My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 313 Introspection and Introspection! King Tianbo!

As soon as this remark came out, even Feng Zhe couldn't speak, could it really be Feng Yan...

"Needless to say, when the tenth son Feng Yan returns, he will be detained first and put in the Falling God Cave for three months to show punishment."

Feng Tianbo gave his final word and did not give Feng Zhe a chance to refute.


Feng Zhe sighed when he saw that the other Elders had all acquiesced.

This Fallen God Cave is not a good place, but a forbidden place on the Wanhuangling Mountain to punish the tribe.

The environment inside is bad, without the slightest Spiritual Qi, and Nine Heavens wind blows twelve hours a day, and even the quasi-king Elder of them is reluctant to approach that place.

Even if it casts Immortal's body, it will hurt its skin and flesh if it is blown by this Nine Heavens wind.

Rumor has it that this Fallen God Cave was the result of the fall of the Fengshen in the ancient times, and the grievances of the gods are immortal, and this has formed this Fallen God Cave.

Hearing the decision made by his father, Feng Qu lowered his head and gave a dark smile.

He had seen Xiao Huo upset very early, and he had a better bloodline than them. He had clearly become the Son of God hundreds of years later than them, but he had caught up in just a few years.

Moreover, even surpassing them, the strength is close to the first holy son.

At present, among the ten saint children in the Phoenix line, the first saint child became the quasi-king, and the remaining saint children at most also cast the Immortal body, which is still some distance from the quasi-king.

But Xiao Huo is the most likely of them to become a son of the quasi-king at the fastest speed.

Even Xiao Huo's strength has surpassed this second saint son, how can Feng Qu be surpassed willingly.

"To King Tianbo and Elder, Holy Maiden of Feng Yan and Holy Maiden are back."

At this time, soldiers from the Phoenix clan came in from outside the temple with a message.

"Pass them over and let the law enforcement team wait outside the door, waiting for the king's order."

Feng Tianbo gave the order, his tone beyond doubt.

"Yes, King Tianbo."

The Phoenix tribe in battle armor responded and left the Great Hall.

"King Tianbo, this matter is no trivial matter. Feng Yan is also the saint son of my Phoenix line. This matter should not be reported to the old ancestors and waited for his elders to decide."

Seeing that Xiao Huo had returned, Feng Zhe secretly said a bad cry, and hurriedly suggested to Feng Tianbo.

"You don't have to trouble your ancestors. Let his elders feel at ease and enlightenment. We just do this."

Glancing at Feng Zhe, Feng Tianbo said lightly.

Seeing that Feng Tianbo was determined to defend his son, Feng Zhe was also helpless. He was just an Elder and did not have enough power to speak. If he was also a king, Feng Tianbo would naturally not dare to be so domineering.

At present, the ancestors are closed door training all year round, and I don’t know when they will wake up. Without the ancestors guarding the small fire, I am afraid that I cannot escape this time.

Outside the Phoenix Temple.

"Second brother, this is the palace of our Phoenix clan, and it is also the place for discussions within the clan."

Bringing Tai Shujing to the outside of Phoenix Temple, Xiao Huo gave an introduction.

Nodded, Tai Shu Jing looked at the Phoenix Heavenly Palace, which was dozens of times larger than the palace he had seen in Yunguo, and its level was different. The spar was better than stone.

"Second brother, Feng Yan and I live in another place, not very far from here. Let's sit at my mansion. Feng Yan rarely takes care of it. I am afraid that you and Bai Big sis will be disgusted when we meet."

Huang Feier said with a smile.

Hearing what she said, Tai Shu Jing glanced at Xiao Huo, and the look in his eyes had a kind of hatred for iron but not steel, and they all liked girls. He didn't know how to find more opportunities to perform and criticize.


Meeting Tai Shujing's eyes, Xiao Huo scratched his head awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

For a long time, he has put his mind on cultivation, and naturally he doesn't take care of the place where he lives much. In addition, he doesn't like to let those maids wait on him, so he is the only one who lives in the place where he lives.

"It's time for you to reflect."

In this regard, Xiaobai also very much agrees with Tai Shujing's opinion.

The place where I live for a long time, I have to learn how to organize it anyway. It is all grown-ups, not those children, and I need to worry about it from my parents.

Like when she and Tai Shujing were in the Yunmeng Mountains before, Tai Shujing would carefully organize her own room, and even if she was hardworking in cultivation, he would do it meticulously.

"Puff, elder brother, Bai Big sis, don't blame Feng Yan, he cultivates hard work, isn't I still there."

Seeing Xiao Huo's embarrassed appearance, Huang Feier chuckled and said something.

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell silent.

"Ok, yes, I get it, no problem, good job."

After a few breaths, Tai Shujing said a few short sentences in succession to express her own feelings. His eyes went back and forth between Xiaohuo and Huang Feier, making them blush.

"Jing, stop making trouble."

With a slight smile, Xiao Bai squeezed Tai Shujing's hand.

"Okay, okay, got it."

Constricting the smile on his face, the uncle quietly motioned to them to lead the way, didn't he say that he was going to sit down, what else would he do?

Xiao Huo and Huang Feier's mood calmed down, and they were about to step out of here when suddenly a member of the tribe came to them and looked at them respectfully.

"Holy Son of Feng Yan, Holy Maiden, King Tianbo invites you."

The tribe man bowed.

"King Tianbo? What did he do with us?"

Hearing the name of King Tianbo, Xiao Huo and Huang Feier frowned, as if something bad was about to happen.

"The subordinates don't know, King Tianbo and everyone Elder are waiting in the hall, and Shengzi Fengqu is also there."

The tribe shook his head, and then said.

"Could it be..."

When this tribe member said, Huang Feier and Xiao Huo thought of something.

"It seems that Master Xing has come to ask the crime, Feng Qu, the guy whose hand was severed by his old brother, right? That King Tianbo, is it Feng Qu's father?"

Looking at this Phoenix tribe, the uncle asked quietly with a smile.

"Uh...that's right, King Tianbo is the father of Shengzi Fengqu."

Although he didn't know Tai Shujing, the Phoenix tribe still honestly said that it is certainly not easy to be able to walk with the holy son Holy Maiden.

"Well, it's okay for you, just say we will come right away and let them prepare the wine and wait."

Patting this tribe's shoulder, the uncle said quietly and familiarly.


This tribe was fooled by Tai Shujing's operation. What does this mean? Is this some kind of code word? How come I have never heard of it, am I ignorant?

"Tsk, why are you not clever at all, do you still want to get a promotion and raise your salary, Xiaohuo, tell him."

Seeing this tribe man standing in place with a daunted expression, the uncle looked at Xiao Huo quietly and helplessly.

"Just say we will be there soon, let's go."

Xiao Huo did not follow Tai Shujing's words.

"Yes, Shengzi Feng Yan."

Nodded, he finally understood this time, turned around and went back to the palace to report.

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