My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 337 The Kings Fight Into the Stars!

The tiger king stimulated the power of the blood in his body, and then began to beastly.

The white hair is like a fine steel needle, and it is like a thorn on a hedgehog, shining with cold light.

Above the black and gold long sword, a golden Sword Qi suddenly stretched out, doubled the size of the long sword, and the void that touched Sword Qi split like thin paper.

"I'm coming too, Black Tortoise Skyshield Change!"

At the same time, Xuan Rong also stimulated the power of the blood in the body. The roar of the beast came, and he said that the king's shield in his hand was thrown up, and then a tortoise shell phantom appeared on his back, covered with peculiar lines.

The shield of Wang Bing spun down and placed it on Xuan Rong's back accurately, overlapping with the ghost image of the tortoise shell.

Most of Xuan Rong's body also appeared beastization, and his face had disappeared and turned into a human-shaped Black Tortoise. The thick black water originated around him, like some kind of living Magic Treasures.

The two true kings stimulated the blood of the beasts in their bodies at the same time, and ascension their own combat power to a very high level.

It can be said that they are the strongest in this state without summoning the king's mark.

Even at a distance of several tens of feet, Xiao Bai could still feel the aura that the two of them had swelled to the limit. It was not at all comparable to that Feng Tianbo on the Phoenix Mountain before.

Xiao Bai has reason to believe that this kind of strength is the real Dao Source Realm King.

"Coming to fight!"

Facing such an opponent, the blood in Xiaobai's body was also activated, and the fighting spirit that hadn't boiled for a long time was gradually revived.

Raising her hand, Zi Xuan Jing fell into her palm and merged with Thousand Chance Map, making the power of Zi Xuan Jing ascension to a more terrifying level.

Squeezing a fist mark in her hand, the sound of dragon chants resounded through the sky, Xiao Bai took the initiative to attack, and the holy dragon fist was fierce and fierce, and the power of the origin of the great avenue broke out in her hands with the ultimate power of attack.

The Purple Profound Mirror rotates on the thousand-machine diagram, and the powerful dispelling power and the power of annihilation bloom, dissolving the opponent's attack.

The three figures became more fierce and fierce, and it was already a veritable battle of kings. The original power of the avenue collided above the sky, the tyrannical fluctuations were vented, and the nearby sacred mountains were shaking.

After that, the three of them broke into the high altitude and appeared in the starry sky.


The explosion sounded in the starry sky, and some meteorites floating in the starry sky were crushed.

Three Daoist Shadow galloped out from among the countless broken stones, sparks splashed, and every time they fought, they shattered the nearby stones into dust and scattered them into the stars.

The battle involving kings is no longer something that the land of the Divine Desolate Continent can bear.

Only outside the high altitude, in the boundless starry sky, can there be a place large enough to become the battlefield of the kings.

In the starry sky, thunderous vibrations came, and it was three powerful beings fighting, and the dazzling light burst, shining through the sky.

Almost all the sacred mountains on Wanhuangling were alarmed.

Numerous racial creatures gathered together, looking up at the three intertwined lights and shadows in the starry sky. Almost only the existence of the Sage realm could vaguely capture a little trace.

"This matter seems to be getting worse, I'm afraid the entire Wanhuangling Mountain is watching."

Looking up at the three colliding figures, Ao Jue bared his teeth. He didn't expect things to develop to such an extent. The two guys of Old Wangba were beasts, which shows their recognition and attention to Xiaobai, the younger generation. .

"Why is she so strong, is this still the blood of my true dragon clan?"

Seeing Xiaobai’s unquestionable beauty, Ao Jue doubted whether the blood in her body was stronger than the blood of the true dragon, otherwise he had never seen such a fierce four-claw true dragon blood. .

Even a true five-clawed dragon can hardly do such a thing.

To do such a thing, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of Taoism, far surpassing its own Cultivation Base Realm, and infinitely raising the combat power to another limit.

Such a thing looks very beautiful, but it is extremely difficult to do, almost impossible.

"Could it be this kid's problem?"

Looking at the figure facing the Qilin clan king in the distance, Ao Jue believed that the changes of this younger generation could not be separated from him. Otherwise, relying only on the blood of the four-clawed true dragon, he would definitely not reach such a height.

Otherwise, his true dragon clan would have long become the strongest race on the Ten Thousand Emperors Range, not one of them.

Xiaobai fought fiercely in the starry sky with the two Ascension champions, and it was only a quarter of an hour from the beginning to the present.

At this time, Tai Shujing was facing the king of Qilin clan.

"Boy, what a blessing, it seems that you are not easy to make this junior of the dragon clan fall in love with you so much."

The king of Qilin clan looked at the young figure in front of him and said.

"Blessed? This is not wrong, it is indeed my blessing."

To this, the uncle smiled quietly.

"Boy, I won't be merciful."

With that said, an extremely terrifying aura erupted from the king of my Qilin clan, spreading towards Tai Shu Jing.

"No need, but you, I can give you a hand."

With a chuckle, the uncle said quietly.

"Boy, then use your strength to speak, Qilin has changed."

The king of Qilin clan was not irritated by Tai Shujing, but directly aroused the power of the blood in his body, his body began to beastized and turned into a human Qilin.

He raised his hand, palm facing up, and a bright yellow seal appeared in his hand.

From the bright yellow seal, an aura that was comparable to a king broke out. It was his king soldier, with an extremely heavy aura.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. It's time for you to come out and breathe."

When the voice fell, Tai Shujing made a move, and a lavender light flew out of his Dantian, turning into a four-legged small tripod and falling into his hands.

This is the four-legged tripod cast by Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai at the same time, all under the name of Zi Xuan.

Reappearing in reality, the soldier soul in the Purple Profound Cauldron also screamed joyfully, and the Cauldron trembled slightly, looking full of spirituality.

"This soldier is called Tianlin Yin."

Holding a seal with a Qilin engraved on it, lifelike, the king of Qilin clan made a sound.

"Purple Profound Ding."

In response, Tai Shujing also reported the name of the weapon in his hand.

After a long period of nurturing, the Purple Profound Ding had already transformed into a quasi-king soldier in silence, only one step away from the king.

Only after the uncle has passed the Heart's Demon calamity and condensed the mark of the king, the soul of the soldier in the purple mysterious cauldron will be promoted to the real king soldier.

At this point, Xiao Bai's Purple Profound Mirror was the same, only the last step was missing.

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