My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 336 Soldier Soul Revives!

After a meeting, the tiger king was played by Xiao Bai between his fingers, which really made him angry.


With a cold snort, Xiaobai looked very naughty with the look of being too lazy to talk to the mentally retarded.

"You... Junior, this king doesn't keep his hands anymore, kill!"

As soon as the killing sound spit, the tiger king burst out with a cold murderous intent, killing intent Ling Ran, and a pale red Killing intent spread out into the air like a mist.

"Lao Jin, I'll help you!"

At the same time, Xuan Rong also shot, holding the shield of the king's soldier, he slammed into Xiaobai like a mountain.

The two kings attacked Xiaobai at the same time, and after one move, they all knew that the dragon junior in front of them really had the strength to fight them.

In the face of such an outstanding Dragon Clan junior, if they still hold a small heart, they will surely capsize.

The tiger roars loudly, and the tiger king is holding a black and gold killing sword. The original power of Gengjin gold and the original power of kendo are fused together, and the unparalleled murderous intent blooms, and the world has changed.

A Tiger King who understands kendo is even more powerful than a sword repairer of the same rank.


From the purple mysterious mirror, there was a transparent wave mark, and spatial fluctuations flashed past, causing the tiger king to instantly lag his pace, as if his feet were trapped in the mud.

On the other side, the king of the Black Tortoise clan was the same. The fierce impact was also slowed down, as if being pulled by an invisible force, making him slower and slower, and the accumulated power was also bit by bit. Kill away.



Both of them sensed the power of this mysterious space, and immediately shouted, and a powerful aura erupted from their bodies, and the sound of swords and beast roars vibrated.


The void shattered like a lens, and the two sluggish bodies moved in an instant, and they slew towards Xiaobai.

"A Thousand Chance Diagram."

The two had already come close, Xiao Bai raised his hand calmly, and a white-gold road map bloomed from her palm and spun out in front of them.

Silver and five colors are still flowing in the white-gold Thousand Chance Map.

clang! boom!

Different collision sounds sounded. When Xuan Rong held his own shield and hit the road map, it seemed as if he had hit a true dragon mountain. The powerful counter-shock force made his muscles and bones numb for a moment. .

As for the Tiger King, his sword-killing blade slashed on the Dao map, as if it had been cut on the god iron, leaving no trace of the sword on the Dao map at all.

"Set! Turn!"

The Purple Profound Mirror floated on top of Xiao Bai's head, bursting out a terrifying aura, holding Xiao Bai in his hands.

With Xiao Bai's voice, a faint light shining from the purple mysterious mirror, the power of the space's origin was circulating, and the surrounding space became stagnant in an instant.

Both of them were imprisoned under the force of this space.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Bai turned his small hand, and the Thousand Chance Diagram revolved more rapidly, and a terrifying force spread out.


The body of the black and gold killing sword was trembling, and I saw that the original power entwined on the sword body was dissipating, and was wiped out bit by bit, and then even this killing sword was also broken down by that horror. Force erosion.

Not only this killing sword, but also another huge shield, the same is true, being worn away by that terrifying power of decomposition.

And the master of the two king soldiers, at this time, was being imprisoned by that powerful space force, and couldn't feel what was happening outside.

This is just something that happened between a few breaths, and it is impossible for the two of them to be confined in this way forever. They are definitely breaking free from the confinement of the power of this space.


Finally, a tiny crack emerged from the front of the sword. Compared with the huge shield, this killing sword was the first to resist the terrifying power of decomposition.

This is the power that can dissolve everything, whether it is tangible or intangible.


From the black-gold killing sword, an extremely sharp Sword intent bloomed, and a seemingly illusory figure emerged from the blade. It was the soldier soul of this killing sword, and it was the soldier soul that has been transformed. .


The soldier soul is exactly the same as the Tiger King. In the critical moment, the soldier soul among the king soldiers revives spontaneously, instantly stimulating the power of this killing sword, and the terrifying Sword Qi instantly tears the power of the space confinement.

"Interesting, the soldier's soul is revived and suppressed."

Looking at the illusory figure above the black and gold killing sword, Xiaobai's eyes showed a different color, and he hooked the Thousand Chance Diagram in front of him, bursting out a more terrifying force.

Different from the power of decomposition, but a more dangerous power, annihilation.

This is a kind of power born after Xiaobai integrated the power of space. It is extremely overbearing. It has the same effect as the power of destruction, obliterating all things from their origins and turning them into powder.

Thousand Chance Map shrouded toward the resurrected killing sword, and the power of annihilation made that killing sword feel the great danger.

"White Tiger Broken Sword, Master, wake up!"

The soldier soul controlled the killing sword, and the power of Gengjin and the power of swordsmanship burst out and condensed together, extending a straight Sword Qi from the killing sword, and slashed towards this space without hesitation.


The seemingly peaceful void was divided into two in the blink of an eye, leaving a pitch-black crack, separating the void between them and Xiao Bai.

"No birth, it's you."

The Tiger King, who broke free from the confinement of space, looked at the figure floating on the killing sword, and said in surprise.

"Master, the enemy is dangerous."

The soldier soul above the killing sword said, his face was condensed, as if another tiger king was thinking.

The power of annihilation just now made it feel an instinctive danger. If it didn't wake up just now, cut off the void, and isolated the power of the opponent's space, it would definitely be crippled under this strike.

"I understand that the opponent's control of the empty way is undefeable. Only by breaking out can we break free from the imprisonment, but if this is the case, we won't be able to hold on for long."

Tiger King said solemnly.

In the face of a Tianjiao figure who is in charge of the Tao of Space, even if he is the true king of Taoyuan, he cannot say that Realm is absolute.

"Lao Jin, leave it to me to resist the opponent's attack. You can seize the opportunity to win."

Xuan Rong walked over with the shield of Wang Bing's own, his face solemnly looking at the shadow on the opposite side.

The opponent's strength made them feel amazed. It is no longer time to stick to their own majesty. In the face of a strongest arrogant, they also have to use 12 points of combat power.

"Okay, lifeless, the White Tiger sword god change!"

As he said, the Tiger King screamed to the sky, and the strong pressure bloomed. Immortal's will stunned the void, and a transparent wave appeared.

Ling Li's Sword intent erupted from him, and white hair appeared on his face, revealing a tiger face, and the same was true for his arms, with white hair covering his wrists.

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