My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 349 Terrifying Longwei!

In the pavilion of Longlin Wood Farm, the uncle spoke quietly.

"This is the territory of my dragon clan, where it's your turn to say such things, for this saint son, this is not the place you should come to."

Listening to Tai Shujing's plain tone, Aojie felt that the Earth Fire was inexplicably big.

"Dragon Race is yours?"

With a chuckle, Taishu looked at him quietly, with an inexplicable expression in his eyes.

"Of course not, but so what, this saint child can speak on behalf of the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan does not welcome you."

Although Aojie was very hot, she didn't dare to say too much, so she had to use her identity as the son of the Dragon Race to speak.

"You are not the only Son of the Dragon Race. Why didn't anyone else come over and tell me that, it seems that your IQ is not very high, and you like to treat other people as fools. As everyone knows, I call that fool in the eyes of others."

With a chuckle, Tai Shu Jing didn't even look at him, so he said so.

"You... presumptuous, do you dare to say that this saint child is going to be an enemy of my dragon clan?"

Ao Jie's face turned black after being scolded abruptly.

"Okay, don't open your mouth and just use the dragon clan. You don’t have such a big face to replace the whole dragon clan. If you’re like this, it’s okay to scare ordinary people. It doesn’t work for me. Save a bit of effort. , Don't discredit the dragons here anymore."

Waved his hand, Tai Shujing saw Ao Jie's angrily and depraved appearance, and knew that this person was not good at nurturing Qi, and he was indeed the son of the big clan, and Jin Yu was frustrated outside.

"Miss Miss is right, go back and forth from where, don't come out to affect other people's mood."

Nodding in agreement, Ao Xiaoxiao also said something.

"Bold, if you dare to speak to the Son in this way, are you not afraid that one will blame it?"

Several of Aojie's followers felt the master's anger, and suddenly stood up and shouted.

"Go away, a few minions, how can the Dragon Race be like yours."

Suddenly, a faint cold shout sounded, and Xiao Bai, who was in her uncle's arms, opened her eyes, sat up, and looked at the small attendants behind Ao Jie, with cold eyes.

Then, a domineering dragon spread out, suppressing all these people and kneeling to the ground.

These people looked at Xiao Bai in horror, and couldn't produce any thoughts of resistance. It was the pressure on the bloodline, which was enough to deprive them of their will and make them lose control of their bodies.

Under this dragon power, even Aojie, who was the saint son of the dragon clan, felt shocked.

This dragon power, even he, felt a strong suppression, even the four-claw true dragon bloodline in his body was trembling, and the dragon soul was wailing, as if the other party's bloodline was more noble than him.

"This... how is it possible, is this her secret!"

Ao Jie stared at the clan girl opposite with horror. Even the pressure of the Dragon King did not give him such a feeling, but she could.

This made Aojie a lot of suspicion that the blood in this clan girl was more noble than him.


Under this dragon power, several of Ao Jie's small attendants all vomited blood and stained the steps of the pavilion red.

Although this dragon might not be aimed at other tribesmen, under this dragon, the nearby tribesmen all had an impulse to surrender, coming from deep in the bloodline.

"The Longwei of the White Big sis is so strong."

The nearest Ao Xiaoxiao also felt that under the white Big sis's dragon power, the real dragon blood in her body was trembling, and it seemed to have a kind of worship.

"Xiao Bai, just mean it."

Patting Xiaobai's hand, the uncle shook his head quietly.

"Well, the person who takes care of you, the next time, you will directly obliterate it."

Nodded and retracted own Longwei, Xiaobai glanced at Aojie indifferently, and then said something.

Upon Xiaobai's sight, Ao Jie's will felt frozen, and he was shocked, and once again he had a deeper understanding of this clan girl's domineering.

"The subordinates were ignorant and disturbed the clan sister. Ao Jie apologized on her behalf and must be more disciplined. Today Ao Jie retires first."

With that, Aojie turned and left with his subordinates.

After Xiao Bai glanced at it, Ao Jie felt a sense of horror and decided to go home.

"White Big sis, he seems to be scared away by you."

Seeing Aojie's figure disappearing in the distance, Ao Xiaoxiao said happily.

"If it were outside, it would have been slapped to death."

Xiaobai said flatly.

"In my opinion, he will continue to get some moths out."

With a smile, Tai Shujing felt that with the brain circuits of those brothers, it would definitely not end like this.

The more you can't get the things, the younger brothers like Aojie will want them more and more. This is also a common problem for people like them.

"Next time he dares to come, I will dare to break his legs."

Raising his eyebrows, Xiaobai said domineeringly.

"Don't be so murderous, everyone has a love for beauty, so let him toss it on his own, as long as it doesn't cause us trouble, otherwise, Xiaobai will not object to you if you want to kill or scrape."

Rubbing Xiaobai's hand, the uncle smiled quietly.

"Well, listen to you."

Nodding, Xiaobai smiled slightly.

"Bai Big sis, Miss Miss, you can live where I am these days. He dares to come, and I won't open the door for him to see how long he can mess around."

Ao Xiaoxiao told them.

"Alright, then I will trouble you, smile."

Xiaobai smiled and nodded.

"Don't be so polite, go, take you to see me."

Having said that, Ao Xiaoxiao took the two of them away from Longlin Wood Farm and went to Ao Xiaoxiao's house.

The whereabouts of Tai Shujing and Xiaobai were reported to Aojie by a tribe.

And after Aojie left Longlin Wood Farm, he went straight back to his own mansion.

I saw him sitting with a gloomy face. What happened in the Longlin Wood Farm today made him feel Losing face. The people who were not taught, even left in a dingy manner.

This made Aojie, who faintly held the title of the most noble saint son of the dragon clan, felt a great humiliation.

"The bloodline that is more noble than the four-claw true dragon bloodline, is it five-claw? No, no, even the five-claw true dragon bloodline does not make me urge to surrender, at least when facing my ancestors. I have felt this way."

Aojie's eyes flickered, thinking about the dragon power that bloomed from Xiaobai's body.

That dragon is different from the dragons of their dragon clan. It is not suppressed by the bloodline concentration, but is fundamentally different, just like an emperor versus a courtier.

"Isn't the blood in her body no longer the blood of the true dragon? It is more noble, even surpassing the blood of the five-claw true dragon. Is this really possible?"

The more Aojie thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, otherwise he couldn't explain why that Longwei could make him feel the urge to surrender.

"This matter, perhaps grandma knows why."

After much deliberation, Ao Jie decided to tell her grandma, that is, the half-step strong existence behind him. Her old man must know something after a long life.

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