My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 312 Peerless Array! Phoenix King!


In the center of the continent, this is one of the top powers, undefeated through the ancient and ancient times, and continues to this day.

There are many sacred mountains here, and each peak is straight into the sky. It is ten thousand feet high. Under the detailed count, you can find that these many sacred mountains actually meet the number of the Universe, three hundred and sixty-five.

Every sacred mountain is lined with heavenly faults. Palaces of different sizes are located on the mountainside, with only the top of the mountain. The heavenly fault rises from the sky like a sacred pillar and connects to a sky.

These three hundred and sixty-five sacred mountains are located like a star map, and there is a mysterious connection between them, like a great array of peerless.

Numerous heaven and earth Spiritual Qi were brought in, immersed in these three hundred and sixty-five sacred mountains, like a fairyland.


The roar of the beasts is constant, there are divine birds crying in the sky, the walking beasts roaring in the mountains and forests, and many bloodline creatures are pulling the heaven and the earth, immersed in cultivation.

As we all know, fierce beasts can transform into form by cultivation up to the fifth level.

Therefore, above the Ten Thousand Emperors Mountain, there are many fierce beasts that have turned into human forms. They can perceive the world in human form and make it easier to understand the Tao.

"This is Wanhuangling, magnificent, three hundred and sixty-five sacred mountains, a universe of stars, a peerless array of Nine Cycles, this is the foundation."

Coming out of the Wanhuangling Mountains, looking at the vast sacred mountains, the uncle sighed quietly.

"Second brother, you can tell at a glance, it's amazing."

Seeing Tai Shujing face to face, he could see the mystery of the layout, Xiao Huo was surprised, when he first came here, he didn't see anything, just thought it was good-looking.

"I just understand the dot matrix way, otherwise I won't be able to tell."

When she waved her hand, Tai Shujing didn't think there was anything in it. Thinking about it with her fingers, she knew that there must be something in the layout of these sacred mountains.

He can see it because he understands the way of formation.

"Second brother, you don't understand a little bit. Elders have said that ordinary Seventh Rank Formation Masters can't see the mystery."

Huang Feier also smiled and said.

Tai Shu Jing's formation, she has already seen it, the eighth-turn large formation besieged the kings, although they are not the kings in the peak state, they must not underestimate the power of the formation.

If Tai Uncle Jing was willing, Huang Feier had no doubt that the eighth-revolution array would be able to wipe out the incomplete kings in an instant.

"Brother and sister, generally these two words have no relationship with the second brother in this life."

Tai Shujing pretended to say something profoundly, making them all amused.

"Second brother, let's go in."

With that, Xiao Huo and Huang Feier led the way, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai followed, enjoying a lot of beautiful scenery along the way.

The four came to a sacred mountain near the center.

This sacred mountain was full of fiery red color, like cast by red fire crystals, exuding a strong flame aura, far more intense than ordinary flames.

And this sacred mountain is higher than the surrounding sacred mountains, closer to the sky, and the starlight drawn from the sky is also very rich, not to mention Spiritual Qi.

At this time, among the heavens on this sacred mountain, a group of figures gathered.

"Father, Elder, Feng Yan colluded with outsiders and injured me badly. He also broke my arm. Please Father and Elder call the shots for me."

The second sage Fengqu hugged the empty sleeve and complained to these elders.

I saw his face aggrieved and complex, expressing his entangled emotions vividly and vividly, expressing his feelings of wanting to talk but not wanting to talk.

These Elders are all the people of the Phoenix clan who deal with all the affairs of the clan on the surface, and every one of them is a quasi-king.

They all have gray beards and ruddy faces, and they are nothing like ordinary old men.

Among these Elders, there is another one who is actually more dignified. He is the only one who looks younger, looks like a middle-aged person, and is Feng Qu's father.

"Qu'er, this is true, that Feng Yan and outsiders hurt you hard and broke your arm?"

The middle-aged man asked in a deep voice, suddenly filling the entire Tianque Great Hall with a depressed atmosphere.

This person also has golden hair, and his eyes are like two golden lamps, shining with fire, and a pure majesty spread from him, which is much richer than the quasi-king Elder around him.

This is Feng Qu's father, Feng Tianbo, a genuine Dao Source Realm, a Phoenix King in the Phoenix line.

"Yes, father, what the child said is true."

Feng Qu nodded solemnly, almost to prove it with tears.

"I'm so courageous, as the tenth son of my Phoenix line, I dare to unite with outsiders to murder the tribe. The crime is extremely heinous, and he must be punished severely when he comes back."

Feng Tianbo immediately exploded with a strong coercion, causing all the prospective kings Elder present to change their expressions.

"King Tianbo, in my opinion, there must be some misunderstanding in this matter. The tenth son Feng Yan is not the kind of person who will harm his clan. You might as well wait for him to come back and interrogate him."

Among the Elders, someone has spoken.

This person is Feng Zhe, who was also the Phoenix family Sage who came to Wanhuangling with a small fire. He was already a Realm standing on top of Nine Cycles.

In the past few years, he has become a quasi-king.

"Are you saying that Qu'er is lying?"

Looking at the majestic gaze, Feng Tianqi looked at Feng Zhe with a trace of questioning.

"Don't dare, but since this matter is related to the Tenth Son, you can't just listen to what the Second Son said. If there is any misunderstanding, it would be unfair to the Tenth Son, isn't it?"

Feng Zhe tried his best according to reason, and showed no fear at all.

Xiao Huo was brought in by him at the beginning, and he naturally understood what kind of person Xiao Huo was, how could it be possible to unite with outsiders to harm his family like Feng Qu said.

Now that Little Huo Ren is not here, Feng Qu said that no one refuted it, because it was a fact that he was missing an arm.

If Feng Qu deliberately pushed this matter to Xiao Huo, Feng Zhe would not be the first to agree. He was a member of his ancestors, and he naturally understood the importance of Xiao Huo to the Phoenix family.

"Fengzhe Elder, don't you think I am framing Feng Yan? Although the person who broke my arm is not Feng Yan, he is his acquaintance. After the battle between the two of us, he is very powerful. At the time of the arrest, he attacked me. What could be the misunderstanding in this?"

Feng Qu sneered. He knew that Feng Zhe was Xiao Huo's introduction of Sage, but here, it was his father who had the final say.

"How do you know that this person is Feng Yan's acquaintance?"

Feng Zhe asked back.

"That person is Feng Yan's acquaintance. I also saw with my own eyes that the lion swallowing lion lineage, and the elephant of the jade dragon elephant clan, all fell into their hands."

Feng Qu added fuel and jealousy, and was stunned to buckle his hat on Xiao Huo's head.

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