unruly Element, but you need 100 points to exchange for 1 Unruly Element that can only be used.

So if you can find the uninhibited elements that suit you, you can save a lot of money.

Xia Zuo stared at the ceiling in a daze for a while, feeling a desire to search for unruly elements.

He got up, washed himself and prepared to go.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door.

Xia Zuo opened the door.

Mars stood in the doorway holding a roll of parchment.

"Please come in. Senior Mars, I'm getting ready to leave." Xia Zuo invited the other party to come in.

"Here, take this." Mars put the parchment in the other person's hand. "This is your errand report. I've written it for you. Just give it to your instructor when you return to school."

Xia Zuo opened the parchment and took a look.

After exploring the adenochlorophyll collection point and finding an abnormality in the snake cave, I was awarded 60 points, which was 20 points more than expected.

This was because some of the venomous snakes stolen by the mercenaries were recovered. Although it was the four mercenaries who surrendered and handed over the venom glands and snakes, the credit goes to Xia Zuo.

Last night's mission to capture members of the Assassin organization was awarded 25 points, and a criminal was given 5 points, regardless of whether he was captured alive or killed on the spot.

Two days, 85 points.

You can also cast Wind Movement throughout the process, and use the [Spell Training] specialty to gain experience and attribute value rewards.

This is better than the reward for refining poisons and completing orders in the academy.

Xia Zuo admitted that he had the idea of ​​​​running errands for people and dealing with urgent matters.

However, such a good job is hard to come by, and it is also dangerous. It can be said that there is more risk and more benefit. When you encounter it in the future, you can set aside time to do it.

"Xia Zuo, I still have to take up some of your time." Mars said apologetically and took out a file of cases from his pocket.

"Okay, please take a seat, Senior Mars."

The two of them sat at the desk in the room.

"The two assassins we caught last night were not simple." Mars said, while unrolling the parchment on the table.

"Oh?" Xia Zuo became interested. Although I won't stay here to continue helping, it doesn't hurt to listen.

"They are members of the Black Gyro Brotherhood."

Mars pointed to the black top on the parchment and said:

"In the early years, this kind of illegal organization that convened gangs to take revenge for personal grievances existed everywhere in the kingdom. After being swept away by the resident mages from all over the country, only this kind of organization was left in Sbrier Province. Illegal organizations are active.”

Xia Zuo glanced at the case report and asked: "It says that the Black Gyro Brotherhood generally operates in Sbrier Province? Are they rampant?"

"Yeah. Pretty rampant."

Mars nodded and drew a rectangular frame on the table, "Sbrier Province is larger than the Yenan Province where we are located. But because the location is too remote, most cities there only have one official mage stationed there. No assistant."

There are too few mage apprentices in the academy, and it is temporarily impossible to fill the vacancies in Rossak and Sbreer provinces.

When I thought about it, it seemed that the main producing areas of many basic toxins in short supply were in Sbrier Province... Xia Zuo frowned slightly and asked:

"Isn't Sbrier Province peaceful? I thought only Rosak Province would be attacked by rogue bandits."

"There are many more rogues and chaotic forces there than in Rossak Province."

Mars shook his head and clicked on the case, "This morning, the resident mage told me about a strange place. He only discovered this after contacting the resident mage in Sbrier Province."

Mars pointed to a line on the case file:

[2 people were captured, 3 were killed, and the total number of criminals was 5. 】

"In order to assassinate a target in Yenan Province, the Black Gyro Brotherhood summoned four assassins, including a senior mid-level mercenary and a third-rate poison alchemist. In Sbrier Province, only those targeting That’s why so many assassins are called in for multiple assassination targets.”

Yes. Karkuf's enemy is just a stable assistant, and at most three people can take him down. Why did five people need to be dispatched?

Xia Zuo thought about it and felt that the senior mid-level mercenary and the third-rate poison alchemist were completely redundant.

He pointed to the names of the assassin leader and Pidov and expressed his thoughts.

