My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 361: The Master Makes a Move!

"Oh, it's all my fault."

After Aojie left for a while, a sigh sounded from the Great Hall.

The Sky-Splitting Dragon Girl looked at herself and looked at an ink painting on the wall. It was not a beautiful landscape or a strange flower, but four Daoist shadows.

One of the Daoist shadows is the Sky-Splitting Dragon Girl, and the remaining three are her husband, daughter and son-in-law.

These three are not alive now, her husband's talent is not as good as hers, her daughter still has not been able to inherit her talent, and the son-in-law's talent is not acceptable.

The three of them have not been able to accompany her all the time, and now only the grandson of Ao Jie is beside her, and she has also inherited her blood talent, which also makes her have several great expectations for Ao Jie.

With Ao Jue's blood, if you continue to cultivate, you will be able to advance to the Dao Source Realm sooner or later and catch up with her.

However, she neglected to discipline Ao Jie and often Closed Door Training, which also caused Ao Jie to become what she is now, not bright in mind, arrogant and arrogant, and even her grandmother dared to calculate.

This also made her make a decision to correct Aojie's temperament.

Regardless of whether the matter of the Saint Dragon bloodline is true or false, she will not take action. When this matter is over, she will keep Ao Jie by her side to take care of him until he is promoted to the Dao Source Realm.

Don't look at Ao Jie now as the Quasi-King, he could cross the Heart's Demon Tribulation at any time and be promoted to the Daoyuan Realm.

In fact, this test is very difficult, and Aojie himself is not sure, otherwise he would have crossed it a long time ago, so how could he wait until now.

Therefore, she was already fine, and when Aojie was by her side, when she would correct her own temperament, when she should be able to be promoted to the Dao Source Realm.

"The blood of the sacred dragon, this world may have the opportunity to ascend to the divine realm, but it is not known."

With a soft whisper, the Sky-Splitting Dragon Girl doesn't take the blood of the sacred dragon very seriously. Although the legend of the sacred dragon is very famous in the dragon clan, even the ancestors have never seen a real sacred dragon.

Those few words recorded in the ancient books are actually the inferences of the ancients, and there is no real evidence.

Whether it is about the sacred dragon or the blood of the sacred dragon, the dragons do not understand it.

In her opinion, if the dragon girl can break the curse of the cultivation of this world in the future, she will be able to prove the value of the blood of the sacred dragon, otherwise, it will be empty talk.

This time, she planned to tell those people about the blood of the sacred dragon so that they could verify the authenticity.

"Zi'er, grandma still can't help you!"

She said to herself.

Although she said that she would not do anything, the news about the blood of the sacred dragon was passed on by her, and if she agreed to Aojie's request, it would cause trouble to the young couple.

If they are unable to withstand the pressure, then they may dismantle a pair of mandarin ducks and ruin a love.

Doing what she once hated the most, this Sky Splitter is really mixed with emotions, on the one hand her own grandson, and on the other hand a pair of lovers.

In fact, she still prefers her grandson, and she knows it very well herself.

"Am I doing it correctly?"

Reaching out her hand and touching the figure on the painting, the Sky-Splitting Dragon girl couldn't help showing a sentimental look.

the other side.

Coming out of his grandmother's palace, Aojie's whole person looked a little groggy, as if lost his soul.

"Holy Son, what did that one say?"

Seeing Ao Jie's figure coming out of it, several of Ao Jie's men stepped forward and asked respectfully.

"This thing ends here."

After regaining his senses, Aojie's face sank, and after a few words, he left without looking back.

Seeing my saint son seemed to be in a bad mood, some of the attendants did not continue to speak, but followed silently.

There are still three days before the alchemy event begins.

From Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai to the Dao Source Realm, then Tai Shuyun and Lan Xiyue, and then, there will never be another day to be free, the auspicious clouds above the middle domain never faded.

As Ao Jue said, Tai Shujing and the others opened a gate, the gate of becoming a king.

Even on the same day, there were several Tianjiao who were promoted to Dao Source Realm together, and several ancient anomalies appeared in a row, which made people overwhelmed.

In the past few days, Zhongyu is boiling, and no one talks about the gossip that circulated before.

The auspicious clouds and visions that have appeared continuously are obviously that the Tianjiao disciples among the major forces have been promoted to Dao Source Realm, and the number of them is also quite large.

From the beginning to the present, it has exceeded one digit.

This is just the number of people who have been promoted to Daoyuan Realm in this short period of less than one month.

To be sure, someone will be promoted next.

A peaceful day.

In the courtyard, the two sat face to face, suspended above the ground, with a chessboard in between.

It is strange to say that this chessboard is not real, but illusory. It seems to be drawn by two people by some means, surrounded by stars.

It's not so much a chessboard, it's a shrinking starry sky.

The stars condensed into thin lines to form a chessboard, with chess pieces of the same color on it, showing a grayish-purple color. Following the two people's minds, they arranged arrays on the chessboard, revealing a kind of solemnity.

At this time, both Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai looked slightly condensed, not as casual and relaxed as usual.

The two are competing with their own Dao. Even the same type of Dao will eventually give birth to different understandings and different characteristics.

Although the colors of the chess pieces are the same, they all know very well which own pieces are.

It was clearly an orderly chessboard, but it revealed a chaotic atmosphere to the extreme, like a ball of wool that was tangled together, and it was impossible to find where the end of the thread was.

People's minds will be affected by this breath, giving rise to the illusion of confusion, and even dizziness.

"Is this the way to fight between masters and masters? It's really gentle, but it's too dangerous. I almost vomit blood at a glance. It's too esoteric."

Not far away, Ao Xiaoxiao sat bored by the pond and mumbled while watching the dragon fish swimming in the pond.

At first, she thought that the two of them were playing ordinary chess, and then curiously leaned in to take a look, she almost fell to the ground on the spot.

That power that surpassed the original source was simply not something she could touch, someone who had not yet transformed Immortal's will.

If it weren't for the self-recovery of the karma fire and protecting her true spirit, she would really vomit blood.

Following the cultivation of the two in the past few days, Ao Xiaoxiao has indeed gained a lot of insights, and she can start to control her own red lotus karma skillfully, and will not move like before. Who touches who is unlucky.

Now, this karma can already choose to attack or defend according to her own ideas.

Ao Xiaoxiao also has a preliminary understanding of the power of the source, and then only needs to understand it slowly, and there is no need to be too anxious.

On the contrary, Ao Xiaoxiao's tactics in Realm, a bit crappy.

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