My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 310: One Double For One Life!

After listening to Tai Shujing's words, Ji Ruxue fell silent.

Tai Shujing was right. At the same time she was bored with cultivation, she seemed to have entered a misunderstanding, too much pursuit of Cultivation Base Realm, forgetting that Cultivation Base is not equal to strength. If this continues, something will happen.

"Thank you fellow daoist for the suggestion, Ruxue remembers it in my heart."

After a while, Ji Ruxue bowed slightly to her uncle.

This is what she should do, Tai Shujing has no reason to mention her, no one has this obligation, and this kind of kindness without the slightest impurities is the most precious.

"You're welcome, you be careful."

Waving his hand, Tai Shujing didn't care, nor did he deliberately show favor.

After speaking, he saw that Xiao Bai on the other side had already dealt with the enemy, so he greeted Ji Ruxue and went to make up for the knife he hadn't made up.

Looking at Tai Shujing's back, Ji Ruxue's eyes were a little different. She felt that Tai Shujing was different from the men in the clan at all. It looked ordinary at first, but it was actually very attractive.

Found the quasi-king who had been seriously injured, Tai Shu Jing slapped him to pieces.

"It's finished."

Clapping his palms, Tai Shujing looked at the people coming and smiled slightly.

"you lose."

Xiaobai smiled and said concisely. This is Tai Shujing's own proposal. Even if he loses, he must obediently fulfill his own promise.

"All right, Xiaobai, have you thought of any conditions?"

Shrugging, Tai Shujing will naturally not regret it.

"I haven't thought about it yet, keep it, plus the last one, there are already two."

After thinking about it, Xiaobai said.

"Anything you say is right, you still remember it."

Somewhat helplessly, she looked at Xiaobai, Tai Shujing didn't expect that she would still remember the last thing. Sometimes women have super good memory.

"Jing, you go save Mei."

Suddenly, Xiao Bai Huafeng turned around and looked at him with a smile.

"You've seen this, so it's not it. After all, such a big living person is about to die in front of me. I am not hard-hearted. I think it is to save my life and build a seventh-level buddha. Let me accumulate virtue."

With a smile, Tai Shujing explained.

"What if someone likes you?"

Xiao Bai looked at him a little worriedly. She was so unhappy that she knew best that if other women fell in love with him, it was not impossible. Moreover, it was still a way to save the United States through heroes.

"Hahaha, what do you think, Xiaobai? Do you like to be so inexplicable?"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Tai Shujing felt a little funny.

Even if the women in the world are all sentimental creatures, not everyone will think that a hero will be beautiful to save the United States. What if this hero is ugly?

"Okay, I just stopped the sword for her, nothing happened, you think too much."

To Xiaobai's faint gaze, Tai Shujing explained again.

"Then what if other girls like you?"

Xiaobai asked.

"What if?"

After hearing Xiaobai's question, Tai Shujing was a little dumbfounded, where are there so many ifs in the world.

"Say it."

Xiaobai urged, as if he really wanted to know the answer to this question.

"Uh... of course there is nothing to say, I only want you, one double for the rest of my life, okay."

With a sigh, Tai Shujing didn't know why Xiaobai suddenly cared about this kind of thing.

He took a step forward, took Xiao Bai in his arms, and said in a gentle voice in her ear.

"Well, I believe you."

Hearing Tai Shujing's answer, Xiao Bai's heart was filled with a sense of happiness, she showed a beautiful smile, and then kissed him.

Under this blood-colored sky, there is still a big battle going on, and the two of them kissed together, which seemed to have a special affection.

"Xiao Bai, be reserved, reserved, and pay attention to the occasion. You don't feel shy, I still feel shy."

Separate, Tai Shujing always feels that there are a lot of sights looking here, and the old face blushes.

"Puff, take care of them."

It is rare to see Tai Shujing blushing, and Xiao Bai smiles.

"Okay, brother and sister are waiting here alone, let's go down first."

The mood was restrained, Tai Shu Jing said.

Nodded, the two held hands, Tai Shu Jing took Xiao Bai, and lightly tapped his finger on the formation pattern, and then separated from the formation.

"Second brother, Bai Big sis, are you all right."

Seeing the two came out, Huang Feier's eyes fell on the hands of the two, feeling that these two were quite bold.

"It's okay, Xiao Huo and they are coming soon."

With that said, Tai Shu Jing looked into the big formation, and saw that his brother and them had already solved the opponents and were helping to wipe out the remaining enemies.

After a while, in the big formation, there was no longer any bloody figure that still existed.

The sixteen quasi-kings and the kings were all killed by them one by one. The price was that most of them suffered some injuries, but it was not a major problem, and it was a big victory.

Seeing this, the uncle meditated quietly, this large black and white two-color array gleamed slightly, and the eight phantoms of the array at the core began to dissipate, one after another.

When all the eight phantoms of the formations have disappeared, the Yin & Yang life and death chart also collapsed, the entire formation has lost its support, and the formations have also turned into nothingness one by one, blending into the world.

"Fellow daoist, there will be a period later."

Lei Peng and the others greeted Uncle Jing from a distance, and disappeared into the distance after turning into streamers.

"Fellow daoist, I should also leave later. If I don't dislike it, I can come to my Yibao Pavilion as a guest at any time, and I will be greeted by Tu Zhen and sweep the couch."

Tu Zhen of Yibaoge sent an invitation to Tai Shujing and the others.

God of War Temple Saint Child Zhan Qingtian, and Holy Maiden Yun Shihua and they also said goodbye one after another. The matter is over, there is no longer a reason to stay in the Taoist temple.

Moreover, the three-month period of Taoism is approaching.

"Master Jing, can I call you that?"

When Ji Ruxue came to Tai Shujing, her face was a little red.

"Of course you can, then I will call you Ruxuemai, then Ruxuemai, are you still okay?"

Nodded with a smile, the uncle asked quietly.

", I just want to invite Master Jing and everyone to come to my Ji's house to repay Master Jing for his life-saving grace."

Ji Ruxue looked at Tai Shujing, then at Xiao Bai beside him, somehow, feeling a little nervous.

"Ms. Ruxue don't have to worry about it. If you have a chance to see you again, it's okay to talk about it. If you meet each other, you are all friends, isn't it?"

With a slight smile, Tai Shujing said.

"Are you friends? If you see you next time, Master Jing and your friends must show their faces, then Ruxue bid farewell."

Nodding, Ji Ruxue smiled, then turned and left.

Seeing Ji Ruxue's leaving back, Xiao Huo and their eyes looked strange. Does this girl from the Ji family have any thoughts about Tai Shujing, or how well would she invite him to be a guest?

"Xiao Jing, what did you do to others?"

Tai Shuyun looked at her little brother curiously.

He knows very well that his little brother is not the kind of person who likes to mess around with flowers.

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