My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 374 Complete Awakening!

Seeing Tai Shujing's movements, Xiao Bai immediately sat up from his arms and pulled his face to both sides.

"Let you wipe my saliva."

After a few squeezes, Xiao Bai didn't mean to let go.

"Dare you still dare?"

Staring at him, Xiaobai asked.

Tai Shu Jing shook his head immediately, saying that he didn't dare anymore. He was pinched. He couldn't even speak. It was all Xiaobai's own saliva. How could she dislike it?


Xiaobai confirmed it again.

Still nodding, Tai Shujing's eyes were very serious, and she didn't see the slightest meaning of deception.

"Spare you once, but..."

Released his hand, Xiao Bai immediately kissed him, and then gave him a bite on his lips.

"Xiao Bai, tell me what's going on?"

Putting his arms around her waist, the uncle asked quietly with a smile.

"Jing, the blood of the sacred dragon in my body has been fully awakened."

Xiaobai explained.

In this short period of two days, the sacred dragon blood in her body gradually replaced all the true dragon blood from a strand, and now Xiaobai's body was flowing pure sacred dragon blood.

The most obvious point of this evolution of Sacred is that the dragon horns on her forehead have been removed.

Moreover, a sacred dragon mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows.

If Xiaobai showed her true body, she would have seen that the dragon horns on her head hadn't been reduced, on the contrary, there had been an extra one, growing in the center, pointing straight at the sky like a heavenly sword.

"Similar to the awakening of the divine body?"

After thinking about it, Tai Shu Jing asked.

"Well, the inheritance of the sacred dragon has also appeared, but the inheritance is only divine will, and there is no specific attack technique."

Nodded, Xiaobai talked about the details.

"This is not surprising. The core of any inheritance is not magic, but true meaning, Xiao Bai, this is your chance, you must grasp it well."

With a slight smile, Tai Shujing was also happy for Xiao Bai.

Through this awakening, Xiaobai has become a true sacred dragon, and it is the only existence on the Godly Desolate Continent today.

With such a strong bloodline, perhaps in this era, Xiao Bai will definitely ascend to the gods.

"Jing, aren't you afraid that I will become stronger than you?"

Xiaobai smiled playfully.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you, so I still have to be stronger than you."

Haha smiled, Tai Shu Jing said.

"Jing, you will make me happy, then you have to protect me."

Hearing this, Xiaobai's smile bloomed, and in an instant, all the flowers bloomed, and the world faded.


Raising his hand to touch Xiaobai's face, Tai Shujing nodded confidently.

"Speaking of which, Xiaobai, are you a little bit taller?"

Suddenly, the uncle looked at her quietly, and then said uncertainly. It was obvious that Xiaobai was sitting on his lap, but he still had to raise his head to look at her, which was not the case before.

" seems to be a little bit."

Xiaobai looked around at her left and right, and the subtle changes in her body were slowly being known to her. The complete awakening of the blood of the sacred dragon really made her a little bit higher, in all aspects.

"Really so."

Distractedly nodded, Tai Shujing still didn't say a word, no wonder he felt that Xiao Bai seemed a little heavy.

"Okay, you woke up too, let's go meet and laugh with this girl, I don't know what she has been up to these past two days?"

Tai Shu Jing smiled.

"Jing, how long is the alchemy event?"

Xiaobai asked.

"Just tomorrow."

The uncle replied quietly.

"The time is just right, Jing, let's go to Xiaoxiao and have a look."

As he said, Xiaobai got up from his arms.

Standing on the ground, Xiao Bai did feel that Own's head was raised a little bit, and his figure was the same, his posture seemed more graceful than before.

"Eh, Xiaobai, if you can give me a little bit of height, it would be nice."

Looking up at her enviable height, Tai Shujing couldn't help sighing.

Now, he and Xiaobai are like a couple of one meter seven and one meter nine. The height difference is very cute, but they are the other way around.

In fact, they are not short, but Xiao Bai is slightly taller.

"Jing, apart from height, there is nothing else you want to say."

After listening to Tai Shujing's words, Xiao Bai was slightly unhappy and pouted.

"Some, some, Xiaobai, you have become more beautiful, your body is more beautiful, your legs are longer, your waist is thinner, and what else... in short, you are beautiful."

At this time, Tai Shujing is no longer a sentimental idiot, and he is very cleverly boasting.

"Hehe, Jing what do you want to say, it's so bad,"

Xiaobai felt a little shy when she heard Tai Shujing exaggerate to herself, but she still gave birth to the idea of ​​joking Tai Shujing and teased him.

"I didn't say anything, don't wrong the good people."

How could Tai Shujing admit that she almost said it, righteously denying it.

"It doesn't matter, since Jing you are so shy, then..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Bai suddenly turned around, with both hands, firmly clasped him in his arms, buried his head on her chest, and then turned him around as if he was holding a child. Several laps.

Such a fierce scene made Xiaoqing passing by the courtyard gate open his mouth wide.

"It turns out that Miss White and Young Master Jing are like this, but they seem to be right, Young Master Jing is not as tall as her."

After being surprised for a while, Xiaoqing convinced himself with reasons.

After being acquainted with the two for a while, she also knew that Xiaobai was a relatively strong woman, although she was also gentle, but she often played cards without common sense in doing things, and was not as reserved as an ordinary woman.

As it is now, normal women would not do this.

After turning a few times, Xiao Bai didn't even hear Tai Shujing's voice, then stopped and looked at him in his arms.

Only then discovered that Tai Shujing couldn't speak at all.

"Sorry Jing, I didn't mean it."

Loosing him, Xiao Bai looked at Tai Shujing's dizzy appearance, and said embarrassedly.

"It's okay, just pay attention next time."

Feeling Xiaobai's stalwart bosom, Tai Shujing's mind was a little confused, such a powerful stimulus, even a man can't stand it, let alone him.

"Jing, are you shy?"

Realizing that Tai Shujing's expression was a little weird, Xiao Bai leaned down and looked at Tai Shujing. The two were very close to each other and could hear each other's breathing.

"No, no, I'm just holding my breath a little, just take it easy."

Shaking his head hurriedly, Tai Shu Jing looked like he was wandering away from the sky.

This made Xiao Bai more and more convinced that he must be shy, so he would be so unconscious.

"That's good, Jing, do you know where we are going next?"

Suddenly, Xiaobai asked.

"where to?"

Subconsciously, Tai Shujing answered the conversation, and after a few breaths, Tai Shujing came back to her senses, and immediately reacted to Shang Xiaobai's playful gaze.

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