That is a vision that the power of order can carry, and it does not have any effect, it is just a special expression, not even an entity.

The purple light butterfly is undoubtedly Ao Ke's, and the other silver light butterfly is definitely not his.

Whose can it be? The answer is self-evident, except for her, no one else.

"What a junior, he has already reached such a level, God is my dragon clan, you still don't let Ao Ke stop."

Ao Qiansheng laughed loudly, and then said to Ao Li and them.

I have caught up with these old guys at this age. I am afraid that the blood of the sacred dragon is not so exaggerated. It must be that the talent of this dragon clan junior is strong enough.

Such an outstanding junior, the entire continent may not be able to find a second one.

"Impossible, even if she also controls the power of order, she is not Ao Ke's opponent. The temper of this junior must be beaten and beaten well."

Ao Li and Ao Feng looked at Xiaobai with a hint of satisfaction, but they still rejected Ao Qiansheng's opinion.

"You...really stubborn."

Ao Qiansheng was anxious, but he also knew that he couldn't persuade Ao Ke to go by himself, so he could only watch from the sidelines.

"Let's do it, for the Dragon Race and for this junior, we must kill him."

Suddenly, Ao Li's tone became cold, and he looked at Tai Shujing, killing Ling Ran.

The better Xiaobai's talents were, the more they made the old guys calm and murderous towards the uncle. Now it is not the issue of the blood of the sacred dragon, but the issue of the younger generation of the dragon race.

How can a human race be worthy of such an excellent Dragon Race junior?

"Enough, are you mad?"

Seeing the two of them insisting on killing Tai Shujing, Ao Qiansheng's anger surged.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this dragon clan junior’s Nilin is him, and even at the mercy of them, Ao Li and Ao Feng still want to kill him. Isn’t this a nonsense?

If this young man died here today, this Dragon Clan junior would not be able to kill them all.

"Don't worry about this, just watch it."

Ao Li and Ao Feng looked at each other, nodded, and ignored him.

"Two uncles, please listen to what Ao Lie said. This young man is also a strong arrogant, not even half way behind that dragon junior. Ao Lie feels that it is better not to do this."

Seeing that the two uncles had a murderous heart against the uncle, Lie Dragon King remonstrated.

In his opinion, Tai Shujing's strength might be better than Xiaobai, a descendant of the dragon race, after all, he couldn't see through this young man at all.

Several uncles should have noticed this.

It's just that they were all attracted attention by the blood of the sacred dragon and the performance of the junior in front of them, and they didn't care about the true strength of this young man at all.

This caused Ao Lie to have an ominous hunch.

When he reaches his level, his feelings are inseparable, especially when it comes to danger or bad things happen, the true spirit will warn him.

This time, after hearing the decision of the two uncles, Ao Lie's dragon soul warned.

"Hmph, you think he can hide from our eyes, just pretending to be indifferent, it's not worthy of such excellent blood of my dragon clan at all, don't say more, retreat."

The official snorted coldly and ordered.

"It's... Uncle Ao Li."

Facing the majestic gaze of his uncle, Ao Lie bowed and walked away.

Although he is a Dragon King of Daoyuan Realm, he still has no right to speak in front of his uncles. It is not the Dragon Kings who make the decision, but the uncles of these dragons.


At this time, the violent light burst, and two light butterflies of different colors flew up and down.


The heavy footsteps sounded, and the dragon uncle Ao Ke retreated two steps, and stepped on two silver-white footprints in the void, staying in the void.

"Good! The Tao of Space, I still underestimate you."

Ao Ke's expression was slightly condensed, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the icy shadow on the opposite side.

"Endless airspace!"

Faced with Ao Ke's compliment, Xiaobai dismissed it, and then let out a cold voice.

Silver-white light butterflies are flying, and the power of spatial order solidifies the space in the entire Great Hall in an instant, and expands countless spaces Realm.

All of this happened in a moment, and Xiao Bai completed the control of the space.

Seeing that the uncle Ao Ke didn't even react, he seemed to have turned into a statue, standing motionless on the spot, looking like a sculpture of a living person.

Taking a step forward, Xiao Bai appeared in front of Ao Ke, looking at him coldly.

"Huh? What's wrong with Ao Ke?"

Seeing that Xiaobai, the younger generation, had come closer, Ao Ke was still standing motionless, causing Ao Li and Ao Feng to frown, not knowing what he was doing.

In the next instant, what happened immediately made Ao Li and the others angry.

"Make you talk more!"


As soon as the voice fell, loud applause came out.

Everyone saw it, Xiaobai slapped Ao Ke's face without mercy, and the force was so powerful that he pulled out Ao Ke's teeth straight away.

"Do you dare to do so!"

Awakened by the intense pain, Ao Ke's expression was released with purple light, and the power of thunder order burst out, breaking free from the restraint of space order, and then roared wildly.

Being slapped in the face by a junior, to Ao Ke, it was simply Losing face lost home.

"Huh, don't draw enough 30 times today, it's endless!"

With a cold snort, the silver-white light butterfly lingering around Xiaobai, the mysterious and unpredictable power of the spatial order, made Ao Ke accidentally hit.

He is not the tiger king before, but the existence that has truly taken the half step out of Daoyuan Realm.

And he also suffered a small loss under the power of Xiaobai's space. It can be seen how powerful and terrifying Xiaobai's spatial order is. In the same rank, it is rare to meet opponents.

"Then try it, Thunder Dragon Claw!"

Hearing this, Ao Ke suddenly rushed to the top of his head, Qi Qiao smoky, and the redness reached the extreme. He didn't have any more hands, and grabbed Xiao Bai with one hand.

This grasp seemed to have grasped a world, and the endless thunder spread out of thin air, condensed into a purple dragon claw, with four toes, the dragon was filled with power, and enveloped towards Xiaobai.

"Then you are optimistic."

With a sneer, Xiao Bai's figure turned into reality in place, causing the terrifying Thunder Dragon's claws to catch it.


Without the sense of catching the entity, Ao Ke frowned.

"Old man, where do you look?"

An icy voice came from behind him, making Ao Ke look surprised, then suddenly turned around and blasted out with a punch.


The loud applause sounded for the second time.

Xiaobai turned his body sideways to avoid his attack. The silver-white slap suddenly magnified in Ao Ke's eyes, and landed on the other side of his face without hindrance.

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