My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 373 Evolution!

After investigating the situation in Xiao Bai's body again, he found that the Sacred Qi machine in Xiao Bai's body seemed to continue to grow. Although the speed was slow, it was indeed growing.

"Could it be that the blood of the sacred dragon is awakening."

After thinking about it, Tai Shujing guessed.

He knew that Xiaobai's bloodline of the sacred dragon was not owned by Xiantian, but was later born while practicing. As for the specific details, Tai Shujing didn't understand it.

Only Xiao Bai knew this matter best.

Tai Shujing has never heard of the legend of the blood of the sacred dragon. This kind of strong blood that appeared in the age of myth has a mighty power that makes the gods fear.

"This world may still have many secrets that are silent in the past."

With a whisper, Tai Shu Jing held Xiao Bai and sat down at the stone table in the courtyard, waiting for her to wake up.

"Miss husband."

With the sound of footsteps, Ao Xiaoxiao came, and Xiaoqing followed her.

"What happened to Bai Big sis?"

Seeing Xiaobai sleeping soundly in her uncle's arms, Ao Xiaoxiao thought something was wrong, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"It's okay, it's just a big battle. I'm a little tired. Just sleep for a while."

Shaking his head, Tai Shu Jing explained with a smile.

"That's good, it really scared me to death just now, and even the peerless formation on Wanhuangling has recovered. I thought Miss Miss you and Bai Big sis had an accident."

Ao Xiaoxiao said with a sigh of relief.

The previous shock can be clearly felt by anyone on Wanhuangling, especially when the light shield is lit, the entire Wanhuangling is full of vegetation, as if facing an enemy.

"It's just a discussion."

With a smile, the uncle said quietly.

"It's just a discussion? Miss Miss, what you said is too simple, even the big formation on Wanhuangling that has not recovered for thousands of years is lit up. Where can it be simple? Don't think I am a fool."

Ao Xiaoxiao looked like you don't lie to me with hands on hips.

"Okay, I won't talk about this. You just need to know that we won't miss the grand alchemy meeting in three days."

Shaking his hand, Tai Shujing ended the topic.

"Yeah, great, I can finally go out to play."

Hearing this answer, Ao Xiaoxiao jumped up with joy.

Seeing her like this, Tai Shujing and Xiao Qing laughed unconsciously. They were really simple little girls, with joy, anger, sorrow, and joy on their faces.

"Then I won't bother you Miss Miss and Bai Big sis, Xiaoqing, let's prepare."

Waved to Xiaoqing, Ao Xiaoxiao led her and left in a blink of an eye, making her uncle quietly shook her head.

After Ao Xiaoxiao and Xiaoqing left, Tai Shujing looked down at Xiao Bai in his arms, and gently combed her long silver hair on her temples.

He guessed that this battle might be a good thing for Xiao Bai.

The resuscitation of the blood of the sacred dragon also led to the evolution of the blood in her body. This time she would have fallen asleep because of this, which is very similar to the awakening of the blood.

I just don't know whether Xiaobai's blood awakening this time will be the same as when he awakened the celestial body, completely awakened.

In other words, it was only the first awakening of the blood of the sacred dragon, and the inheritance of the sacred dragon began to appear.

No matter what the situation is, it is good for Xiao Bai, and Tai Shujing also needs to wait for her to wake up before knowing the result.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

In the courtyard, Tai Shu Jing held Xiao Bai in her arms and closed her eyes to meditate. A Thousand Chance Diagram appeared under his feet, and various light butterflies flew around the Thousand Chance Diagram, revealing the power of order.

The rhyme of Tao was permeated, and the huge Spiritual Qi was drawn over and gathered towards Xiao Bai in the arms of the uncle's Jing.

In these two days, Xiaobai, who had absorbed a huge amount of Spiritual Qi, and the blood of the sacred dragon was constantly awakened, had also undergone an obvious change, a puzzling change.

That is, Xiao Bai's pair of crystal white dragon horns seemed to degenerate and disappeared. Instead, a silver-purple mark appeared on her forehead.

The shape of this imprint resembles a pair of dragon horns, only the size of a thumb.

Moreover, it seems that there is a dragon horn in the center of the pair of dragon horns, which is longer than the dragon horns on both sides.

Although Xiaobai's current appearance cannot tell whether a third dragon horn was born, what is certain is that the changes that have taken place in her are magical.

Xiao Bai now looks no different from Human Race.

hold head high!

There was a faint dragon roar, Tai Shujing did not open his eyes, he had been able to hear this dragon roar for these two days, but Xiao Bai did not wake up.

This time, he still thought so.

But at this time, Xiaobai woke up, a pair of snow-colored eyes glowing with golden light opened, and the familiar profile of her face caught in the eye. She felt the familiar temperature, and she didn't want to wake up.

A hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, Xiao Bai raised his hand, tapped his white finger on his lips, and then dialed down.

"Who is it?"

She woke up in an instant, Tai Shujing was about to bite someone, who would dare to be so bold and press his lower lip.

"It's me."

Little Bai smiled happily when he saw his grumpy expression rarely.

"Little...Bai? Are you transfigured?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Tai Shu Jing looked down and found that the beautiful woman in her arms had woken up, but her appearance had not changed much, except that the familiar pair of dragon horns had disappeared, and there was an extra mark.

"No, what are you talking about?"

He didn't notice the change in himself, and Xiao Bai didn't realize what he was referring to.

"Uh... let me see."

Seeing that she didn't seem to notice any changes in her own, Tai Shujing raised her hand and touched her forehead, only to feel the smooth skin, and the dragon's horns were really gone.

"I am..."

Then Xiao Bai also noticed his own changes, and the jade finger lightly tapped in the void, reflecting the appearance of own.

Xiaobai was also a little surprised when he saw Own's current appearance.

As a dragon clan, dragon horns are irreplaceable features, but now, her dragon horns are hidden, not appearing on the forehead, it is a little weird.

Then Xiaobai also understood a little bit, where the own change came from.

"It's over, Xiaobai, as a dragon, you don't even see the dragon horns. Are you fake?"

Suddenly, Tai Shujing looked at her in surprise, showing that I had seen you through.

"Poor mouth, I will kill you."

At a glance, it was obvious that Tai Shujing was joking, Xiaobai opened his mouth in shame and bit on his face, there was a smell of wanting to bite off a piece of meat.

"Xiao Bai, I was wrong, so be merciful."

In the next instant, Tai Shujing smiled and begged for mercy, and he stroked Xiao Bai's back, feeling a little flattering.

"Huh, dare you still say that I'm a fake?"

Loosing him, Xiao Bai snorted.

"Don't dare, don't dare, Xiaobai is real, more real than real gold, hey... Xiaobai, your saliva touches my face."

With that said, Tai Shujing wiped her face with her hand, then showed an expression of disgust, and smoothly wiped Xiaobai's dress with a very fast speed.

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