My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 324: Talking in a Dream!

At the wine table.

Xiaobai lay in Taishujing's arms as if he was asleep. In fact, he knew very well that Xiaobai was not asleep.

"Hahaha, it's not normal for girls to be jealous, young people are like this, little friends, you are very good, so that the old man is very envious."

Haha smiled, Feng Zhe didn't care about Xiaobai's wayward appearance at all, but felt more at ease this way.

"However, my little friend, the old dragons of the Dragon Clan may try to obstruct them. They are all notoriously stubborn. If the ancestor of the Dragon Clan is absent, there may be trouble."

"Moreover, those old dragons are already half-step strong, little friend, you have to be careful, but I think it's not difficult for you, little friend."

With that, Feng Zhe laughed again.

"Feng Zhe senior trusts me very much."

After hearing what Feng Zhe said about the obstacles, Tai Shujing still looked calm and light, and said with a smile.

"That's your kid's ability."

Shaking his head, Feng Zhe said.

Although Feng Tianbo is the weakest king in his Phoenix clan, even so, he is also a real Phoenix King, yet he still hasn't made a single move in Tai Shujing's hands.

Such a huge gap is not equal to the gap between the Daoyuan Realm King and the peak powerhouse.

That's why Feng Zhe has confidence in Tai Shujing, his strength is already there, and he can't even figure it out.

"Feng Yan, Fei'er, your second brother has exceeded the world's cognition. Ask him more. Your little friend's advice is more precious than any king, so you must take good care of it."

Looking at Xiao Huo and Huang Feier, Feng Zhe gave a painful exhortation.

He watched Huang Feier grow up, and Xiao Huo was brought back by him. The relationship between the two of them and him was closer than that of ordinary people. Therefore, he naturally hoped that they would be good.

Not to mention, he could have already seen that the two have a good impression of each other and are already a pair of lovers.

This is a good thing for the Phoenix clan. They are both members of the clan with colorful blood. The combination of the two is the result that all of them hope to see.

"I see, Feng Zhe Elder."

In response to Feng Zhe's advice, both Xiao Huo and Huang Feier nodded.

"That's good, I should go back too, there are still affairs to be dealt with in the clan, plus, the little friend is right, I should also get back that trace of courage, and then you young people will talk for yourself. ."

With that, Feng Zhe got up and left.

"Then, second brother, Mayfair and I go for a walk."

After Feng Zhe left, Xiao Huo and Fei Er did not give Tai Shu Jing a chance to speak, they turned around and went outside.

"Okay, it's all gone, when are you going to pretend to be?"

Seeing that everyone was gone, leaving only the two of them, the uncle quietly looked down at the person in his arms and pinched her nose.

"I didn't, I'm so dizzy, I really want to sleep."

With a charming voice, Xiao Bai tightened his arms and leaned closer.

"Then I'll send you to bed to sleep."

With a slight smile, Tai Shujing said.

"No, I will hold me quietly, otherwise I can't sleep, and I can't sleep without you, hold me."

Xiaobai drilled into Uncle Jing's arms.

"Well, I'll hold you and go to sleep."

Seeing that Xiaobai was acting coquettishly, the uncle's meditation became soft, so she had to adjust her body slightly to make her sleep more comfortable.

In fact, he didn't know whether what Xiaobai said was true or false.

However, since Xiaobai followed him, he did not leave him one night, only that she lived in Huang Feier last night. Is she really not used to it and didn't fall asleep?

Although for them, sleep is optional, but Xiao Bai seems to sleep at night, has never been absent, and still sleeps in his arms.

Is it possible that things like sleeping will also form a kind of dependence?

"Oh, forget it, so be it."

If you don't understand, Tai Shujing doesn't bother to think about it.

"Jing, kiss me."

Suddenly, Xiaobai's small mouth moved, and he said a word, making the uncle quietly stunned.

Lowering his head, he found that Xiaobai seemed to be talking in a dream, and he was relieved. If Xiaobai was awake and said this to him, then he would feel very embarrassed.

Because, although he is very happy to get close to Xiaobai, he is used to holding hands and embracing anything.

But only about kissing, Tai Shujing was still a little embarrassed.

"Come on, Jing, don't be shy."

When Tai Shujing thought that Xiao Bai was talking in a dream, and was relieved, Xiao Bai's arms suddenly rose, and he pulled him down to get in front of Xiao Bai.


Looking at this beautiful face, Tai Shujing could feel Xiao Bai's hot breath, and the fragrance smelled, but the two were a little too close.

Thinking that Xiaobai was playing the idea of ​​pretending to sleep, and trying to tease him, he found that Xiaobai stopped moving.

"It seems that I really fell asleep. There are so many Xiaobai's dreams today."

Seeing Xiaobai sound asleep again, the uncle murmured quietly.

"It's just that the strength in this hand hasn't been reduced at all, it's not the same at all in peacetime."

I wanted to raise his head, but Tai Shujing found that Xiao Bai's arms were around his neck, and his strength was still so great. If he wanted to raise his head, he had to break free of Xiao Bai's arms. This would wake her up.

"Forget it, that's it."

Feeling Xiaobai's steady breathing, Tai Shujing didn't care, just looking at Xiaobai's face, he always felt a little red, like... drunk.

"Could it"

Thinking of the problem, Tai Shujing looked at the wine jug on the table, the wine in it had been drunk, but the two glasses of wine, Xiao Huo and Fei Er, were still on the table, and they had not moved.

Only Feng Zhe had a drink, and then he never had a second drink.

It can't be wrong, the whole pot of wine almost entered Xiaobai's stomach, no wonder her face looked a little red.

"Unexpectedly, she still can't drink so much, I forgot all about it."

After sighing, Tai Shujing also remembered that Xiaobai would get drunk when he drank. This happened once in Yun Guo, but fortunately, at least drunk would not go crazy, otherwise it would be uncomfortable.

"Quiet, so hot."

Thinking that Xiaobai was drunk and behaved, Xiaobai moved. She opened her eyes slightly, full of blurry, and saw Tai Shujing's fuzzy figure.

"Xiao Bai, you are awake, I didn't hear what you said just now."

Seeing Xiaobai opened her eyes, Tai Shujing thought she was awake and smiled.

She sat up straddling Tai Shujing's arms, facing Tai Shujing, tilting her head and looking at him, feeling a little light and fluttering, and she was suddenly near and far away.


Xiao Bai felt a little hot on her body, but a cool breath came from Tai Uncle Jing's body. She leaned over and hugged Tai Uncle Jing in her arms.

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