My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 323 Suppress! Just jealous!

The five-colored big hands suppressed, covering a space, enveloping the three of Jin Buhuan.

The golden tiger claws swayed quickly, splitting two fierce attacks, like two sword blades, shimmering with a metallic texture, and slashed straight on the big five-colored hand.


Two crisp impacts sounded, sparks splashed, and Jin Buhuan's attack did not stop the big five-color hand at all, and was bounced away.


Upon seeing this, Qi Baishi also took action afterwards, and saw that his palm had the power of origin, and it quickly condensed into a large brown seal with a Qilin engraved on it, which was lifelike.

Lifting his palm, he blasted the big seal out, Qilin in Qi Baishi's hand was imprinted with the thickness of the earth, it seemed that the ground was turned upside down, and it was about to turn the sky upside down.


The Qilin seal hit the five-color big hand, and it was disintegrated in a short while, as if something was restraining the big hand in that big hand.

"How can it be?"

When Qi Baishi saw that he blinked in Qilin Seal, he was disintegrated, his eyes staring.

What he awakened was not the ordinary earth origin, but the stronger thick earth origin, which was much stronger than the ordinary earth origin, exerting the profound meaning of the earth to the ultimate origin.

But the power of the thick soil, which has always been harmless, was disintegrated under the big five-color hand.

For Qi Baishi, it was like a fantasy. It was the first time that he saw the power of own origin defeat so quickly.

"No, Black Tortoise Yu."

Seeing that the big five-colored hand was about to be suppressed, Xuan Lingyu yelled, and the power of the source began to boil.

The black origin power spread from him, and a tortoise shell was condensed on the three of them, protecting them.

boom! Click!

The big five-colored hands finally came down and patted the black tortoise shell hard.

The cracking sound was clear and audible, and dense cracks spread on the black tortoise shell, and it was about to break apart.

"Can't stop it, don't keep your hands, Shenshu, Black Tortoise Zhenhai!"

Seeing that the own divine art was about to break in the blink of an eye, a solemn color appeared in Xuan Ling's gloomy eyes, and a stronger source of power burst out of his body, which was as dark as ink, but turbulent like the sea.

A jet-black Black Tortoise emerged from above his head. It was the sacred beast, Black Tortoise, with the power of turning over the river and the sea.

The black Tortoise, which was as dark as ink, slammed up to the sky and roared, motivating the turbulent source force that was as turbulent as the sea, and rushed towards the big five-colored hand on his head, like the sea raging, to destroy everything.

"Divine Art, White Tiger Split God Kill."

A golden tiger was also condensed on top of Jin Buhuan's head. The power of Gengjin overflowed and stabbed the Shattering Void. The golden tiger fell down and stared at the big hand in the sky, killing intently.

In the next instant, the golden tiger leaped up, and on the sharp front paws, a little golden light flashed, and the condensed golden golden power was enough to penetrate everything.

"Divine art, Qilin shakes the sky."

The Qi Baishi also let out a long roar, a brown Qilin condensed from the top of his head, and the other Qilin ascended to the sky, a strong light appeared on the four hooves, and stepped on the big five-colored hand.

boom! Ding! clang!

All the three people's attacks fell on the big five-colored hand, making different sounds, and the aftermath of the attack suddenly swept out, and a gust of wind was set off in front of the Phoenix Heavenly Palace."Flashy, suppress."

Looking at the three people, Tai Shu Jing looked as usual, without the slightest fluctuation, and said lightly.

The palm of the hand continued to be pressed, and the big five-colored hand was like an indestructible mountain. No matter how gold did not change their attacks, there was no sign of damage.


The five-colored big hand fell mercilessly, extinguishing all the attacks of Jin Buhuan and the three of them. In the horrified gaze of the three, they slapped them into the ground with a slap.

In front of Phoenix Tiangong gate, there was another big pit.

The five-colored hands dissipated, revealing the scene inside the big pit.

I saw that Jin did not change the three of them, all lying in ragged clothes, bleeding all over, looking like those beggars with disheveled hair.

Under this slap, none of the Immortal's bodies resisted, and the bones in their bodies were broken a lot, and they could rest well.

"Ahem... Do you dare to do something with us... You are dead... Ahem."

Even if he was lying in the pit, Jin Buhuan was still not idle, looking at Tai Shujing with bitter eyes.

"The threat of the weak, I just treat it as a barking dog."