Mars nodded, "I think so too. So I want to ask you, did you find anything when you were following them yesterday? It would be best if you could tell me how you followed them."

It turned out to be for this matter.

Xia Zuo sat up straight and recounted what he heard while lying on the carriage yesterday.

When he talked about sneaking into the low house and observing the five assassins drinking, he paused, clapped his hands and said:

"I remembered one thing. The assassin leader and Piduof, the third-rate poison alchemist, seem to have known each other for a long time, but it seems like this is the first time they met the others."

Mars flipped through the parchment and found Pidoff's confession, which denied that he had known other assassins.

"This is important information!" Mars took out a pencil and made a mark on the parchment.

"I'll think about it again and see if there are any other details..." Xia Zuo lowered his head and thought while telling what he saw and heard.

About half an hour later, Xia Zuo confirmed that nothing was missing, and the two came to the backyard of the castle.

Xia Zuo waved towards Mars, "Goodbye, senior. Thank you for your hospitality, I have to go back quickly."

"Yeah, yeah, you have to go back to accompany your girlfriend." Mars teased, waved his hand and said, "Have a nice trip, Xia Zuo. Thank you for the information you provided."

"Then, I'll leave." Xia Zuo turned into a gas cloud and floated out from the backyard wall.

In the afternoon eight days later.

Xia Zuo drifted into the gate of Starry Night City, drifted along the spacious avenue of the market area, and drifted towards the low city wall of Starry Night Academy.

The towering Starry Night Castle stands in the center of the city. The closer you get, the more majestic the castle is.

Xia Zuo floated into the school wall and turned into a human form, walking to the castle hall.

After entering here, it is the territory of the castle manager Dim.

Xia Zuo is still a mage apprentice and is still not allowed to use spells in public places in the academy.

He took out the pocket watch given by his girlfriend and checked the time.

4:15 p.m.

First go to the dormitory to take a shower and change clothes, then go to the instructor to report the results of the trip, and then wait in the hall before dinner.

Xia Zuo made a plan in his mind and walked quickly towards the castle.


Beatrice's study.

Xia Zuo knocked on the door, heard a familiar voice behind the door and pushed it open.

"Professor, I'm back."

Beatrice put down her pen, pointed to the chair opposite the table, and said with a smile on her pretty face, "The resident mage of West City told me what happened a few days ago. You did a good job. Give me the points booklet.”

Xia Zuo smiled humbly, sat down on the chair, took out the points book and handed it over.

Beatrice wrote a line on the page dedicated to recording points changes.

Xia Zuo leaned forward and took a look, and the message from Goldfinger came to his mind:

“If the host is detected, you will gain 85 points from the Mages Guild and receive 255 experience points as a reward.

"Level up!"



[Free Attribute Points] 35+5→40 points

Wonderful~ Another 5 free attribute points have been added to the account.

"Professor, I have some unruly elements here. I would like you to help me identify them."

Xia Zuo took off his alchemy bag and handed it to Beatrice.

The things in the bag that belonged to Mars were returned when he left West City. When Xia Zuo was resting in the dormitory, he had taken out his dirty clothes in advance.

At this time, the only items left in the alchemy pocket were the elemental confinement bottle, a compass, a map, a skin bag containing flammable gas, and other props that Beatrice temporarily lent to Xia Zuo.

Beatrice fumbled in her alchemy pocket and took out 10 elemental confinement bottles, "Well~ your harvest is quite rich. In less than 20 days, you caught 10 unruly elements. You shouldn't have been there all the time. Wandering in the wild, right?”

"Uh, yes." Xia Zuo scratched the back of his head, "I feel like I'm in the forest, and it's easy to use the wind technique. The trees there are very dense, but I can handle it."

He looked at his instructor with sincerity in his eyes, "I also have to thank you for the obstacles you arranged in the training room, so that I can have sufficient experience in the wind movement."

Beatrice has become accustomed to Xia Zuo's rhetoric and can always turn his praise to Beatrice herself.

