When Tai Shuyun said this, everyone else looked at Tai Shujing with curious eyes.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense, be careful I sue you for slander."

Rolling his eyes, Tai Shu Jing said something.

Didn't they just invite him to be a guest, and he was not the only one, it was all of them. Eight Trigrams got up so easily, so let's panic.

"Then why did they invite us and call your name?"

Tai Shuyun didn't believe it, and continued to ask.

"Jing just helped her a little, it's nothing."

Xiaobai helped Taishujing to say a word.

"That's good, Xiaobai, you have to watch him."

Now that Xiaobai had said so, Tai Shuyun stopped holding on to this question, but instead exhorted Xiaobai.

"Dage, I know, don't worry."

Nodded with a smile, Xiao Bai felt that Tai Shuyun was thinking too much, because of Tai Shujing's character, how could it be possible to mess around with flowers.

"Hmph, brother, look at you, it's not as good as my Xiaobai."

With a snort, Tai Shujing glanced at her brother with contempt.

"While going, what's wrong with my brother's concern about housework? Is there anything wrong?"

Looking at her little brother, Tai Shuyun said frankly.

"Yun Big Brother, we still don't know who Xiaojing is, don't think about it so much, we should go back."

Interrupting them, Lan Xiyue said with a smile.

"Yes, Brother Dage, we should go out."

Xiao Huo also agreed.

If you don't interrupt the two, it is estimated that they will be upgraded to bickering and then to heads-up. These two brothers are sometimes so unreliable.

"Second brother, don't you and Bai Big sis come to our Phoenix Temple to sit?"

Huang Feier also said.

"Okay, of course I want to come, by the way, I will have a long experience and see how powerful Wanhuangling is standing at the peak of the mainland."

Hearing this, Tai Shujing became interested.

This time, he and Xiao Bai returned to the outside world after a few years, and it was also their first time to come to the center of the mainland, and they suddenly became interested.

Tai Shujing also wanted to see how majestic Wanhuangling was as the top giant in the mainland.

"Dage, come here with you and sister-in-law."

Xiao Huo looked at Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue, and wanted to invite them both to sit.

"No, this time Xiaojing and Xiaobai will suffice. Your sister-in-law is the Star Palace Holy Maiden, and I am there. Now we are all quasi-kings. After the Heart's Demon catastrophe, it is Daoyuan Realm. Don’t be careless. Now, little fire."

Tai Shuyun smiled slightly at Xiao Huo's exhortation.

"I understand Dage."

Nodded earnestly, Xiao Huo knew that Tai Shuyun was reminding him not to forget cultivation, it was not far from Dao Yuan.

"That's good, Xiaojing, when you arrive at Wanhuangling, be careful, Xiaohuo and Feier, please help me. Whoever was last time may get revenge. With your strength, I can rest assured."

Looking at Tai Shujing, Tai Shuyun said again.

"Understood, isn't it the one who was last time? Understood, I am there, no problem."

With a relaxed smile, Tai Shujing knew who her brother was talking about, the other saint son of the Phoenix clan who couldn't beat the small fire and played a conspiracy.

With the kind of personality that Yazi must report, it is absolutely impossible to find a small fire.

Regardless of whoever moved out of the Daoyuan Realm King or the Emperor Realm's peak powerhouse, Tai Shujing currently has a way to deal with it, and this is where his confidence lies.

Seeing Tai Shujing's confident appearance, Tai Shuyun also guessed where his hole cards are.

If he guessed right, Tai Shujing's biggest trump card is the formation shown today. He thinks Tai Shujing may have reached the Realm of Nine Cycles, otherwise he would not be so confident.

When the formation teacher reaches Nine Cycles, he has already stood at the peak of the formation, which is the common knowledge of the world.

After the formation enters the seventh turn, each turn is a qualitative change. The seventh turn can kill the Sage realm, the eighth turn can kill the Daoyuan realm, and the Nine Cycles can kill the emperor realm.

This is not an exaggerated fact, but the fact that Array Dao has such a powerful force.

Although the formation path is one of the avenues of heaven and earth, it has no laws and origins. Everything is based on the 365 heaven and earth formation patterns. The formation is used as the core to support the formation, which can be attacked, killed, defended, and besieged. Confused...

The changes in the formations are all based on the arrangement and combination of the formations. The more heaven and earth formations are depicted, the more complex it is, and the power will increase exponentially.

Only by truly mastering these three hundred and sixty-five heaven and earth formation patterns, can they be regarded as qualified to climb into the formation.

"Know that you still have cards, just don't fall into the ditch."

Nodded, Tai Shu Jing said.

"Too lazy to tell you how could I fall into the ditch."

Cursing his lips, Tai Shu Jing looks like I don't want to talk to you.

"Okay, you're still bickering after you're so grown-up, let's go."

Lan Xiyue looked at the two reluctantly, and let them go on, there was still no end to it.

Afterwards, the six left this ancient battlefield.

Within ten days of the Taoist closing, the exit will be randomly opened somewhere. The exit and the entrance are exactly the same, hanging above the sky, very conspicuous.

There is also a beam of light towering above the portal, which is difficult for anyone to see.

Two days later, Tai Shujing and the others came to the exit.

"Hey, isn't that Huangluo?"

I caught a glimpse of a familiar figure, and the uncle stopped quietly.

"Quiet fellow daoist, meet again."

When Tai Shujing saw Huang Luo, Huang Luo also saw them and greeted them with a smile.

"Huang Luo, what are you doing here?"

Uncle Tai asked curiously, he didn't want to go out and take a look.

"Come here to send Yuezhu home."

Smiled, Huangluo told the truth.

"What will you do from now on?"

Knowing that Huang Luo and Lin Yuezhu both have a good opinion of each other, Tai Shujing didn't think they would just give up like this.

"Well, when I cultivate to the king state, I can freely shuttle through the boundary wall to find Yuezhu."

Huang Luo smiled naively.

Hearing what Huanglu said, the uncle nodded quietly. In this way, Huangluo didn't take long. He could tell at a glance that Huangluo had successfully transformed Immortal will and became a quasi-king.

"Then we'll go one step ahead, see you later, and invite you to drink."

Patting Huang Luo on the shoulder, the uncle said quietly.

"This is good, definitely."

Hearing that, Huang Luo also laughed. Tai Shujing and his two brothers were one of his few human friends, and they also talked very much. Both the conduct and the style of behavior are very suitable for his appetite, and they are worthy of deep friendship.

After speaking, Huang Luo turned and left.

"Daoyuan Realm can travel between the two worlds freely. It seems that there is no communication with the outside world here, and the connection is still very close, but we don't know it."

Rubbing his chin, the uncle whispered quietly.

Soon, Tai Shujing and the six of them returned to the outside world from the exit.

After returning to the outside world, Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue went back to the Star Palace, while Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai followed Xiao Huo and Huang Feier to Wanhuangling.

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