
At this time, a cool breeze hits, as if it can split the soul.

A figure slowly condensed, from the virtual to the real, little by little in front of Ao Jie, with a strong aura that shocked the world.

"Ao Jie has seen grandma."

Looking at the figure in front of him, Aojie bowed respectfully.

This is a dragon girl in a blue dress. She has a pair of dark blue dragon horns, and even her eyes are dark blue, full of the smell of tearing.

Looking at his face, he is no longer immature, and his body exudes an extremely stable temperament, graceful and luxurious.

This is Aojie's grandmother, and also the Sky-Splitting Dragon Girl. She still looks young. Even though she is tens of thousands of years old, there is no trace of wrinkles on her face.

On the surface, this Sky Splitting Dragon Girl is a beautiful woman with noble temperament.

"Jie'er, you are here, how is cultivation recently?"

Seeing Aojie's figure, the beautiful woman's eyes showed kindness, and she asked with a smile.

"Thank you, grandma, for worrying about her, Jier's cultivation went smoothly."

Aojie nodded and said.

"That's good, your parents left early, now your grandma is the only relative. With your talent, you may not be able to reach the height of your grandma, or even surpass it. Cultivation can't slack off, do you understand."

The female of the sky-splitting dragon exhorted earnestly.

"Yes, Jie'er understands, Grandma, there's another thing Jie'er has today."

Aojie said again.

"Oh? Is there anything you want? Grandma must get it for you."

Hearing this, the Sky Splitting Dragon girl smiled slightly, her words full of doting for Aojie.

"No, grandma, I wonder if you have ever heard of... the word "Shenglong?"

Shaking his head, Aojie said seriously.


Hearing these two words, the expression of the Sky Splitting Dragon Girl changed slightly. The smile on her face faded, and her dark blue eyes were staring at Aojie, as if to see something.

Obviously, she knew what the word "Shenglong" represented.

"Jie'er, you have only four claws now, and you have not even reached five claws. Don't go too far."

"My dragon has the four-claw bloodline to become a king. This is already a unique talent on the mainland, and when we break through the peak powerhouse, we will transform into the fifth claw. This is the goal of all our dragons today."

"As for the sacred dragon you mentioned Jie'er, it is just the legendary Sacred bloodline, which has disappeared several times ago. Now that there is no more Sacred on the mainland, naturally there will be no more sacred dragons."

The Sky Splitting Dragon Girl shook her head.

"Grandma, Jie'er naturally understands that there can be no sacred dragon on the continent today, but there can be sacred dragon blood."

Aojie's tone was a little excited, revealing some information.

"Holy Dragon Bloodline!"

Upon hearing this, her eyes condensed, and a vast dragon power bloomed from her body, sweeping across this Great Hall, making Aojie, the prospective king, unable to breathe well.

Ao Jie was right. Although there is no sacred dragon in the world, there may not be a sacred dragon bloodline.

This is very clear to the Sky-Splitting Dragon Girl and even the entire Dragon Clan. Even a relatively long time ago, the entire Dragon Clan searched the entire Divine Desolate Continent in order to find out the creatures with the blood of the Holy Dragon.

But in the end, still nothing was found.

This also made the dragons guess that only the body of Sacred can carry the blood of Sacred.

And Sacred's body naturally came from the gods. In today's era without gods, where did the Sacred's body come from, so the dragon clan gave up looking for it afterwards.

"Jie'er, many dragon sages have considered your ideas, and finally they came to a conclusion that only the body of Sacred can carry the blood of the sacred dragon."

This Sky-Splitting Dragon Girl wanted to let Ao Jie break this fantasy. Even her dragon family spent a lot of time and failed to find the blood of the sacred dragon. How could the dragon grandson herself find the blood of the sacred dragon.

Presumably, he should have seen the record of the holy dragon in the ancient books from where he had some thoughts.

As for Ao Jie's thoughts, her grandmother could also understand that if the blood of the sacred dragon really existed, it would guide the dragon race to a path to the gods.

She herself had fantasized about this.

However, fantasy is only fantasy after all, if she has been living in fantasy, she can achieve what she is now.

"No, grandma, I am sure that my dragon clan gave birth to a clan with the blood of a sacred dragon."

"On that day when she released Longwei, Jiier's blood was trembling, giving birth to the meaning of surrender. Even the ancestors did not give Jier such a feeling. Grandma, what do you think, other than the blood of Shenglong? ?"

Speaking of this, Aojie is full of confidence.


Hearing what Aojie said, even the Sky-Splitting Dragon Girl started to waver, and she didn't think Aojie was lying to her.

In front of her, Aojie had never dared to lie.

If it is true that the dragon grandson said, only Longwei can make the blood of the four claws give birth to the meaning of surrender, then what he said may be true.

Even the five-claw bloodline can't let the four-claw bloodline give birth to the meaning of surrender, it can only produce suppression on the bloodline.

Suppression and surrender have completely different meanings.

Now among the dragon clan, the true dragon bloodline has been transformed to the extreme, and only the ancestor of the dragon clan.

However, the ancestor still failed to sublimate the true dragon bloodline and evolve the pilgrimage dragon bloodline.

For example, she herself is also on the way to transforming to Five Claws. Only when she is completely promoted to the emperor realm and becomes a peak powerhouse, will she transform successfully.

It's just that compared with that old ancestor, it's still a thousand miles away, and it's more than that.

"It's true, grandma, that clan member, like you, is a dragon girl. I heard that she is still a four-clawed bloodline. Although she came from a dragon, her potential is not bad at all, and her combat power is even stronger."

"That day, she defeated the two true kings as a quasi-king. This is something that the entire Wanhuangling Mountains can see. Jie'er thinks that only the blood of the sacred dragon can make her grow here."

Aojie said seriously.

"According to Jie'er, you are really strong."

Hearing such a record from Ao Jie's mouth, the Sky-Splitting Dragon Girl couldn't help squinting her eyes and defeating the two true kings in the body of a quasi-king. This kind of talent is really amazing.

Even she, in Realm, the king of quasi, did not do such a thing.

At the beginning, she had only defeated a real king in the quasi-king Realm, and she won by a narrow margin and was not strong.

It was precisely because of that battle that she gave birth to a lot of insights, and not long after that, she was promoted to the Daoyuan Realm and became a Dragon King.

As Ao Jie said, this dragon girl possesses such combat power, and her talent must be extremely high.

Thinking about it this way, the chances of the blood of the sacred dragon appearing on that dragon girl are even greater.

"Jie'er, did you like her?"

After pondering for a moment, she looked at Aojie thoughtfully.

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