My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 317 The King's Mark! The vision covers the sky!

With a punch like a dragon, Xiao Bai slammed out with a punch, and the sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the sky, penetrating the dome of the Phoenix Palace, echoing in the sky of this sacred mountain.


The crimson claws collided with Xiao Bai's dragon fist. In the next instant, the crimson claws fell apart and were pierced by Xiao Bai's fist.

At the same time, a blue-purple dragon head broke free of Xiao Bai's fist front and rushed towards Feng Tianbo. The fusion of the original power exudes a powerful aura, making Feng Tianbo look surprised.

"Tianfeng Divine Claw."

Even Feng Tianbo, as the king of the Dao Origin Realm, felt a terrible power from this dragon head. He raised his hand, the power of the origin wound up, facing the blue-purple dragon head that struck, violently Tear away.


The power of the source was connected, and an explosion sounded in the space. The blue-purple source of the dragon head stood in a stalemate with Feng Tianbo's fiery claws, and no one would let anyone else.

Fengming sound and dragon chanting alternately, Feng Tianbo felt a chaotic and terrifying energy from the dragon head of the origin, as if a meteorite was about to explode.

"It seems that this king still underestimates you, so let you see what is the real king."

I finally saw that in this blue-purple origin dragon head, there was a fusion of two origin powers, which was far beyond his ability to compare.

It is impossible for Feng Tianbo to lose in the first move. He opened his eyes slightly and let out a cold cry.

Above the Phoenix Palace, the imprint phantom floating in the land of wind and thunder made inexplicable fluctuations, and then dropped an orange-red beam of light toward the bottom.

The orange-red beam of light penetrated the dome of Phoenix Heavenly Palace without any barriers, and poured into Feng Tianbo's body.

Suddenly, the origin of the scarlet fire in the heavens and the earth all converged towards Feng Tianbo, and soon reached a very terrifying level.

The strong red fire origin formed a suit of battle armor on him, and the flames tumbling, setting him off like the emperor in fire.


Feng Tianbo let out a low cry, the red fire origin power in his hand surged, and he grabbed the blue-purple origin dragon head forcefully, as if to crush it.

Seeing this, Xiao Bai smiled coldly.

Even with the help of the power of the Mark of the King to greatly increase the power of the origin, he still cannot change the fact that he controls a single origin, and he has not fully understood the origin of the red fire, which is far inferior to the power of the integration of the origins. .

"Break to this king!"

Feeling the power in his body, the power of the scarlet fire source penetrated his body, at this moment, Feng Tianbo felt like he was the master of the heavens and the earth, in charge of everything.

He screamed, and with violent force in his hand, the red flame's origin power burned, and he wanted to crush the blue-violet origin dragon head.



But I heard a loud noise coming from Feng Tianbo's hands. The blue-purple dragon head that was about to be crushed suddenly exploded violently, exploding with terrifying power.

I saw that Feng Tianbo retreated a few steps by the impact of the explosion, and his hands were already ripped apart, and two original powers were raging on the wound.

This scene stunned you Elder and Na Fengqu directly.

I also saw Xiao Huo and Huang Feier. The king had always been an irreversible existence in their hearts. It was hard to imagine what the king would be like when he was injured. Now, they saw it and saw it clearly.

"not bad."

Seeing this, the uncle smiled quietly.

In the Daoyuan realm, the power of the source is in charge. The power of the source is a clearer representation of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and naturally contains more complex profound meanings in it.

At the same time, the Dao Source Realm also involves the fusion of the power of the original source, which is more difficult than comprehending a single source.

The fusion of the power of the source will give birth to a huge power, even if it is only a crude fusion, in most cases it will be more powerful than the power of a single source, but it is difficult to control.

However, the path of fusion of the power of origin is absolutely correct.

If the power of the awakened origin can be integrated as one wishes, then the cultivation of the Dao Origin Realm is complete.

Therefore, even the king who achieves the Dao Source Realm with a single source will continue to understand the Dao in this Realm, continue to awaken to another source, and then cultivate the fusion of the source.

This Tianbo King, but obviously hadn't awakened the second origin, and didn't understand the terrible part of the fusion of origin, so he naturally followed Xiaobai's way and suffered a severe loss.

"What a terrible talent, it can integrate the power of the original source at will. Even so, the majesty of the king is inviolable."

Staring at Xiaobai's snow-like figure, Feng Tianbo's face was gloomy.

Under the eyes of everyone, and still in his own courtyard, he suffered a loss from the juniors, which made him feel very Losing face.

He let out a deep cry, and a more terrifying aura burst out, and the crimson origin power began to change color, and began to change towards orange-red.

"Scorching Heaven's Claw!"

When Feng Tianbo reached out his hand again, the fleshy hands had been repaired as before, and the power of orange-red flames circulated, and the void was ignited by the flames, spreading towards Xiaobai's side.

Void and invisible, flames in this can burn invisible things, from this point of view, it is not simple.

This time, Feng Tianbo stepped forward and suppressed Xiaobai with one hand. The rich Tian Might descended, and the entire Phoenix Heavenly Palace seemed to be squeezed by gravity, and the heavy pressure reached the true spirit.

hold head high!

The real dragon imaginary shadow lay in the void, and suddenly let out a loud dragon roar, piercing through the golden cracked stone, causing a vision. Storms, thunder, clouds and rain condensed over the Phoenix Palace, covering the sky.

"what happened?"

"Why does the dragon chant sound? Has any Dragon King come here?"

Suddenly, on the sacred mountain, all the Phoenix people looked towards the sky and didn't understand what happened, but one thing is certain is that this is a vision only caused by the dragon clan, and the Dragon King appeared.

Not only here, but on another sacred mountain not far from this sacred mountain, there is also a heavenly palace on the top of the mountain.

The sound of the dragon roar that sounded in the Phoenix Heavenly Palace also shocked all the dragon tribes, causing the people of these dragon tribes to guess that it was the Dragon King who went to the Phoenix Heavenly Palace and seemed to be fighting.

"What's the matter? Did any Dragon King go out today? It's Phoenix Mountain. In this case, even the mark of the king has come out. Who is it, so naughty?"

A rough voice sounded, and a middle-aged dragon man walked out of the true dragon palace, looked at the Phoenix Mountain, frowning.

As long as it is a dragon, you can feel the dragon power. It is as pure as the Dragon King. Everyone thinks that a Dragon King went to the Phoenix Mountain to find trouble.

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