Glancing at him, Tai Shujing said indifferently, disdain between the lines.

Hearing that, Jin Buhuan's eyes are about to spit fire in the eyes of the three of them. Tai Shujing's words mean that they are all weak, naked ridicule, and compare them to dogs, which is too insulting to their beasts.

"This is my Phoenix sacred mountain. I can't tolerate you being presumptuous here. I'll leave this to your clan to talk about it."

With a cold snort, Xiao Huo smiled disdainfully.

The behavior of these three people is simply a villain, and their status is honorable, but they are all rotten inside.

"a shame."

In this regard, Huang Feier also said lightly, such a person, whoever looks at it will want to beat them severely.

"You... don't forget, this is Wanhuangling. Will you let a human race be presumptuous here?"

Seeing everyone ridiculing one after another, Jin Buhuan almost vomited blood.

When did they suffer this kind of crime and were suppressed by someone with a palm to their face. Not to mention that even the Phoenix clan stood by that person and ridiculed them.

"Sounding words, you are very good at saying, aren’t the uninvited people you? Don’t take Wanhuangling as an example. There are countless races on Wanhuangling, which are not representative of the three of you. Are there still few things? If it weren't for the support of the elders behind you, you would be nothing."

With a sneer, Huang Feier was really disgusted with these three people to the extreme.

She was very strange. She was obviously not of the same family, but the three of them always came together. It turned out that they were all raccoon dogs, none of them were good things, and they had similar smells.

"Shut up, you are a disabled Holy Maiden, what right do you have to comment on us here, don't think I don't know, your Huang Feier has a heartbeat, even if your bloodline is excellent, what if you are promoted to Dao Source Realm for no time, or even missed? , What right do you have to look down on us?"

Qi Baishi's face was distorted, and after being belittled, he was so angry that he opened his mouth and said it.

Hearing this, Feng Zhe's face became cold. This is the secret of his Phoenix clan. Only a minority of people know this. How can other people know it?


Xiao Huo frowned, and he was about to say something, but Huang Feier was caught.

"If I hadn't had a heartache, I would have beaten you out of the Phoenix Mountain a long time ago. You are not worthy of stepping on my Phoenix Mountain."

Watching Jin Bu replace the three of them with a calm expression, Huang Feier was not angry at all, but said disdainfully.

If it weren't for her heart disease, how could she be no more than the Cultivation Base in the fourth round of Sage?

"Three world nephews, what happened today, I assume it has never happened, please."

Feng Zhe said coldly, without a trace of politeness.

Seeing Feng Zhe's attitude, the three of Jin Buhuan also came to a sense of awakening. This is the Phoenix Mountain, but they revealed this secret that only Phoenix's line can know.

Even if someone from the Phoenix clan told them, they shouldn't just say it like that. It's too bad.

"Uncle Clan calms down, and I wait until I retire."

The three of Jin Buhuan staggered from the pit and slammed Feng Zhe, then limped out, dragging their inconvenient body.

When they walked in front of Shi Wuxin and the others, the three of Jin Buhuan didn't even dare to lift their heads and left in silence.

"Let's not be in a daze, let's go."

Shi Wuxin shivered when she met Taishu Jing's gaze, and hurriedly left with the other two people without daring to stop at all.

"Mayfair, your heart pulse... is it all right?"

After the outsiders had left, Feng Zhe looked back at Huang Feier.

It's been a long time since he saw Huang Feier look so strong, confident and proud, just like she did when she was a child, everyone's attention.

"Well, thanks to my second brother, he cured my injury."

Huang Feier nodded and looked at Tai Shujing, full of gratitude.

"Little friend, I would like to say thank you for Mayfair. After so many years, only because the ancestor said that this is her disaster, it has been delayed until now. It seems that this disaster has passed."

With a sigh of emotion, Feng Zhe showed a smile.

"It's the old ancestor with a small effort. The method is not simple."

With a chuckle, Tai Shujing was a little curious about the ancestor Feng Zhe was talking about.

If it was Huang Fei'er's catastrophe, it should have been something that happened in the Dao Zang. Their timely appearance seemed to have resolved Huang Fei'er's catastrophe, including the injuries on her heart.

From this point of view, the ancestor knew that Huang Feier had suffered from these catastrophes a long time ago, and when he knew it, he would be put to a halt.

"Hahaha, the methods of our ancestors, we younger generations don't understand at all."

