My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 314 You are talking nonsense! Don't think about it!

Looking at the back of that tribe, Xiao Huo's face looked a little ugly.

Although he didn't know what King Tianbo asked him to do, he knew that nothing good had happened when he heard Feng Qu was there, and he was definitely looking for trouble.

"Feng Yan, what should I do?"

Huang Feier was also a little worried. King Tianbo was Feng Qu's father, and he certainly wouldn't have a good expression on Xiao Huo.

"Forget about us so soon, don't worry, with me and Xiaobai, Dao Yuan is not a big deal, or you can't believe it?"

Uncle Tai looked at them both with a smile.

"Well, we don't believe in your second brother, but we don't want you to take risks for us."

Shaking his head, Xiao Huo said.

"The meaning of Feng Yan is also the meaning of Mayfair."

Huang Feier also nodded in favor.

"Hahaha, this is wrong, I am your second brother, no different from your elders, no matter who it is, if you want to trouble you, you have to ask me and Xiaobai first."

Haha smiled, Tai Uncle patted Xiao Huo quietly on the shoulder.

"Family does not separate each other, trust us, no need to say more."

Xiaobai also nodded, so that the two of them were at ease.

"okay then."

Seeing this, Xiao Huo and Huang Feier looked at each other, and didn't say more. Of course, they believed in Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai's strength, only one Sky Wave King, what can they do if they don't believe him?

The four entered the Phoenix Palace.

Following the wide aisle, they came to the depths of the Great Hall and faced King Tianbo and the Elders.

"Feng Yan, I have seen King Tianbo, Elder."

"Huang Feier, I have seen King Tianbo, Elder."

Xiao Huo and Huang Feier saluted King Tianbo and the Elders, while Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai just stood behind them indifferently, looking at them with plain expressions.

"Who are they and what are the dragons doing here?"

Feng Tianbo saw Xiao Huo and the two behind them, and a majestic voice came out.

"They are my friends, this time I invited them to be a guest."

Xiao Huo said, and then saw Feng Qu next to her.

Everyone looked over, gathered on Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai, with scrutiny and deterrence.

It's just that, even if it was King Tianbo's Ruoruuowu willpower, when he approached the two of them, it would collapse like a clay cow into the sea.

"A familiar person."

Another person looked at Tai Shujing, with a feeling of deja vu, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

This person is Feng Zhe. When he first went to find Xiao Huo, he met Tai Shujing and Tai Shuyun, and took the two attacks lightly.

Over the years, Tai Shujing has not only changed a lot in appearance, but also in her temperament.

It's no wonder Feng Zhe can't remember it for a while.

"It's them, they know the man who broke my arm, or they killed Shihiko and Elephant Pokong."

At this time, Feng Qu said it out loud.

"Feng Yan, is Feng Qu right?"

King Tianbo looked at Feng Yan.

"Return to King Tianbo, that Shi Yan and Xiang Po Kong wanted to take advantage of my cultivation and kill me. They saved my life."

Huang Feier responded first, neither humble nor arrogant.

"You're talking nonsense, it's obviously that you are uniting with outsiders to kill the same clan. Don't quibble."

Feng Qu snorted coldly.

"I think the nonsense is you. Bai Big sis is also a dragon. How can she be an outsider? Or, people who are not in harmony with you are outsiders?"

Huang Feier said coldly and unceremoniously.


At this moment, Feng Qu couldn't speak. Huang Feier was right. Xiaobai was also a dragon, and the dragon was also the strongest race on the Ten Thousand Emperors Mountain. Naturally, he was not an outsider.

"Okay, let's discuss this matter again, Feng Yan, how did Feng Qu break his hand?"

King Tianbo raised his hand and stopped Feng Qu.

"Why didn't King Tianbo ask himself, if it were me, I would really not say this kind of corrupting the door wall, are you right? Feng Qu?"

Xiao Huo didn't buy it, but stared at Feng Qu coldly, the sarcasm in his eyes was beyond words.

"You are presumptuous! I corrupt the door wall, do you have any evidence?"

At the look in Shang Feng Yan's eyes, Feng Qu became furious.

"God has eyes. We did it. Anyway, we dare to dare to recognize it, Feng Qu, do you dare? Swear to Heavenly Dao?"

Huang Feier said coldly, her words were sharp, and she didn't care that his father, King Tianbo, was watching here.

If you swear to Heavenly Dao, all the truth will be clear, and no one can escape under Heavenly Dao's nose.

Moreover, the person who lied will be imprisoned in blood by Heavenly Dao, and the Cultivation Base will no longer be able to Ascension, and will even dissipate the Cultivation Base over time.

After the Cultivation Base is exhausted, it will undoubtedly become an ordinary person, but this does not end.

Even if he becomes an ordinary person, the qi and blood in his body will continue to decay, until the last drop of blood in the body is dissipated, and he enters Death.

This bloody imprisonment can't be solved in the emperor's realm.

Once trapped by the bloody imprisonment, he is almost dead. In this age without gods, unless God himself helps him, it is of course impossible.

"Don't think about it, why should I swear to Heavenly Dao, this is the truth."

Knowing the horror of Heavenly Dao's oath, of course Feng Qu would not swear stupidly, but waved his empty sleeves and bite.

"That's what you deserve."

In this regard, Xiao Huo has nothing to say.

"Presumptuous! As the saint son, you let others break Feng Qu's arm and still refuse to admit that you are wrong. Are you not a member of Phoenix's line?"

King Tianbo screamed, and a strong power of heaven and earth exploded from him and pressed towards the small fire.

A heavy pressure came to him, Xiao Huo felt a sacred mountain pressing on his shoulders, this pressure seemed to carry the weight of the world.

However, even so, Xiao Huo showed no signs of weakness, and Immortal's will burst out of his body, resisting the coercion of King Tianbo.

"Good boy, I turned out to be a quasi-king, so what? Now this king has ordered you to enter the Cave of the Fallen God and think behind closed doors for three months. Can you accept it?"

There was a strange color in King Tianbo's eyes, and Xiaohuo's progress surprised him. It has only been a few years since he came to Wanhuangling, and he has reached this point. This kind of bloodline talent is too amazing.

"I'm not convinced. It's obviously that his phoenix skills are inferior to others, but he thinks of colluding with Shiyan and Elephant Po Kong to harm me and distract Feng Yan from defeat. I don't recognize such a tribe."

Seeing that King Tianbo didn't distinguish between right and wrong, Huang Feier was also angry and told the matter.

Hearing that, King Tianbo had a look, and the other Elders were also a little unbelievable. How could Feng Qu do such a thing?

But it is extremely possible to link this matter to Shi Yan and Xiang Pokong, and it proves that Huang Feier was right.

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