My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 364 Dragon Uncle!

Xiaoqing had never encountered such a person before.

At that time, Miss brought the two of them, but she just made a cup of tea for Uncle Jing according to her own Miss's instructions.

When she made the tea and brought it to him, Tai Shujing said thank you politely to her face to face, which made her stunned for a long time.

She has been a maid for a long time, and she also served tea to several saints of the Dragon Race. They didn't even look at her directly, let alone say thank you to her. That was only possible in a dream.

In the next few days, through observation of the two, Xiaoqing found that they were really special.

Xiaoqing feels relieved about the friendship between Miss and the two of them.

"Xiaoqing, what do you think of Bai Big Sis and Miss Miss?"

Ao Xiaoxiao asked.

"Back to Miss, they are very good. They are the two most amazing people Xiaoqing has ever met. They are worthy of Miss's deep friendship."

Xiaoqing responded with a smile.

"Well, I think so too, I went to cultivation, Xiaoqing, if Bai Big Sis and Miss Miss come back, remember to tell me."

After speaking, Ao Xiaoxiao went to cultivation.

"Miss really likes them."

Smiling and shook his head, Xiaoqing also went to do something.

True Dragon Temple.

In the magnificent Great Hall, there were more than ten majestic figures at this time, many more than last time.

Moreover, behind these more than a dozen majestic figures, there are four illusory figures floating up and down.

Compared with the more than a dozen figures, these four illusory figures are more majestic, with a more terrifying aura, and have already surpassed the Dao Source Realm.


A strong voice sounded.

Three Daoist Ying came in from outside, and instantly the eyes of the entire Great Hall gathered on the person who came.

"Four uncles, people are here."

Walking to the center of the Great Hall, Ao Jue bowed and said.


A dull voice sounded, and then, the four illusory figures began to solidify, and four real figures appeared in front of everyone, and the vigorous coercion instantly filled the entire Great Hall.

Feeling the coercive pressure, Ao Jue's body tightened, shaking involuntarily.

These four uncles, judging from their true appearance, looked like 60-something old men in the mortal world.

The vigorous coercion flooded the Great Hall, but it disappeared invisible beyond Tai Shujing's two feet.

"Who came from?"

Among the four uncles, one slowly uttered his voice, straight into the soul.

Hearing these words, Tai Shu Jing suddenly felt a little funny, which reminded him of some kind of pretending stage.

This is also true of the facts. When they find people, they still have to ask who came. This time they are stupid by others, but they are stupid if they don't.

"Ahem, down here..."

"Bai, he is Jing, my mate."

When Tai Uncle Jing wanted to respond politely, Xiaobai suddenly said something.

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Tai Shujing almost sat on the ground staggeringly. This sounded like a greeting for the children of Rivers and Lakes outside after they met.

Xiaobai, is it too casual? Tai Shujing looked at Xiaobai next to him, but found that she didn't look at him at all.

"Does this girl know how to speak? Just let the kid say if she doesn't know, isn't this a mess?"

Ao Jue who stepped aside also twitched his eyes, bowed his head and cursed.

These are the four uncles. Even if you don't want to, it seems that they are already nearly 10,000 years old. Let me say politely that I have met my uncles. If you say that, you don't provoke others.

"It's over, Xiao Bai is in the state again."

Seeing Xiaobai's eyes getting sharper and sharper, an icy breath began to spread over his body, and there was a faint posture about to start a fight, Tai Shu Jing was helpless.

He knew that Xiao Bai hated her the most when someone saw her. This might have something to do with her sacred dragon bloodline.

After all, the blood of the natural Sacred, the majesty of the king over the world, is carved into the depths of the blood, and will also be integrated into the soul and become instinct.

It is estimated that the coercion of these uncles, in Xiaobai's view, is a provocation against own, and will naturally rebound.

"Xiao Bai, you have leaves in your hair."

With that said, Tai Shujing appeared in front of Xiao Bai, had no choice but to tiptoe to block Xiao Bai's sight, and then stretched out a hand across her hair, as if to remove the leaves from her hair.

At that moment, Tai Shu Jing squeezed her cheek to make her look back.

This scene, which no one else had anticipated, suddenly the serious atmosphere in the palace disappeared.

"Jing, what are you doing?"

With a charming voice, Xiaobai glanced at him dissatisfiedly. She just didn't like the other person's daring to scare her with coercion face to face, even the old man couldn't bear it.

"It's nothing, take the leaves off your hair."

Rubbing her hand, Tai Shu Jing turned around and looked at the old dragons.

"Xiaobai is a little bit scared of life, so please don't blame everyone. I have met four seniors in the next place, Tai Shujing."

Bend slightly, the uncle quietly hugged the cupped fist.

"This matter has nothing to do with outsiders, withdraw."

However, among the four old men, the other one spoke, and his tone was beyond doubt.

"Senior's words are not correct, Xiaobai is here to dao companion, how can an outsider say it."

Tai Shujing was not annoyed, and smiled back.

"You deserve it too!"

The old man with a pair of deep purple dragon horns gave a cold cry. While speaking, the purple thunder burst out of thin air and fell three feet in front of the uncle's silence, burning the ground into a black hole.


In the Great Hall, there are formation patterns appearing, and the power of formation operates to eliminate the lightning in the Great Hall.

"Old fellow, dare you say one more thing, today I will let your dragon soul dissipate!"

boom! hold head high!

Volcanic eruption is normal, a wave of dragon power blooms from that Xiaobai, the Cultivation Base of Daoyuan realm erupts, and it rushes straight to the dome, shocking the formation in the Great Hall to tumble.

I saw Xiaobai standing in the air, looking coldly at the old man with deep purple dragon horns opposite, killing Ling Ran.


In it, Ao Jue was the first person who couldn't bear the dragon's might.

Long Wei suppressed it, and he didn't even have the power to resist. Immortal's will was crushed, and a mouthful of crystal clear dragon blood was spit out, spitting on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Tai Shujing immediately flashed to his side, and a five-color light mask was formed instantly, covering him.

"Boy, thanks."

Long Wei was isolated by the five-color mask, and Ao Jue felt much better. He said to Tai Shujing, and then looked at the beautiful shadow with complex expressions.

"Senior, you are welcome."

With a slight smile, the uncle stood still in the midst of Sacred's dragon, his expression as usual, without any influence at all.

"This kid..."

Seeing Tai Shujing's indifferent figure, Ao Jue's eyes flashed with surprise.

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