My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 347 Holy Son Aojie!

Seeing Xiaobai's posture like a queen made many people look straight. I have to say that Xiaobai's posture is really eye-catching.

"The clan sister laughed. As the same clan, it's okay to know each other, right?"

Seeing Xiaobai's posture, there was a strong light in the eyes of the saint son of the Dragon Race, he said with a slight smile.

"The same clan? Do you know all the same clan present?"

Showing a strong smile, Xiaobai glanced at the people around him, then looked at the saint son of the dragon clan.


Facing Xiaobai's question, Aojie didn't know how to answer.

Needless to say, the answer is also known. Of course, I don't know him. The clan that he can know Aojie, except for a few other dragon clan saints, is Elder in the clan.

As for these ordinary Dragon Clan disciples, he certainly wouldn't deliberately get acquainted.

After all, in his capacity, there is no need to get acquainted with these ordinary dragon clan lands, because there is no value at all.

"Bold, do you know who is the grandmother of Shengzi Aojie? That's..."

"shut up!"

At this time, the attendant behind Aojie stood up and scolded Xiaobai, but was interrupted by Aojie before he could finish speaking.

"I'm sorry, Son, the subordinates have made a mistake."

To Shang Aojie's stern look, the subordinate immediately bowed and apologized.

"This is not an example."

In response, Aojie said lightly.

Although his face remained as usual, the arrogance in his eyes was not hidden at all, because he saw awe in the faces of other people.

Although this awe was not for him, but for his grandmother, it still made him enjoy the feeling.

Seeing this funny scene, Tai Shujing almost laughed out loud. This may not be Ao Jie's self-directed and self-acting, but no matter how you look at it, it is a little funny, like acting.

Ao Xiaoxiao had a speechless expression, which he kept showing off on his own turf, just like a fool.

"This clan girl, why don't you go to my house and sit down, of course, smile and this brother is also with you, I wonder if the clan girl is willing to show her face?"

Looking at Xiaobai, Aojie showed a self-confident smile, and then politely invited him, skipping the question just now.

"The scenery here is pretty good."

Turning his head to look at the surrounding dragon scale trees, the pale golden branches and leaves shimmering faintly, Xiao Bai said lightly.

At this time, everyone could understand the rejection in the little vernacular. All the people in the tribe understood her and thought that Aojie should leave.

"Clan girl, a few days ago, my subordinates bought a scented fruit, which can keep the prospective king forever young. I am immortal. I don’t know how to deal with it. It's a meeting ceremony."

But I didn't want to, Aojie still didn't give up.

Hearing this, many people of the tribe were surprised. On this day, Xiangguo was not an ordinary product, but a real medicine king, not to mention the quasi-king. Even the king of Daoyuan realm would remain youthful and immortal after taking it.

Unexpectedly, in order to win the hearts of beauties, Ao Jie would even be willing to take out such treasures.

"Tianxiangguo, this is the King of Medicine. Is it really yours?"

For Aojie's words, Ao Xiao smiled in disbelief.

Even if it is a wild medicine king, spiritual wisdom is born, which contains the original power and has a not weak attack power. It is difficult for the general Nine Cycles Sage to capture a medicine king.

Is it possible that there are other quasi-king level masters under Aojie?

Otherwise, he was lying, the Tianxiang fruit was not obtained by his subordinates, but he used the own relationship and took it out of the dragon clan treasury.

"This is natural."

Facing Ao Xiaoxiao's doubts, Ao Jie nodded without hesitation.

"That's weird."

Ao Xiaoxiao murmured, Ao Jie's subordinates would be so capable, then why hadn't he heard of such a capable subordinate before? With such a person's personality, he had long been released to show off.

"The King of Medicine, are you willing to give it to me?"

Xiaobai narrowed her eyes and looked at Ao Jie with a smile.

Even a medicine king is nothing to Xiao Bai, she can cultivate it herself.

Moreover, in the holy world that she is about to face transformation, she has given birth to many half-step medicine kings.

As long as she passes the Heart's Demon Tribulation and achieves Daoyuan Realm, the holy world in her body will transform into a small world, and those half-step medicine kings will also be promoted directly to the medicine king.

Although Tianxiangguo has an irresistible temptation for women, for Xiaobai's current Cultivation Base, Tianxiangguo is not very attractive to her.

Quasi-king Realm's Immortal body is enough to keep her appearance at its peak, so why not need a Tianxiang fruit to add to the cake.

"Naturally, the clan girl's national beauty and heavenly fragrance, in my opinion, is the most suitable for this tianxiang fruit, if the clan girl is interested, why don't you go to my house to get it now?"

This time, Aojie didn't even bring Ao Xiaoxiao and Tai Shujing.

"Forget it, I think Xiaoxiao is quite suitable for this Tianxiang fruit, she called me a Big sis, if my Big sis speaks for Xiaoxiao, would you give her this Tianxiang fruit?"

Shaking his head eagerly, Xiaobai then looked at Ao Xiaoxiao and said with a slight smile.


Unexpectedly, Xiaobai would suddenly mention her name, and Ao Xiaoxiao was a little dazed for a while.

Tai Shujing noticed it, Xiao Bai was entertaining him, but she didn't know what this dragon saint would do? Give or not?

If you don't give it, it's tantamount to evil Xiaobai.

If you give it to Ao Jie, this Tianxiang fruit is not an ordinary thing. The weight of a medicine king is not light at all. It is estimated that it will make him painful.

It depends on whether this dragon clan saint son will die alive or not.


For a time, even Aojie couldn't make this decision.

Don’t even think of him saying that the King of Medicine is light-hearted. In fact, even if he is the saint son of the Dragon Race, he can hardly have the King of Medicine, let alone the King of Medicine. His, the only one on his body.

"It seems you can't bear it, nothing more, just treat it as I just made a joke, don't mind."

Seeing Aojie's hesitation, Xiaobai lowered his eyelids and said casually.

Ao Xiaoxiao on the side stared blankly for a moment. She understood a little bit. Bai Big sis was kidding him. How could Ao Jie be willing to give the King of Medicine to her? It was impossible to think about it.

That's right. Anyone with a bit of foresight knows that Bai Big sis has just rejected him.

Now, even if Ao Jie took out a Tianxiang fruit, it seemed a bit cheesy. Although he had used his brains, the dialogue with Big sis didn't work, he didn't understand what kind of person Bai Big sis was.

Poor child, let's go back soon. Ao Xiaoxiao looked at Ao Jie's eyes, and seemed to be a little bit pitiful in it.

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