My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 348 Little Pepper!

Near the pavilion, many Dragon tribes are watching.

They all wanted to know what Shengzi Aojie would do to win the beauties, reluctantly cut love, or retreat consciously and save embarrassment.

"Of course not, it's just a Tianxiang fruit. For this holy son, it's nothing but a drop in the bucket. I didn't expect the clan girl to laugh so much. Then I will give her that Tianxiang fruit. What about the clan girl?"

Aojie's tone was a little trembling, for his own purposes, he was also able to fight.

Even the only medicine king he had was left behind, and he spoke so generously, but he knew how painful he felt.

"Oh? Are you willing to smile?"

Looking at him in surprise, Xiaobai really didn't expect that this person would agree.

What kind of person Aojie is, she can get an idea at a glance. From the very beginning, he was swollen and fatty. As everyone knows, he exposed everything that should be exposed in the eyes of others.

Face to suffer alive if you die, this sentence really suits him.

"A gentleman can't chase a horse with a word, can that clan girl come to my house to give a narration, smile and be with this brother."

Aojie thought that as long as he agreed, Xiao Bai would agree to his invitation.

"Um... I think about it..."

With that said, Xiaobai stood up, making Ao Jie's eyes show triumphant light, it seemed that a medicine king was worth it.

"Forget it, I'm a little sleepy, I want to sleep in my grandfather's arms for a while, if you are interested, send that Tianxiang fruit over and give it to Xiaoxiao."

But he didn't want to. Before Xiaobai stood up for a few breaths, he sat directly on Tai Shujing's lap and lay in his arms, making Ao Jie and all the people present stunned.

No one thought that there would be such a scene, they all thought that this person was going to agree to Aojie, it seems not.


Ao Xiaoxiao on the side laughed immediately. She covered her mouth and turned her head to the side. She didn't dare to see Aojie because she was afraid that face would scare her.

In fact, Aojie's face is indeed very ugly. He never expected that this clan girl would have such a weird personality.

I saw that his hands were clenched into fists. Although his expression was not so exaggerated, his mood was obviously not very good.

"The clan girl is joking, how could this brother be the clan girl's mate? Even if the clan girl is looking for a shield, she should also find a suitable one. With so many clan members present, why should she find a human clan? "

A trace of unpleasantness projected in his eyes, and Aojie stared at the beauty in her uncle's quiet arms, with a little questioning in her voice.

"A shield? Xiang Gong, what does this mean?"

After blinking his eyes, Xiaobai looked up at Tai Shujing, and asked pretendingly.

"I don't know, don't you want to sleep? Go to sleep."

Shun down her silver hair like snow, Tai Shu Jing said with a face of affection.

From what Aojie said, it can be seen that although this person's brain is not stupid, he is not clever, but he still uses some careful thoughts, that is, the target is wrong.

"Well, hold me tight."

Blinking quietly at the uncle, Xiaobai closed his eyes and lay quietly in his arms.

"This Xiongtai, do you have anything else to say?"

Looking at Aojie whose expression was gloomy, the uncle smiled quietly.

"Your Excellency, although Ben Shengzi doesn't know what method you used, but I hope you are clear that you are not worthy of her."

Seeing the two people so close, Aojie saw it in anger.

In his opinion, since he is also a member of the Dragon Race, only he can be worthy of such an excellent Dragon Girl, and it is not something Human Race can covet.

"Ao Jie, what are you talking about?"

Hearing Aojie's words, Ao Xiaoxiao became uncomfortable and stared at him.

"Smile, what this holy child is telling is the truth, have you ever seen a dragon race Holy Maiden unite with a human race?"

Aojie didn't care about Ao Xiaoxiao's reaction, but just said a little.

"What about that? White Big sis is not the Holy Maiden of the dragon race, put your mind away, in my opinion, you are the one who is not worthy of it, so I don't want to put gold on my face here."

Seeing Aojie unabashedly revealing his own nature, Ao Xiaoxiao looked at him contemptuously.

"You...Ao Xiaoxiao, be polite to this saint child."

After hearing Ao Xiaoxiao's ironic words, Ao Jie's face sank slightly, and he said something badly.

Now that he had torn the mask, there was no need for him to put it on again.

"Why, I Ao Xiaoxiao is also the Holy Maiden of the dragon clan at any rate, and my status is not lower than that of you. Don't think that you have a great grandmother, and you can show off your power. There are old ancestors on it."

Posing his lips, Ao Xiaoxiao didn't persuade him at all.

"Huh, Ao Xiaoxiao, as the Dragon Race Holy Maiden, do you have to stand on the side of a human race?"

Aojie snorted coldly.

"I'm on the side of the white Big sis. You don't want to pin me down. I hate you high-sounding people the most. Relying on your own identity, you will act recklessly, saying that the whole dragon clan is yours."

Ao Xiaoxiao gave Ao Jie with her hands on her hips, and she looked like Tsundere's big Miss.

"This saint son has never said that before, Ao Xiaoxiao, don't spit people."

Aojie's face sank, and his tone was warning.

Even if he had this meaning, he didn't dare to say it in front of so many people. As an emperor on the Ten Thousand Emperors Ridge, the Dragon Clan had quite a few strong people in the clan.

If it is spread out, it will have a lot of bad effects on him.

"So what? Didn't you mean that? I really thought that if you didn't say it, no one would think that. Seeing your every move is exposed, others dare not say, I dare to say."

Seeing that Ao Jie's face looked ugly, Ao Xiao smiled triumphantly.

On the side, watching Ao Xiaoxiao's face that day without fear, Tai Shujing also thought it was a little funny, but she didn't expect this little girl to have such a tricky side, like a little pepper.

"Ao Xiaoxiao, because you are the Holy Maiden of the dragon clan, Ben Shengzi doesn't care about you anymore. Now Ben Shengzi is talking to him, don't interrupt."

Aojie said arrogantly, then looked at Tai Shujing.

"Hmph, you can't control it."

A cold snorted, Ao Xiaoxiao couldn't make him continue to feel sick, husband Miss, she decided to smash him to death.

"Okay, smile, you rest for a while."

Seeing that Ao Xiaoxiao looked like a man, Taishu said with a smile.

"As the saint son of the dragon race, I don't see the least of what saint son should do in you. If there is nothing else, please go back. This is not suitable for people like you."

Glancing at him faintly, Tai Shujing raised her hand and stroked the silver hair in Xiao Bai's ear, and said coldly.

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