She chuckled lightly, snapped her fingers, and formed mysterious blue eyes on her forehead, scanning the ten elemental confinement bottles on the table.

"Luckily, there is an unruly elemental that you can use. You can find time to tame and accommodate it."

Beatrice removed the Eye of Kolas from her forehead and picked out a bottle of brown light.

"The easier it is to conceive of the trait, the more common the corresponding unruly element. This is the uninhibited element with the [shaping] trait. Keep it for yourself. The remaining uninhibited element traits are fusion, leaching, splitting... these are left to How about I exchange it for points?”

"Thank you, I'll do as you say." Xia Zuo grinned, took the elemental confinement bottle and stuffed it into his pocket.

Beatrice put away the remaining elemental confinement bottles and wrote a few words in the points book.

9 unruly elements, each with 20 points, totaling 180 points and 540 experience points.

So rich~

Xia Zuo rubbed his hands happily.

Beatrice handed the points book back and manipulated a stack of papers in the drawer to fall in front of the students.

"These are newly arrived poison orders."

Xia Zuo flipped through it quickly, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

The last order received was a one-time deal. Once the money was paid and the goods were delivered, the order was considered completed.

In this order, there are many more long-term orders. It is agreed that the goods will be delivered every six months or one year for at least three years, and a payment will be settled for each delivery.

Xia Zuo did some mental math and found that he had earned about 7,800 points in the past two years, with an average of 3,900 points a year.

The pile of orders in front of me has almost the same data.

Even better, standing orders can be stocked in advance! It saves you the trouble of arranging the poison refining sequence, and the time saved can be used to do other things.

Well~very good.

Xia Zuo pulled out a few orders and put them on top - these were orders that were urgently needed and should be completed first.

He considered his tone and asked

"Professor, can I learn Kit Kat Alchemy? This time when I went to West City, I saw the Secret Message Ring. I became very interested in Kit Kat object science."

According to the normal process, after Xia Zuo finished learning the proficiency level content of Poison Alchemy, it was time to learn Kit Kat Object Learning. However, a large number of urgent orders for poisons pushed this course schedule back again and again.

Beatrice stared at the calendar on the table, reached out and turned back a few pages.

"Hmm... let me think about it... Kit Kat Object Learning has a lot of design drawings and refinement drawings that need to be memorized.

"I will give you both entry-level and advanced-level textbooks. You first learn the knowledge in the textbooks on your own. After a month, after I have finished handling the recent affairs and freed up my time in the evening, I will take you to the Rare Object Alchemist. Practice.”

Xia Zuo's eyes lit up, "Thank you, Professor."

There are middle school students in the Kit Kat Objects subject in the school, such as Lucas, who is in the same class as Xia Zuo.

However, the "Castle Code" stipulates that textbooks for entry-level and above levels cannot be lent to others, let alone taken out of the school.

Therefore, although Xia Zuo was determined to teach himself the science of Kit Kat objects, he could not find any classmates willing to lend him teaching materials.

Behind the desk, Beatrice stretched out her arm towards the bookshelf.

The bookshelves here are very thick, with more than one row of books on each floor.

The books in the front row flew out of the bookshelf, the books in the back row floated to the desk, and then the books in the front row floated back to their original places.

Beatrice found an unused small suitcase from the storage room.

11 textbooks filled the small suitcase to the brim.

Xia Zuo and Beatrice chatted for a while about the timetable for taming the unruly elements.

Beatrice decided that as long as Xia Zuo first refines a batch of poisons that are urgently needed for delivery, and then prepares some of the poisons that need to be left alone, he can perform three hidden cultivations.

These three dives can be done separately without having to stay in the dormitory for 45 consecutive days.

During the period of latent cultivation, it was left to Xia Zuo to decide which meditation method to use to accommodate the elements.

Xia Zuo had no objection to this.

He put away his points book and poison order, picked up the heavy suitcase, and left his mentor's study.

I had a headache last night, so I didn’t revise these three chapters carefully. I’ll revise them when I get up this morning. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me.

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