My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 358 Auspicious Clouds Are Frequent!

as predicted.

Ten days have passed since Tai Shuyun and the others were promoted. Among the many rumors circulating in the Central Region, their names were not mentioned.

The names that appear more frequently are Tianjiao among those giant forces, and even descendants of the ancient family and the hidden emperor.

But even with so many candidates, it is still unclear who is the one who caused the amazing vision.

There are less than a few days before the alchemy event.


On this day, auspicious clouds appeared in the sky again, traversing between the sky and the earth, covering 300,000 miles of the sky.

The vision of starry light followed closely, making the entire Middle Domain seem to be in the next meteor shower, beautiful and gorgeous, starlight like rain, full of Spiritual Qi, after falling into the earth, nourishing everything.

This is the third time, everyone has reacted, this is another person who has been promoted to Dao Source Realm.

Compared with the previous two times, this time the auspicious clouds covered 300,000 li, far less than a million li, and there was only one kind of vision, which was not very magnificent.

However, according to historical records, this person still has the talent to become a peak powerhouse.

As long as he doesn't fall in the middle, this person will sooner or later ascend to the Emperor Realm.

This time, the promotion was also quite dynamic. In everyone's eyes, this was already the third person to be promoted to the Dao Source Realm, and he was definitely a talented and powerful child of Tianjiao.

On the True Dragon God Mountain, it was still so lively, and many people stopped their cultivation and watched the sky.

"This is opening a barrier and failing to succeed, all of them have been promoted to the Dao Source Realm."

Looking at the auspicious clouds, Ao Jue felt an unusual sign, it seemed that the new generation of Dao Source Realm was about to emerge.

This has always been the case, and this is even more sensational than those who become holy arrogants.

Once you set foot in the Dao Source Realm, you are equivalent to becoming a powerful person on the Divine Desolate Continent. Except for the peak powerhouse, they are the strongest existence in the world.

With a word from the king, he said that he would kill Sage in a single thought.

This is already a leap in the level of life. Immortal of the physical body and Immortal of the will have a long life span. Although it is not a long-term vision, it can be regarded as a preliminary transcendence from life and death.

The existence of any Dao Source Realm is the foundation of a power.

Any Dao Source Realm can open up a Sacred Land.

Seeing such auspicious clouds three times in a row gave Ao Jue, the elder quasi-king, the illusion that he was old.

"However, the most powerful one is from my dragon clan, hehe."

Suddenly, Ao Jue smiled.

He went to find Tai Shujing and the others last time. Although Ao Xiaoxiao said that they were meditating, but that little girl Ao Xiaoxiao could hide from him this old ginger?

After chatting with Ao Xiaoxiao casually, Ao Jue knew what he wanted to know.

Presumably, Ao Xiaoxiao thought she was very shrewd, but she didn't know that Ao Jue understood her and used her words to judge her. That was simply not to be dismissed.

"Hey, look, what is the clan uncle laughing at? It feels a bit disgusting."

Nearby, some members of the tribe noticed Ao Jue's smile, and suddenly felt a bit chilly.

"It's probably because I thought of something happy, don't mess with him, I don't want to be caught in the practice field to fight him, the last injury hasn't healed yet."

The other clansmen took a few steps away from Ao Jue.

"See what you see, go and look at you, one by one, it's useless, don't watch it, it will affect daddy's mood."

As he said, Ao Jue put his hands back, and walked away swaggeringly.

"What's wrong with Clan Uncle? Why do you feel that he is in a good mood?"

Some members of the tribe stared at Ao Jue's back, and although he was scolded by him, they didn't hear the usual anger, but their tone was somewhat happy.

"I don't know, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

The other clansmen shook their heads, and they were quickly attracted by the heavenly vision.

At the same time, on the True Dragon God Mountain, in a palace near the top of the mountain.

In the majestic Great Hall, a young dragon stood in front, quietly waiting for something.

Apart from him, there is no other figure in it. This person is truly Aojie, the saint son of the Dragon Race. He came here to meet the big man behind him, that is, his grandmother.

His grandmother's palace is in the closest place to the True Dragon Temple on the Shenshan Mountain.

Even the Dragon Kings are not qualified to live in this kind of place. They can only choose a slightly inferior place, farther away from the real dragon palace.

These are also among the few dragons who can live so close to the True Dragon Temple, and Aojie's grandmother is one of them.

Ao Jie, the grandmother, had already taken that half step in Daoyuan Realm and had already left the category of Dragon King.

Moreover, his grandmother has been famous for nearly five thousand years, and even so, it is still at its peak, the Megatron Goddess Continent.

Ao Jie, the grandmother of the dragon clan and even the entire continent, even has the name of the Dragon Girl of the Sky Splitting.

It can be seen how powerful this grandmother Aojie is.

This time, Aojie happened to meet this grandmother when she was out, so she came over to see her non-stop.

Before, he had been consulting the ancient books in the dragon clan, as well as some old historical records, looking for everything about the blood of the dragon clan in order to find out the origin of the strange blood pressure on that clan girl.

The hard work these days hasn't really let Ao Jie's thoughts go to waste, he really found a few words.

Even just a few words, it still made Aojie's mind shake, almost to the point of having trouble sleeping and eating. It was not a bad premonition, but excitement and excitement.

Holy dragon!

He found these two words, and then added a very brief description, born Sacred, the god king bowed his head.

Although Aojie didn't know what kind of existence the King of God was, he knew what Sacred was referring to, referring to the Realm above the peak powerhouse.

Divine Realm!

Thinking of this, it's strange that Aojie can still maintain a normal heart.

The last god between heaven and earth fell in the ancient times, and there is no powerhouse in the realm of gods on the current gods and wild continents.

Only the peak powerhouse of the emperor realm, they are the real overlords on the Divine Desolate Continent today.

If it were in this era, even if there was a god realm, that god would be the only ruler between heaven and earth.

Ao Jie couldn't help shuddering when he thought of the trembling bloodline under that clan girl's Longwei that day, and then was ecstatic, he found the bloodline of the sacred dragon that was above the bloodline of the real dragon.

This also allowed him to see the way to the peak powerhouse, and it was obvious that he hadn't even broken through the source of Tao.

But Ao Jie couldn't help being excited, unable to control himself, as if he had done something that no one had done on the Divine Desolate Continent.

As if the person who will enter the gods in the future will be his Aojie, his mood is like this.

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