If she had only been promoted not long ago, but she could burst out with the aura of the peak of the Dao Source Realm, such a situation would be rare in the world.

Therefore, this uncle thought that all of this was brought to her by the blood of the sacred dragon.

Regarding the blood of the sacred dragon, these uncles might have to reconsider.

"The blood of the sacred dragon can only stay in my dragon clan, and no outsider can get involved."

A cold-looking dragon uncle's tone was awe-inspiring.

He has a pair of bright yellow dragon horns, and he has a sense of stability like a mountain, as if standing there is not a dragon, but a big mountain that supports the sky.

"Ao Li, are you going to kill him?"

Hearing this, the other dragon uncle frowned, as if he didn't want to do this.

The uncle of the dragon clan expressed a sense of tolerance in his words, as if the sea could accommodate hundreds of rivers, and his tone was not as sharp as the one. A pair of light blue dragon horns glowed with waves.

"Ao Qiansheng, your heart is softened? Don't forget the importance of the blood of the sacred dragon to my dragon clan!"

Ao Li said coldly.

"I understand this, but I don't agree with your approach, Ao Feng, do you think so too?"

Ao Qiansheng shook his head, then looked at the last one.

The last uncle of the dragon clan was expressionless, like a facial paralysis. He glanced at the two people beside him, and the sound of swords rang from a pair of dragon horns glowing with metal light.


Finally, this uncle of the Dragon clan named Ao Feng uttered a word, killing the sound and trembling the empty sky, and also agreed with that Ao official's idea.

They also felt that the blood of the holy dragon is of great importance. Since the owner is a descendant of the dragon race, then her dao companion is absolutely not allowed to be a foreign race, let alone a human race.

Moreover, it seemed that the person also knew about the blood of the sacred dragon.

Then killing him is the best choice, to prevent the news of the blood of the holy dragon from flowing to the outside world.

"I can't change your decision. I will not participate in this matter. You have to do it yourself."

Seeing that the two people had the same opinion, they both believed that the young man was going to be killed, Ao Qiansheng shook his head and said that he would withdraw.

Although the bloodline of the sacred dragon is big, but logically, they don't have the right to decide this matter, they should report to several ancestors, or even wake up the ancestors to deal with this matter.

They are not the real champions of the dragon clan.

Unless they can truly step into the emperor realm, become the peak powerhouse, and become the existence of their ancestors, they are qualified to handle any affairs of the dragon clan.

Otherwise, it is inevitable that there will be arrogance.

"Hmph, whatever you want."

Seeing him withdraw, Ao Li snorted coldly, looked at Ao Feng, and then cast his gaze on Tai Shujing.

"It seems that this matter is not that simple."

Perceiving the sight of the two Dragon Clan uncles, Tai Uncle smiled inexplicably, a little helpless and a little cold.

Since these people insisted on doing this, Tai Shujing didn't need to give them a face. The longer they lived, the less they knew that the sky was high and the earth was thick. I was afraid that it would be too long to meditate and damage their brains.

For these people, Tai Shujing was a bit enlightening. As a thank you, if there is a fight, then he should keep his hands a little bit.

the other side.

Xiaobai confronted the dragon uncle Ao Ke in a volley, and the aura of the two collided, filling the entire Great Hall of the Heavenly Palace.

If it weren't for the revival of the formation in the Tiangong, it would have been broken by the aura of the two people and turned into the open air.

"Junior, for the sake of the blood of the sacred dragon on your body, the old man will not be too heavy, but he must teach you a lesson so that you won't be rude next time."

Ao Ke's face was solemn, and in his purple eyes, there was a sea of ​​thunder, full of the meaning of destruction.

"Old guy, dare to stand high in front of me and die!"

The killing intent was a little harder, Xiaobai yelled coldly, and an earth-shattering Longwei burst out of his body, which was much heavier and vaster than the previous Longwei.

hold head high!

The dragon chants sounded far away, as if coming from beyond the endless time and space, a majesty that surpassed the heavens and the earth bloomed, descending on the top of the True Dragon Mountain.

As the sky collapsed, the weight of the world descended toward the True Dragon Mountain, causing the entire sacred mountain to shake.


On Wanhuangling, three hundred and sixty-five sacred mountains resonate, and thick formations light up from between the sacred mountains, connected one by one, forming a formation in the blink of an eye, covering all the sacred mountains.

A light mask instantly covered three hundred and sixty-five sacred mountains, blocking the force of the sky collapse, unable to fall.

This is a peerless Nine Cycles formation, hidden among the sacred mountains. If any of the sacred mountains is attacked strongly, it will inspire this large formation to resist external attacks.

"In the end what happened?"

"A foreign enemy is attacking Wanhuangling!"

"How is it possible? This is Wanhuangling, who dares?"

All the races on the Wanhuangling Mountains were alarmed. It was definitely that a sacred mountain suffered a powerful attack that would inspire this peerless array, otherwise, the array would not show up.

It was a long time ago that this big formation was triggered last time, and it has been hundreds of years, if not to mention, it is recovering again today, I don't know what the signs are.

Inside the true dragon palace.

Xiaobai stood in the air, the divine might blooming, the blood of the sacred dragon in his body agitated, and it quickly flowed through the limbs, and began to revive the ancient divine might.


Feeling the rising Dragon Power on Xiaobai's body, Ao Ke found that the true dragon blood on his body was trembling, as if facing some irreversible existence, giving birth to the meaning of surrender.

"No, this supernatural power is the resurrection of the blood of the sacred dragon."

On the side, all the three Ao officials changed their colors, and they also felt the dragon blood trembling in their bodies, uncontrollably giving birth to the meaning of surrender.

The more than a dozen Dragon Kings were even more so. Their complexions began to turn pale, and their bodies trembled under the pressure of the holy dragon. Even the power of the original source couldn't move as they wished, and the dragon souls were wailing.

"Old guy, let me see, your strength is enough to support your Kyogen, Holy Dragon Fist."

Seeing Ao Ke's drastically changed face, Xiaobai gave a sneer and blasted out a punch without hesitation.

hold head high!

The sacred dragon was incomparable, a silver butterfly appeared on his white fist, and the glitter of the fist cut through the space, and he arrived in front of Ao Ke in the blink of an eye.

"Thunder Dragon Fist!"

Ao Ke's purple pupils shrank, and Ao Ke didn't react slowly. It was also a punch, a deep purple fist burst out, and similar purple light butterflies flew, coming first, and meeting Xiao Bai's fist.


A violent light blooms at the junction of the two, a purple light butterfly and a silver light butterfly are flying, and the fluorescence is lingering, making everyone clearly visible.

"This is... the power of order!"

The three dragon uncles in the distance uttered in horror.

This was the first time they showed such a look, even the pressure of the Holy Dragon just shocked them for a moment.

It was different at the moment, because they all knew what the flying light butterfly was.

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