Haha smiled, Feng Zhe was telling the truth, he didn't understand the mind of the ancestor, and many things the ancestor said were very difficult to understand in his opinion.

"Only you will understand Realm when you arrive, and Feng Zhe senior doesn't have to worry."

With a slight smile, Tai Shu Jing said something.

"My little friend, what you say has that flavor. It's really a hero who was born in a young age. The blink of an eye is the peak in the eyes of the world."

He sighed, Feng Zhe was full of emotion in his heart, but he didn't know what to say.

"Feng Zhe senior said too much."

Smiled, Tai Shujing still invited him to talk.

Feng Zhe naturally couldn't ask for this, and ordered the good people to repair the ground in front of the Phoenix Temple Gate, and then the group went to Huang Feier's.

"Little friend, I remember you still have a brother, where is he now?"

After a few people were seated, Feng Zhe asked curiously.

The scene where the two brothers shot him at the beginning is still fresh in my memory. A few big realms, Sage shot him, not everyone has such courage.

The Dao enlightenment of the two brothers also amazed him."My brother is in the Star Palace, and the Holy Maiden of the Star Palace is my brother's childhood sweetheart."

Tai Shujing said truthfully.

"That's it, I've heard it."

Upon hearing this, Feng Zhe nodded.

After the Star Palace decided on the Holy Maiden candidate, the news spread throughout the Middle Region, mainly because the Star Palace Holy Maiden was also a divine body.

Before that, there was already a divine body in the Star Palace, the Son of God, Shen Tujue.

A double-divine body thing, even in the middle domain, is a relatively rare thing, not to mention that both of them are of the stronger type, and it is difficult not to pay attention.

"Fengzhe senior, you have now become the quasi-king Realm, when will you cross Heart's Demon?"

Suddenly, the uncle turned quietly and talked about it.

"Hey, do you think anyone is as enchanting as you? Heart's Demon is not so easy to go through. Once it is triggered, you can never look back."

After sighing, Feng Zhe said, his words full of fear of Heart's Demon Jie.

"Hahaha, Feng Zhe senior, since everything is ready, why bother to wait for the east wind, it is often only a moment that determines the success or failure of things, maybe only the trace of courage is lacking."

Haha smiled, Tai Shujing could see that he was not unprepared, but he was not informed, which caused him to be afraid of Heart's Demon.

"A trace of courage? Maybe."

After listening to Tai Shujing's words, he thought about it and found it reasonable.

The higher Realm you practice, you will become more cautious, but this is not timid, but cautious, but sometimes, as Tai Shujing said, it takes that courage to open the way.

Picking up the wine glass, Tai Shu Jing took a sip, and then put it down.

When he wanted to take another sip, a hand snatched the glass from his hand. He looked over and found that Xiao Bai made it and helped him finish the glass.

When he wanted to get another wine glass, Xiao Bai filled the wine glass again and placed it in front of Tai Shujing.

"Yes, Feng Zhe senior, the reason is very simple, it just depends on whether you can figure it out."

With a smile, Tai Shu Jing glanced at Xiao Bai, and seeing her begging for a drink, he had to pick up the glass of wine and take a sip.

But after he finished taking a sip, Xiao Bai stretched out his hand again, snatched the wine glass, and drank the rest of the wine in front of him.

In this scene, Xiao Huo and Huang Feier both laughed and laughed.

"I said, Xiaobai, what are you doing?"

The corner of her eyes twitched, Tai Shujing couldn't understand Xiao Bai's behavior.

"Drinking, I'm sitting next to you, but Jing you have been talking to him without looking at me. I am your dao companion, and he is not."

Pouting his mouth, Xiaobai looked at Tai Shujing dissatisfiedly, and also glared at Feng Zhe on the opposite side.

"Don't make trouble, I'm just chatting with Feng Zhe senior, obedient."

Looking at Xiao Bai helplessly, the uncle quietly scratched the tip of her nose.

"That's OK, you say yours, I'm drunk and want to sleep, you have to hold me."

Said, without giving Tai Shujing a chance to object, Xiao Bai jumped into his arms, wrapped his arms around his neck, and lay on his chest, so he closed his eyes, not caring that there was someone else here. .

"Let Feng Zhe senior laugh, Xiaobai is a bit jealous, she is not malicious."

Looking down at Xiao Bai who was pretending to be sleeping, Tai Shu Jing looked at Feng Zhe and smiled apologetically.

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