My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 318 Shocking Dragon Clan! Dragon King will be out!

Outside the True Dragon Temple.

More and more members of the Dragon tribe gathered, looking in the direction of the Phoenix Mountain, you can clearly see that an orange-red mark appeared from the wind and thunder.

In addition to this, there is also the vision of wind, thunder, cloud and rain covering the sky, the mighty dragon, and the endless roar of the dragon.

"Uncle Ao Jue, who is the Dragon King?"

Several figures flew from a distance, fell in front of the middle-aged man, and asked aloud.

"You ask me, where do I know?"

Rolling his eyes, Ao Jue curled his lips.

"Uncle Ao Jue, why don't you know? You are Elder. Of course, you have to record the whereabouts of every Dragon King."

A little dragon girl said, she is the dragon Holy Maiden Ao Xiaoxiao.

"Hey, you little girl, blame me for the film, right? I think you are itchy."

When Ao Jue heard it, she looked at Ao Xiaoxiao with an ugly face, and she was scared to hide away.

"I'm also puzzled. The Dragon Kings in the clan stayed well. No one went out. Where did that one run out?"

Speaking of this, Ao Jue also had a dazed look. He remembered that none of the Dragon Kings in the clan had gone out, let alone go to the Phoenix Mountain. Who would go to someone else's site and cause trouble.

"Uncle Ao Jue, is he a disciple in the clan?"

After thinking about it, Ao Yan asked.

"Hey, what little bastard has this ability? I'll call him grandpa."

Ao Jue looked at these children who had gathered to watch the excitement.

If there is such a pure Long Wei in his own family, he would have been confessed not long ago, and he would be allowed to go out a few times and make trouble in other people's homes, which is obviously impossible.

"Uh...this is also true."

Seeing that Ao Jue looked down on her son, Ao Yan's face twitched. If he were his son, would you really call him grandfather?

Of course, Ao Yan could only think about this sentence for herself, saying that she really didn't dare to say it.

"Ao Yan, don't you have any impression of this breath?"

Ao Zhen was on the side, looking solemnly in the direction of the Phoenix Mountain. For this dragon, he felt a little familiar, and he naturally thought of someone.

"Impression? Let me think about it. Every clansman has a different breath. I am familiar with the clansmen here, but that breath seems to be unfamiliar."

As he said, Ao Yan felt the dragon's power in detail, blinked, and slowly felt like remembering something.

"No, this breath was recently encountered, and it's not the breath of these people in the clan, it's her!"

Suddenly, Ao Yan yelled, feeling suddenly realized.

"But, how could she go to Phoenix Mountain, isn't she lost?"

Ao Yan's expression was puzzled again, is there such a thing as getting lost?

"You forgot, they are very acquainted with the holy son of Phoenix."

Ao Zhen reminded him.

"Oh... that's right, what is the name of that holy son, it seems to be Feng Yan, right is Feng Yan, they are very familiar, no wonder she will run to the Phoenix Mountain."

Ao Yan suddenly remembered that Feng Yan had spoken to them outside of Dao Zang.

They didn't meet them when they left, otherwise, Ao Yan would definitely invite Xiaobai back to True Dragon Mountain to take a look.

"Sister Ao Yan, who are you talking about?"

Ao Xiaoxiao was also confused.

"You forgot so quickly, I remember you said that you want to be close to that Big sis."

Ao Yan reminded with a smile.

"I remember, it was the white Big sis, she has a very handsome dao companion, and she is terribly strong."

Ao Xiaoxiao also exclaimed, and memories came to her heart.

"What are you talking about? You are still playing a mystery with Daddy, right? Come on, who is that person? Isn't it really some little bunny in the clan? If it is, then he hides quite well. It's deep, even daddy kept it hidden."

Ao Jue stared at Ao Yan and the three of them with an expression of ‘unwholesome’.

"Um...Uncle Ao Jue, you forgot, the clan girl we met a few years ago was her. This time we met them in the Taoist temple."

The corner of Ao Zhen's eyes trembled, and he spoke honestly.

He knew very well that this rough man was now a genuine quasi-king, and he also controlled the two original powers, controlled freely, and had very good combat power. He was also a top-notch among the quasi-kings.

What's even more exaggerated is that he is not even the Dragon King, and he dared to speak provocatively.

"What? Why don't you tell daddy?"

Hearing that, Ao Jue's eyes are about to stare into the lantern so big.

"I didn't meet it when I came out, and I forgot it when I came back."

Scratching his head awkwardly, Ao Zhen said.


"Boy, you dare to forget such an important thing. I'll look at you if I'm tired of it."

Ao Jue slapped Ao Zhen on the head with a slap, and said something cursively.

"That...Uncle Ao Jue, there is one more thing."

Ao Yan uttered a weak voice from the side, feeling a little scared. Since she was young, she has been beaten by Ao Jue, whether male or female, Saint Child or Holy Maiden, he has beaten them all.

"What else is going on, hurry up, don't chirp, there's still something daddy has to do."

Ao Jue said in a bad mood, Ao Jue was going to invite a Dragon King to go out. Going to the Phoenix Mountain is not a casual thing. Even if the relationship between the two races is good, they can't mess around.

"That clan girl, like Xiaoxiao, has the blood of four claws."

Speaking very quietly, Ao Yan immediately retreated two steps.


Although Ao Yan's voice was very small, Ao Jue still heard clearly, his mouth opened wide, and he roared out loudly.

For a moment, all the tribe members looked at him, their eyes were confused, and they didn't understand why the tribe uncle was so good at yelling out.

"What do you look at? See your excitement."

Glancing at these children of the clan, the saliva and stars in Ao Jue's mouth spurted out, scared all the dragon clan children to look away.

"You little rascals, such an important thing, I'm only now saying that if something happens, you will all wait for daddy to pump you up, and I will be mad at me."

With that said, Ao Jue turned around and entered the True Dragon Palace, and went to the Dragon King for help.

"Can you blame us?"

Ao Zhen looked speechless and looked at Ao Yan and Ao Xiaoxiao.

"Seems to be."

Nodding their heads, Ao Yan and Ao Xiao smiled at each other. If they hadn't forgotten about it, and if they said it earlier, it might not have happened.

Now, something bad must have happened on the Phoenix Mountain, or else the Phoenix King of the Phoenix line would not be alarmed. The King's mark appeared in the sky, revealing a strong heavenly might.

Now, I can only hope that she is safe and sound in the Phoenix Mountain. After all, they are facing a real Dao Source Realm King.

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