My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 325 Sturdy White Big sis!

in the room.


Being hugged tightly by Xiaobai, Tai Shujing couldn't speak. He wanted to push Xiaobai away and ask her what's the matter? It was discovered that Xiaobai's strength was too great.

Lowering his head, Xiaobai met Taishu Jing's gaze, blinked, and the face became clear in her eyes.

"Jing, obediently, obedient, don't move, I will be very gentle."

With his head down, the snow-colored silver hair fell down, covering the two of them, making it difficult to see what they were doing.

"Xiao Bai, what's the matter with you?"

Lifting her head, Tai Shujing asked, did she really drink too much, and then started to drink crazy?

"Stop talking, look at me."

The two got closer and closer, Tai Shujing's eyes widened, and his head leaned back, but he was stopped by the chair and couldn't move. As a result...

"Second brother, if Bai Big sis falls asleep, let her... sleep... right."

At this time, Huang Feier walked in, and then was speechless.

In any case, this scene is still quite exciting for young men and women, especially for a pretty lady like Huang Feier.

"Sorry, brother, Big sis, I'm sorry to disturb you."

After reacting, Huang Feier explained with a flushed face, and turned around.


Hearing Huang Feier's voice, Tai Shujing stretched out a hand and waved her vigorously, wanting her to pull Xiao Bai away.

"I know the second brother, I will go out now."

Seeing Tai Shujing waved his hand, Huang Feier thought it was when she left, nodded quickly, closed the door, and left without looking back.

After coming out, Huang Feier still felt too embarrassed, her face flushed like Apple.

"Mayfair, what's the matter with you? Your face is so red?"

Seeing Huang Feier rushing out, Xiao Huo asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just drank a glass of wine, and the spirit of the wine came up."

Huang Feier calmed down for a while, and casually said a reason to cover up the past.

Xiao Huo didn't doubt this either, but felt a little weird. He remembered that Huang Feier didn't seem to have a drink. Could it be that he remembered it wrong? Maybe I remembered it wrong.

"Well, Feng Yan, isn't the White Big sis very active and... sturdy?"

After being silent for a while, Huang Feier asked suddenly.

"Um, what you mean is between her and my second brother, I think about seems like this, after knowing that Xiaobai is a girl at first, the second brother deliberately kept a distance from her."

"At that time, the second brother was very stunned about emotional matters. After that, Xiaobai was always very active. After sticking to the second brother, the two of them slowly came together. Therefore, what you said is correct, Xiaobai is indeed very ...Sturdy."

Nodded, Xiao Huo also felt that the word Huang Feier was used very well.

At least in Xiaohuo's cognition, there is no woman who can be as strong and proactive as her. It can be said that she insists that the uncle is quiet and will not let go.

If Xiao Bai was not so persistent, or so sturdy, whether the two could get together would have to say otherwise.

"White Big sis is also a magical woman. Facing her second brother, sometimes she is gentle, sometimes very strong, and the second brother spoils her so much and embraces her. Big sis eats to death."

After speaking, Huang Feier laughed.

At first, when he saw Xiao Bai, he thought she was a woman with cold nature, and that was true. When confronted with strangers, he didn't pretend to show anything, and he didn't even bother to give an expression.

At that time, she thought this white Big sis was a very proud person.

But she soon learned that this white Big sis would also laugh at her own person. In the face of her second brother, she would have such a feminine side, as well as a naughty and strong side.

Even in front of them, there is no intention to hide it at all.

"Haha, Mayfair, you are right to say that. Only when facing Xiaobai, the second brother will be at a loss. It is too difficult to see him deflated."

With that, Xiao Huo laughed loudly.

This reminded him of their previous life in the Yunmeng Mountain Range. At that time, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai had an enemy relationship, and it was also something he and Tai Shuyun often used to make fun of Tai Shujing.

"By the way, did the second brother take Xiaobai to the bed? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

As soon as the conversation turned, Xiao Huo looked at Huang Feier and asked.

"Second brother will accompany Bai Big sis."

Thinking of the scene she had just seen, Huang Feier's face turned red again, she said so.

"Look, I said, neither of them can do without either. They even sleep with them. I really don't know if they should be sweet or tired."

Shaking his head, Xiao Huo sighed with emotion.

He felt that the second brother Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai were the most special pair of dao companions he had ever seen in his life. They were intimate and regarded each other as their own inverse scales, and they were usually like a pair of gods and goddesses.

Regarding Xiao Huo's words, Huang Feier just nodded.

In any case, it is better not to tell him the scene he saw, otherwise if Xiao Huo knew it, he would only have one more shy child.

After half an hour.

After thinking about it for so long, Huang Feier felt that the second brother Tai Shujing and Bai Big sis should also calm down, so she called Xiao Huo to take a look.

Clang! Slap!

When they walked outside the door, Huang Feier and Xiao Huo suddenly heard the sound of something falling and breaking from the living room, making the two stare at each other, a little confused.

"Aren't you sleeping?"

Xiao Huo murmured, then stretched out his hand to push the door open.

"Feng Yan wait a minute..."

Huang Feier seemed to want to stop him, but one step too late, the door had already opened.

"Second brother, you are..."

A scene inside the door, a question mark that made Xiao Huo all his face?

I saw that the wine table had been overturned, and the wine glass and jug broke to the ground. This was nothing. What was even more confusing was the two people lying on the ground.

Tai Shujing was pressed by Xiao Bai, and hurriedly tied Xiao Bai's belt, while trying to prevent Xiao Bai from pulling his clothes, sweating in a hurry.

"Xiaobai is drunk, Mayfair, come over and help."

When she saw someone coming, Tai Shujing hurriedly greeted him. It was too difficult to deal with such Xiaobai alone.

At this time, Xiao Bai was completely drunk as a kid, doing whatever he wanted, untied his belt, and even his own robe was torn off, and she was taken aback when she saw Tai Shujing.

If it weren't for his quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly restrained her, the matter would be big.

It didn't stop there. Seeing Own's clothes couldn't be pulled off, she simply pulled up Uncle Jing's clothes, grabbed his belt, and pulled it off with a strong pull, which was more agile than untie own.

While putting on a robe and belt for Xiao Bai, he also had to stop Xiao Bai from pulling on his own clothes.

Therefore, it became the present scene.

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