My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 365 Lifted the dome of the heavenly palace!

Although the pressure of the blood of the sacred dragon may have a greater suppression on the dragon clan, it is not without any effect on others.

But Tai Shujing can be calm and calm in this dragon power. It's a bit outrageous. Isn't the coercion of the blood of the sacred dragon also effective on him?

"It's difficult now."

Looking at Xiaobai's furious appearance, the uncle murmured quietly.

Although it would be very uncomfortable to be said that, he knew that it was normal in this world, and it was also an expression of respect for the strong.

Being able to cultivate to the half-step emperor realm is not all accumulated by age, and the talents of these old men are beyond doubt.

Given their seniority in the dragon clan, they naturally say whatever they want. No one can disobey them, not only because they are elders, but also because of their strength.

Now Xiao Bai was enraged, that murderous intent was true and absolutely not false.

Because of this, Tai Shujing felt a little difficult.

The breath of the uncles of these dragons shows that their power of order is not yet complete, and they have not gone far in the half-step emperor realm.

This point, he and Xiao Bai are the same.

Therefore, Tai Shujing was not worried that Xiao Bai would not be able to beat them, but worried that Xiao Bai would really kill the old man and kill the old man here.

In this way, what kind of consequences will be caused, you will know with your fingers.

"Boy, if you don't stop her, is it possible that she really thinks she can compete with these uncles?"

Seeing Taishu standing still on the spot, Ao Jue said anxiously.

"Senior, it's not that it's impossible, but it's okay. Their power of order is not complete, and Xiao Bai will not be in danger. On the contrary, they are the ones who are in danger."

Shaking his head, Tai Shu Jing looked at him confidently.

"The power of order is not yet complete... boy, you really... wait, how does your boy know this?"

Ao Zhen was speechless against Tai Shujing's inexplicable self-confidence, but his expression suddenly changed, as if he had heard something incredible.

The power of order.

This is something that will only be born after the power of the source is transformed. Even the veteran true king of the source realm may not be able to understand its existence. Unless the mystery of the power of the source is fully understood, the power of order can be pried. door.

Since Tai Shujing knows the existence of the power of order, has his Dao enlightenment reached this level?

No, it's impossible, this is too terrifying, they have only been promoted to the Dao Yuan realm not long ago, how could they be exposed to the power of order so quickly.

It's hard to say that they have already fully grasped the power of the source in the Realm of the quasi-king.

Then let it go and promote the Daoyuan Realm, and let it go, and then start to transform into the power of order?

"Senior, what's so weird about this, Realm will know when he arrives."

With a slight smile, Tai Shujing responded.

"what is this?"

Hearing this, the corners of Ao Jue's eyes twitched. If I said it, I didn't say it. Everyone knew that Realm would understand when he arrived. But the question is, what should I do if Realm can't arrive?

If everyone can be like you, there will be no one who can't cultivate in the entire Divine Desolate Continent.

It is estimated that there are as many kings as dogs, and the emperor has left all over the place.

"Junior, you dare to be so disrespectful to the old man, it's absolutely rebellious!"

Being so threatened by a young dragon clan, the dragon clan uncle with purple dragon horns looked sullen, and as he spoke, countless purple thunder and lightning were generated out of thin air, like a thunder hell.

Among these thunder and lightning, there is a force of order that has surpassed the origin of the avenue.

Not only the Dragon Clan uncle, but the other three also disliked Xiao Bai's attitude, thinking she was too presumptuous.

And those more than a dozen Dragon Kings looked astonished. In the Star-Sky battle that day, the dragon descendant in front of him was only a quasi-king realm. Today, I saw that he was already the true king of Daoyuan realm.

Sacred's dragon is full of majesty, like the will of heaven and earth.

Obviously, this dragon descendant passed the Heart's Demon Tribulation in this short period of time and became a true king.

Moreover, this junior Longwei can make all the Dragon Kings present feel great pressure, which is enough to show how outstanding her talent is.

Regardless of whether it has anything to do with the legendary sacred dragon bloodline, this is enough to shock the world.

"Old guy, really think of yourself as an onion, and say, how do you want to die?"

Xiaobai's patience has been wiped out. She looked cold, staring at the uncle of the dragon clan with purple dragon horns, and the horror aura was recovering.

"Junior, be careful!"

Seeing Xiaobai's intention to kill, Lie Dragon King said in a deep voice.

"You want to stop me?"

Snow-colored eyes staring at him with golden glow, the pressure of the ancient gods and demons surging like a vast tide, making this fierce Dragon King tight, feeling that the world is under pressure.

"Don't forget, you are also a dragon."

Under great pressure, this strong Dragon King still said.

"Joke! According to the old guy's thoughts, you are not qualified to say that, you can restrain other people, can you restrain this old fellow?"

"Since the strong is respected, then use strength to speak, don't talk about blood, I will put my words here, today, this old guy, I will suppress it here in front of all of you, if you dare Come to the rescue, don't blame me for overturning the dome of the True Dragon Heavenly Palace."

Xiaobai sneered. As he spoke, the aura on his body had already climbed to the peak of the Dao Source Realm, and there were faint signs of breaking into another First Stage sky.

Faced with Xiao Bai's threat, Lie Dragon King and more than a dozen Dragon Kings changed their faces, not because they thought Xiao Bai was talking big, but they found themselves in a quagmire.

This junior’s Cultivation Base can already do such a thing!

"Old guy, give you a chance, let's do it."

Looking at the dragon uncle with purple dragon horns, the horror aura on Xiao Bai's body has fully bloomed, making all the Dragon Kings look discolored under her coercion.

"Okay, okay, okay, since you junior is so rude, the old man will teach you what is the rule."

Being targeted by Xiaobai coldly, this dragon uncle was also extremely angry.

He took a step forward, facing Xiao Bai Yaoyao, his face was grim, his beard and hair fluttered.

"This junior is so extreme, let Ao Kelue punish her and beat her."

Behind him, although the other three dragon uncles were surprised at Xiaobai's Cultivation Base, they didn't think she could suppress a dragon uncle here as she said.

Not to mention, the dome of the True Dragon Heaven Palace was overturned in front of them.

For Xiaobai's words, they were all treated as children's words, and they didn't take it seriously at all.

"However, he is really an excellent junior. Is this the power of the blood of the sacred dragon? It is already possible to cross the Dao Source Realm."

An uncle of the dragon clan still exclaimed.

He could see that Xiaobai's Cultivation Base did not seem to have been immersed in the Daoyuan Realm for a long time, but gave them a new feeling, indicating that this dragon junior was promoted soon.

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