The method of warfare starts with the enlightenment, followed by transparency, and then the most holy.

And Ao Xiaoxiao's tactics, although not staying in fascination, can only reach the realm of transparency, which is far from Cultivation Base Realm.

Generally speaking, the tactics of the Sage realm, Realm, at least need to reach the middle stage of the transparent realm, in order to give full play to its own combat power.

Therefore, Ao Xiaoxiao's tactics, Realm, really seemed a bit low.


Coming out of the chessboard, there was a lot of chess pieces colliding with each other, not just as simple as playing chess, but also full of Dao confrontations.

"Will it explode?"

Feeling the terrifying fluctuation on the chessboard, Ao Xiaoxiao was a little worried.

I was afraid that the chessboard would not be able to withstand the confrontation between the two, and then burst open with a bang, overturning her palace.


I saw Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai pointing out at the same time, touching with their fingertips, a weak wave swayed from their fingertips, and then the whole chessboard really collapsed as Ao Xiaoxiao thought. broken.

Not enough, there was no explosion scene, and the whole chessboard was broken in an instant.

"The chaos is orderly, dominating everything, it really resembles your character."

Withdrawing his finger, the uncle gave a quiet smile.

This time, he and Xiao Bai fought one or two on the way of chaos. The two walked on different paths, but they couldn't distinguish between high and low, which was considered evenly matched.

It's no wonder that the two of them have cultivated to the current Realm, and their Taoist enlightenment has reached a very high level. They already have their own characteristics. Even if they are on the same road, it is difficult to distinguish between strong and weak.

"Chaotic and impermanent, do whatever you want, isn't this also very similar to your character Jing?"

With a smile, Xiao Bai also said playfully to him.

After a dull confrontation, both of them had a good understanding of each other's chaos.

Xiaobai's Tao of Chaos was taught by Tai Shu Jing, and then slowly walked in a different direction.

Although the two have different directions on the way of chaos, they both understood the true meaning of chaos, and the core thing will not change.

"White Big sis, Mrs. Miss, you guys are playing dumb riddles again."

Ao Xiaoxiao, who walked to the side, heard the conversation between the two and said something.

The longer she has been in contact with the two of them, the more she can feel the tacit understanding between them, and she can't hide everything from each other in every word and deed.

Needless to say, many things can be communicated with a single glance.

From Ao Xiaoxiao's point of view, it seems a bit boring, because the two of them don't usually speak sweet words, and they still speak inexplicably and concisely.

This is an unimaginable life for Ao Xiaoxiao, who is happy or not.

"It's not that we're playing dumb riddles, it's just laughing you don't understand."

With a chuckle, Tai Shu Jing said something.

"Yes, yes, I don't understand. If I could understand, I would have become as good as you Miss Miss."

Cursing his lips, Ao Xiaoxiao said.

"It's fine if you understand."

Xiaobai smiled.

"White Big sis."

Ao Xiaoxiao pouted, making the two laugh.

"Miss, King Ao Jue is here."

At this time, a girl dressed as a maid walked in.

This girl is different from the general dragon tribe. There is only a blue unicorn on her forehead, and the Cultivation Base is not very high. There is only the fifth-order Cultivation Base, which is equivalent to the inscription realm.

"Understood, Xiaoqing, you go entertain the clan uncle first, we will come right away."

Nodded, Ao Xiaoxiao said.

"Yes, Miss, by the way, Zhun Wang Ao Jue's expression doesn't seem right, you should pay attention later."

This dragon girl named Xiaoqing took two steps, then suddenly turned around and said something to Ao Xiaoxiao before leaving.

"Who messed with him?"

Hearing the reminder from the maid Xiaoqing, Ao Xiao smiled unclearly.

"In my opinion, he is here to find us, let's go, we will know when we meet."

After thinking for a while, Tai Shu Jing gave a chuckle.

A quasi-king of the dragon clan can come to the door with an ugly face, thinking that something happened, and it has nothing to do with Ao Xiaoxiao, it must have come to them.

Perhaps, the reminder of Feng Zhe senior's last time will be fulfilled, the uncle thought quietly.

He had this feeling, this time the True Dragon God Mountain was not peaceful again.

Regarding the arrival of this incident, Taishu faintly also had a hunch, he was not worried, nor afraid, otherwise, he would not have stayed here for so long with Xiaobai.

Things have to be resolved, he is just waiting for the time to come.

And now, the time has come.

The three of them came into the hall and saw Ao Jue who was waiting there at a glance.

I saw his face condensed, standing there motionless, as if thinking about something.

"Master Ao Jue, Miss, they are here."

Xiaoqing, the maid next to her, reminded her aloud.

"You are here."

After recovering, Ao Jue turned and looked at them.

"Uncle Clan, what happened?"

Ao Xiaoxiao tentatively said.

"Well, this matter has something to do with them, or it has something to do with you."

As he said, Ao Jue's gaze fell on Xiao Bai, with a complex look on his face.

Unexpectedly, he still underestimated this junior. When he heard the blood of the sacred dragon from several Dragon Kings, his first reaction was impossible.

But with the appearance of several uncles, he also had to become serious.

At present, this matter is still under speculation, but all the Dragon Kings and those uncles are very convinced that this junior is bleeding with the blood of the holy dragon.

This time, he came here to bring this junior over and let several uncles appraise them.

"Holy Dragon Bloodline."

From the look in Ao Jue's eyes, Xiao Bai could interpret what he wanted to say, it was too obvious.


Tai Shujing on the side had also anticipated this.

Because Xiaobai's performance was too good, and what he said in the Great Hall of the Heavenly Palace that day, it was enough to make the Dragon King give birth to a lot of speculations, and then deduct part of the truth.

This sacred dragon bloodline, after all, could not conceal these dragon clan powerhouses.

"Let's go, go now, leave True Dragon God Mountain, leave Wanhuangling, I haven't seen anything."

In his heart, he finally placed great expectations on this younger generation, and Ao Jue really didn't want to see the idea of ​​the tribe's blood in her body at this time.

If it's other things, it's okay to say, Ao Jue wouldn't do it.

But the existence of the sacred dragon bloodline is too special, especially for the dragon clan, it has irreplaceable significance.

In front of the blood of the sacred dragon, if those uncles moved a little bit crookedly, it would cause a very serious problem.

It's not that Ao Jue doesn't believe in the own people, it's that the blood of the sacred dragon is too tempting. This blood that originally only exists in legends involves the gods and will cause a big shock in the dragons.

Even if it leaks out, it will attract the coveting of other races, and even the people of the world.

The realm of Sacred has been extinct in the world since the end of antiquity, and it has been hundreds of millions of years.

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