My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 346 Blood Domination!

In fact, since she and Tai Shujing were trapped in the underground palace, they turned into stone statues in the Taoist temple.

During this time, the Sacred Qi machine born in her body merged with the true dragon bloodline, evolving her true dragon bloodline to a higher level, that is, the sacred dragon bloodline.

Sacred was born in the blood of the sacred dragon, that is, a born deity, standing in the divine realm when he was born.

But after experiencing the two epochs of the Primordial and Ancient Times, the blood of the sacred dragon has long since dissipated, leaving only the true dragon family.

After that, there is no real dragon bloodline to return to the ancestors, the descendants of the pilgrimage dragon bloodline evolution, because the conditions are too harsh, it also requires great luck.

At the beginning of transforming the dragon, Xiao Bai benefited from Tai Shujing taking out his own blood, tempering the essence, and melting it in his body.

At that time, Tai Shu Jing Ye had just awakened the celestial body not long ago.

The potential of the celestial body has not yet been stimulated, and it is silent in the blood of the whole body. It can be said that the blood that has just awakened is like the most growing seedling, once it germinates, it will thrive.

The divine blood essence that was incorporated into Xiao Bai's body was also very malleable, and under the influence of the true dragon bloodline, unpredictable changes had taken place.

As Xiao Bai practiced, the essence of the god blood with powerful potential gradually evolved into a Sacred Qi machine.

Finally, during that period of time, this Sacred Qi machine merged with the true dragon bloodline, forming a sacred dragon bloodline, which made Xiaobai's bloodline talent a lot higher.

Sacred was born in Sacred, noble, powerful, and powerful enough to suppress the era.

Perhaps because of the sacred dragon's blood, Xiao Bai was also imperceptibly affected, and his domineering nature would become more and more obvious, and he would become more and more powerful.

And that strand of the sacred dragon blood is gradually assimilating the true dragon blood in her body into the sacred dragon blood.

When the true dragon blood in Xiao Bai's body is completely transformed into the blood of a sacred dragon, then Xiao Bai will be a newly born sacred dragon.

Xiaobai felt this point herself, and she believed that Tai Shujing would definitely feel it, so she was worried that Tai Shujing would not like her change.

"Hahaha, Xiaobai, at this time, do you still need to have any scruples about me? I have a little confidence in me, I have said this more than once, haven't you?"

Haha smiled, Tai Shujing certainly knew what Xiaobai was thinking.

It is also funny. When Xiaobai is doing things, he is so strong and domineering. He can do whatever he wants. I never expected that there will always be such trivial concerns. Is this a mood that most women will have?

Sometimes, girls' minds are really hard to guess.


Listening to Tai Shujing saying this again, Xiaobai showed a relieved smile.

When a ray of blood of the sacred dragon was born in her body, she knew why she had been able to keep up with Tai Shujing's footsteps all the time.

After practicing all the way, she and Xiao Huo followed the two brothers at the same time.

And Xiao Bai's practice is obviously smoother than Xiao Huo's. Before Xiao Bai didn't know the reason, but now she knows.

That was because Tai Shujing's blood essence had an effect in her body, and it was constantly evolving, subtly Ascension her potential and understanding, until the Sacred Qi was born.

And Sacred's Qi machine also melted with the true dragon bloodline in her body, deriving a strand of sacred dragon bloodline.

All of this has something to do with Tai Shujing. If he didn't have the mentality of trying to extract the essence of his own blood to help her transform the dragon, then she would now be an authentic dragon clan.

Even with the four-claw true dragon bloodline, she still won't have her now, she might be like Xiao Huo, leaving Tai Shu Jing a lot.

"This is the little white I like, two words, beautiful."

Although Xiaobai was still taller than her uncle even when she was sitting, he still reached out and touched her head.

After listening to Tai Shujing's words, Xiao Bai's heart was as sweet as drinking honey. No matter when, Tai Shujing treated her with a tolerant and pampering attitude.

For someone who can tolerate her dominance and dominance in this way, Xiao Bai felt that apart from Tai Shujing, he would never have a second person.

"White Big sis, Miss Miss, don't do this, it makes me feel sour."

Seeing the two loving appearances, Ao Xiaoxiao felt that her whole body was being severely hit, envy and jealousy.

Not only Ao Xiaoxiao was sour, but even many of the Dragon tribe outside the pavilion were sour.

The dragon girl of their true dragon clan, Tianjiao with Holy Maiden qualification, is so close to that person, it is really envious of others.

Seeing this scene, even the walking dragon sage Aojie paused slightly, his expression was a little unnatural, and then he kept the appearance of a gentleman and continued to walk over.

"Smile, the clan uncle asked you to entertain this clan girl, why are you just taking her here to see the scenery? You haven't even prepared a little spirit fruit wine, it's a bit of negligence."

Walking outside the pavilion, Aojie immediately spoke to Ao Xiaoxiao in a familiar manner.

"you call me?"

Hearing Aojie telling himself to smile, Ao Xiaoxiao's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

She didn't expect that this self-esteem Saint Ao Jie would call her so kindly, but she knew very well that this person looked like a disdain for anyone, not much worse than Ao Ming.

It's just that this person is more sleek than Ao Ming, and he knows how to hide his own emotions.

In this regard, Ao Ming couldn't compare to him in shooting horses.

But for Ao Xiaoxiao, Ao Ming is still inferior to this person in terms of the degree of annoyance. Although Ao Ming is defiant, he is simple and easy to understand, showing everything on his face.

Ao Jie is different, his mind is a little deep, giving Ao Xiaoxiao a hypocritical feeling.

"Naturally, is there a second person here called Ao Xiaoxiao?"

Nodding, Aojie smiled calmly.

"Oh, I thought there were really other people here laughing and laughing."

Ao Xiaoxiao suppressed the shocked expression on her face, and said flatly in response.

"Haha, Xiaoxiao, you said laughing, why is there a second person here calling Xiaoxiao."

As if not seeing Ao Xiaoxiao's face a little flat, Ao Jie responded with a smile.

"This clan girl, Aojie, the saint son of the Halong clan, dare to ask the clan girl's name?"

The next moment, Aojie turned his attention to Xiao Bai.

Hearing this, Ao Xiaoxiao immediately showed contempt in his eyes.

I knew that this was not a good person, and it was really for the white Big sis. After borrowing her to get closer, he exposed his own purpose.

Even Tai Shujing looked at the saint son of the dragon clan with interest. He was really hit by a bee that smelled the scent of flowers.

"Why should I tell you?"

Glancing at him, Xiao Bai said lazily, putting one leg on the other, swaying rhythmically, the pair of crystal shoes was penetrated by light, leaving light and shadow in the pavilion.

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