
Tai Shujing raised her hand to cover Own's face, not daring to let people see his current expression.

"Puff... Jing, you are too cute."

Seeing Tai Shujing's movements, Xiao Bai immediately laughed, and hadn't seen him like this for a long time.

"Puff, Miss White, Young Master Jing, come with me to see Miss."

Another laugh came, Xiao Qing came over and said with a smile.

"Well, we are going to meet and laugh, what is she doing these two days?"

Nodded, Xiaobai asked.

"Miss has been preparing to set off to Dan City for the past two days. In fact, there is nothing to prepare, just can't sit still excitedly. I think it is because I can go with Miss Bai and Young Master Jing. This is the case."

Xiaoqing said with a smile.

"Ahem, she just wants to play purely, no different from a child."

At this time, Tai Shujing also calmed down her own emotions and returned to her usual appearance, but there was still a slight red color on the base of her ears.

"Jing, let's go see and laugh."

Pretending that nothing happened, Xiao Bai took his hand and left the courtyard with Xiao Qing.

The next day.

When it was time to set off for Pill City, Ao Xiaoxiao took the two to the teleportation formation of True Dragon God Mountain.

Beside the teleportation formation, seven or eight disciples of the dragon race had already gathered, as well as familiar figures, and Ao Jue had been waiting there a long time ago.

"Ao Xiaoxiao, you are such a big face, dare to let daddy wait for you for so long!"

Seeing the visitor, Ao Jue said in a bad tone.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Ao Jue, I have forgotten the time to gather, and I can't blame me, it was Xiaoqing who didn't wake me up in time, it was her fault."

But I didn't want to, Ao Xiaoxiao actually betrayed the maid of own, without mercy.

"Smile, your face is really thick."

Upon seeing this, Tai Shujing also looked at her as if she had discovered a new world.

Obviously Xiao Qing called her and didn't wake up several times, but she was fine, and on the other hand, she threw the pot to Xiao Qing, which was really shocking.

"I dare to lie in front of daddy, who are you, I don't know, late king, be lazy, now I have to add one more to you, isn't he?"

Staring at Ao Xiaoxiao, Ao Jue said darkly.

"I was wrong Uncle Ao Jue."

Seeing such a terrible Ao Jue, Ao Xiaoxiao was so scared that she ran back and hid behind Xiaobai.

"Huh, next time, daddy will make you want to walk around."

Seeing Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai, Ao Jue also moderated his temper, and then withdrew his own gaze.

"You all come here and you are going to start."

Nodding quietly to the uncle, Ao Jue said.

After that, Tai Shujing's trio and everyone entered the teleportation formation. Just as Ao Jue was about to activate the teleportation formation, he suddenly turned around and stared at Xiaobai.

"My baby, what's the matter with you? Where's Dragon Horn?"

No wonder Ao Jue always felt a little strange, he finally reacted.

"Hahaha... senior, do you think she's dazzled, it's okay, Xiaobai has a breakthrough in her bloodline, this is a derivative change, nothing is wrong."

Haha smiled, Tai Shujing explained.

"I'm so scared to death Daddy."

With a sigh of relief, Ao Jue thought that this girl was still worried about what happened yesterday, and she broke her own dragon horn in a fit of anger. This is something absolutely impossible.

"Xiao Bai, or you'd better change back, so there won't be so many misunderstandings."

Tai Shu Jing said something.

"What do you do with me."

Said lightly, Xiaobai Tsundere put her head aside, in fact, she didn't want to change back to her original appearance, she could decide whether to show the dragon's horns according to her own will.

It's just that she now has three dragon horns, wouldn't it be more strange to show it, it might as well be like this.

"That's right, don't care about other people's ideas, you just feel good, anyway, no matter what you become, I like it."

Nodding, Tai Uncle smiled quietly.

It’s him who likes Xiaobai. What is his relationship with others?


Upon hearing Tai Shujing's abrupt confession, Xiaobai's face turned red, and then it faded quickly.

"White Big sis, Miss Miss, you are enough."

Standing beside them, Ao Xiaoxiao, who was fed another mouthful of dog food, said dryly.

You can really sprinkle dog food anytime and anywhere. Ao Xiaoxiao thinks that there is no such a wonderful and loving dao companion like them in the world.

"By the way, you all know Ao Bai and Tai Shujing. They are dao companions. Be careful not to make trouble. People who dare to find fault with the peerless king are all lying in the tomb."

With a warning, Ao Jue revealed the identities of the two.

Suddenly, these seven or eight Dragon Clan disciples were shocked and speechless. They were all Dragon Clan children with some talents in Alchemy, and their talents in cultivation were not outstanding.

However, they are in awe of the four words Peerless King.

In the Dragon Clan, the existence of Daoyuanjing is called the Dragon King. Like the Dragon Clan, there are more than a dozen Dragon Kings sitting on the sacred mountain. Even so, none of them can be called Peerless.

And once the word "peerless" is crowned, it shows that the Dao Source Realm is invincible.

No matter how talented they are on Alchemy, no matter how proud they are, they definitely don't have the courage to find a peerless king unless they are impatient.

"Do you know what I mean?"

Ao Jue stared at them and asked again.

The reason why he revealed in advance the identities and strengths of Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai was also to avoid these little rascals looking for trouble.

After all, on the mainland, many young people who have some talent in Alchemy or the formation will be proud.

Especially on Alchemy, some young alchemists are even more mad than the arrogances of Sect Sacred Land. Of course, there are many scums in the alchemy.

Many small forces are more afraid of those alchemists who have a relationship with the alchemy guild.

However, for some powers that are also giants, even the alchemists of the Alchemy Guild, if they dare to die, they will not be polite to them, and it is okay to send them a ride with kindness.

Therefore, Ao Jue was also worried that his little bastard would be like this, so he gave a good warning.

"Yes, clan uncle."

For Ao Jue's words, several Dragon Clan children responded seriously.

They didn't know Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai's appearance really attracted their attention, and some people even planned to strike up a conversation.

Now, they are all secretly rejoicing in their hearts that they have not gone to death, and the peerless king breathes out, it is enough for them to die thousands of times.

Even though they are all Dragon Clan disciples, in fact, their Cultivation Base is not higher than that of other Clan members. They only have the Cultivation Base in the Seventh Cave, which is just powerful.

In this place in the Middle Territory, if you want to want to wave wildly, at least you must be in the Daoyuan Realm.

Even in the Sage realm, he didn't dare to cause trouble everywhere.

Seeing that these Dragon Clan disciples had converged a lot, Ao Jue nodded in satisfaction. The effect of dismounting the horse was pretty good, and it frightened them.

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