My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 350 The Power of Order!

In the past few days, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai lived with Ao Xiaoxiao.

Usually, Ao Xiaoxiao took the two out of the house, walked on the True Dragon God Mountain, and met some of Ao Xiaoxiao’s friends.

The tribesmen who can play with Ao Xiaoxiao have very good personalities and are very friendly to Tai Shujing.

Things are gathered by kind and people are divided by groups, which seems to be the case in many places.

Ling Ao Xiaoxiao and they felt strange that they hadn't seen Ao Jie's figure in the past few days.

Within a few days, the three of them wandered around where they could go on the True Dragon God Mountain.

Ao Jie's figure still didn't appear, and the three of them thought he had given up. That's good, and the side around him would be cleaner.

Another few days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Chen Hui was shining, and in a small palace, two figures sat hanging in the air in the courtyard.

A strange wave emanated from the two of them, resonating with each other, and then a new force was born from the two of them.

As soon as this power appeared, the entire courtyard was filled with a rich Taoist rhyme, which was purer than the power of the source.

Quill, there are flames, frost, thunder and lightning, jungle, mountains, golden sun, Qingyue...many shadows emerged out of thin air, surrounding them.

Although these are all phantoms, they all reveal a very real Taoist rhyme, conveying a dangerous aura.

The next moment, these phantoms began to turn from imaginary to real, and they began to solidify one after another. They had an impact on reality. Sound, smell, and temperature could all be felt.

Immediately afterwards, from the whole body of the two of them, small suns of different colors began to appear.

The power of the strong origin blooms, revealing a breath of consummation.

In these origins, an inexplicable transformation is taking place, and that new power is born from it and grows slowly.

But these origins are like shrinking, condensing little by little.

When these origins are condensing to a limit, a small edge is bred from it, but the thumb is thick and gleams with a not bright brilliance, but it has a great sense of existence, which makes people feel like they are facing The Avenue of the Heavens is the same.

Streaks of sharp edges are born, and all the powers of origin are transformed.

It seemed as if light butterflies of different colors fluttered around the two, making the two of them seem to be immersed in a sea of ​​Taoism. All sorts of visions of heaven and earth appeared out of thin air, filling the courtyard in the blink of an eye.

"White Big sis, Miss Miss, you are..."

A Daoist shadow came out from the palace, and it was that Ao Xiaoxiao.

She looked at the scene in the courtyard with her mouth open slightly, with a look of surprise on her face, as if she had seen something extraordinary.

In the void, golden lotuses bloomed, and spiritual springs spewed out, and the visions of mountains, rivers, trees, birds, fish and insects circled like paintings.

This made Ao Xiaoxiao wonder if she had gone to the wrong place, it was not like her courtyard at all.

"They're just promoted to the Daoyuan Realm? It's not like, the promotion to the Daoyuan Realm is to condense the mark of the king, it's not like this, then what is going on?"

Scratching his head, Ao Xiaoxiao couldn't understand what happened to the two of them.

It is no wonder that her Cultivation Base is not high, and her Taoist enlightenment is not deep, and she hasn't even awakened the origin of the Great Dao. Naturally, she can't understand the changes that have taken place in Tai Shujing.

In the past few days, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai did not rush to cross the Heart's Demon Tribulation and advance to the Dao Source Realm, but to enlighten the Dao quietly.

They have all come to the end of the origin road, and the fusion of the origin power is also handy. There is no lag, and they have already surpassed most of the true kings.

As the two of them had a deep understanding of the power of the source, they gradually touched on the deeper mystery of the power of the source.

And the deeper mystery of the power of origin is the power of order.

Just as the power of origin is born out of the power of law, the force of order is also born out of the force of origin.

Generally speaking, Dao Source Realm controls the power of the source, and after understanding the power of the source, it is about to transform into a more powerful force, that is, the power of order.

The power of order is the power closest to the avenue itself between heaven and earth.

To become a peak powerhouse, comprehension of the power of order is a necessary condition.

Once you understand the power of order, you have the possibility of becoming a peak powerhouse.

There are many kings on the Divine Desolate Continent, but the true kings who have truly completed the path of the origin are few and far between. Many true kings are not on the path of fusion of origin, but on the understanding of the power of order. .

Each unique source will have its own characteristics.

Only with a deep understanding of a source can it be possible to knock on the door of the power of order.

Once knocked on the door of the power of order, it is equivalent to half-step into the realm of the peak powerhouse, that is, the emperor realm.

Now, Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai have achieved this, and they have initially transformed the power of order.

They were able to do this so quickly, thanks to the experience of turning into a stone statue, in which the two spent a long time and forcibly realized the power of the source to the limit.

Although it was only a short period of two years in the outside world, for them, it was not false.

This magical experience allowed Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai to grow by leaps and bounds. This is also the reason why they did not experience any battles during that time, but Realm still did not have the slightest vanity.

It was also that long period of time that did not exist in reality, allowing the two of them to directly cross the Dao Source Realm and knock on the door of the Emperor Realm in this short time.

This may be true rocket-like growth, soaring into the sky.

"Smile, you are here."

Detecting the arrival of Ao Xiaoxiao, Xiaobai and Tai Shujing opened their eyes one after another.

As the two awakened, the visions in the courtyard also disappeared one after another, and the power of order that was initially transformed also returned to the two of them and disappeared.

"White Big sis, what is that thing that looks like a glowing butterfly? It's so beautiful."

Ao Xiaoxiao hopped over to the two of them and asked curiously.

"That is the power of order."

Xiaobai said with a smile.

"The power of order? What is that, is it more powerful than the power of origin?"

Obviously, it was the first time Ao Xiaoxiao had heard of it, with a confused expression on her face.

"When you awaken to the source, you will understand."

With a chuckle, Xiaobai didn't explain too much to her. Sometimes, it's not good to know too much, and it's easy to cause a high mind.

"Oh, by the way, I told you about Big sis, I am about to awaken to the source, and it is a very powerful source of karmic fire."

Ao Xiaoxiao said smugly.

"The origin of karmic fire? Is it the red lotus karmic fire?"

Hearing the word yehuo from Ao Xiaoxiao made both Tai Shujing and Xiaobai interested.

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