My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 382 Old Father Tao Baikong!

Wine table.

Listening to Tao Baikong's flicker, the big guys were stunned, not knowing whether to laugh well or what to do.

"Tao Baikong, you can do it. According to your statement, the girls of the gluttonous family don't worry about getting married."

The corner of Ao Jue's eyes trembled, and he looked at him with some contempt.

Being able to speak so fresh and refined, this Tao Baikong can be said to be a lotus flower of tongue, and it is a fight with those bald donkeys.

"Well, if it wasn't for the world's prejudice against my gluttonous clan, why should I be so, girl, can you agree to my old father's request?"

Tao Baikong sighed and looked at Xiaobai.

"Puff, even the old father came out, really not wanting face."

Next to him, Feng Yuan, who had just taken a sip of wine, was choked, a little speechless.

He Tao Baikong is not an old father at all, let alone the old father of his gluttonous family Holy Maiden, he can only be regarded as the elder of the Uncle generation.

"You didn't lie to me?"

Xiaobai, who has always been domineering and powerful, hesitated at this moment. She frowned and looked at him sharply.

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Tao Baikong said inwardly, there was a play.

"Every sentence is from the bottom of your heart. The big girl in my family and the girl are too similar to you. If you don't believe it, girl, next time you bring this boy to our gluttonous mountain to see you will know."

Tao Baikong nodded solemnly.

"Jing, what do you think?"

Out of an empathy for the female compatriots, Xiaobai now let go of her strength and dominance, and she didn't know what to do.

Perhaps it was from the perspective of the Holy Maiden from the gluttonous clan, Xiao Bai did not feel that Tao Baikong was lying.

"Senior, the jokes should be stopped."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Bai, who has always been smart and wise, would have been fooled one day. It should be said that it was the sensibility of the same woman, which made her sympathize with the gluttonous family Holy Maiden who had never met.

Just like Tai Shujing, sometimes she empathizes with fellow males and feels that she can understand the feelings of others.

However, Tai Shujing still heard that Tao Baikong's words were full of flickering ingredients. Perhaps he was telling the truth, but the flickering taste was too strong.

As a male compatriot, he can naturally distinguish clearly.

"Little friend, how can I be a joke? You see, this girl has finally figured it out. It's okay for you, and I think I'm fooling you."

Tao Baikong said leisurely, he knew his own mind could not hide from Tai Shujing, after all, women are very emotional.

"Senior, this is the end of this matter. The girl in the senior clan must be beautiful, but she has already identified one person in her heart, and senior should look for someone else. The world is so big, there will be that girl. Beloved."

Shaking his head, Tai Shujing rejected Tao Baikong's proposal.

He knew that Tao Baikong was thinking about the girl in the clan, so he said this to him, even with the meaning of flicking Xiaobai.

Tai Shujing didn't feel guilty, he knew that it was something that every conscientious elder would do.

But he is not so sentimental, he only does what he thinks, and he only likes the people he thinks. The happiness of others is not linked to him, so naturally he can't be forced.

"Oh, little friend, do you really stop thinking about it? I really think that girl from my family must get along with you, especially after talking with you, I feel more and more."

Tao Baikong asked perseveringly.

Through this few words of conversation, Tao Baikong has already touched the characters of Tai Shujing and Xiao Bai.

In his opinion, the talents of the two of them are extremely high. The uncles are quiet, calm and confident, and their momentum is restrained. They must have reached the Realm of returning to the basics. It seems unremarkable, but in fact it contains great horror.

Judging from his conversation, Tao Baikong felt that this person was humble and polite, without a trace of arrogance, especially from his clear eyes, one could see a sense of respect for all creatures.

This is a look Tao Baikong has never seen before, even in the eyes of those old men in the clan.

Although he was calm on the surface, there was still a shock in his heart. This was the first time he saw such a look from a strong man, and he was still a young man.

The higher the Cultivation Base, the more it will produce a temperament that is unstoppable from a high place, and a kind of detachment from the human category.

Therefore, in the eyes of the strong, there will gradually be a feeling that all creatures and creatures are ants, everything is just passing by, and it is all illusion.

But Tao Baikong saw the difference in Tai Shujing, which was more precious than being a strong man.

This kind of thing can be a kind of temperament, a kind of belief, or a kind of principle, which is unclear.

The dragon girl next to Tai Shujing may have been influenced by him. No matter how strong or overbearing the girl became, she cherished a kindness in her heart.

The temperament of waiting for people is very different from the temperament of Tai Shujing, even if she shows a cold appearance in front of people, she will definitely not deceive Tao Baikong's eyes.

Therefore, Tao Baikong felt that he must seize this opportunity. This pair of young people is really different.

If their eldest girl can blend into them, there will be great benefits, far more than just love.

"Senior, don't say much, if nothing else, Xiaobai and I won't bother you."

After speaking, Tai Shujing took Xiao Bai's hand and returned to the table with Ao Xiaoxiao and the others.

"Miss husband, Uncle Ao Jue, what are they looking for with you and Bai Big sis?"

At this time, Ao Xiaoxiao poked her head and asked curiously.

"It's okay, just meet two seniors."

Smiled, Tai Shujing casually said a reason.

"Oh oh."

Nodded, Ao Xiao smiled and saw that there seemed to be nothing interesting, and then went back to eat.

"Jing, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Xiaobai said aloud.

She knew that Tao Baikong must have something to say, but Tai Shujing didn't give him a chance, so she pulled her and left there.

"My silly girl, don't you know? He is trying to give you his wife, should you say I should go away?"

Rubbing Xiaobai's little hand, the uncle said with a smile.

"Jing, I think the senior is right. If a girl is not accompanied by someone she likes, she will be very pitiful. If I don't have you by my side, I will be very sad."

But not wanting, Xiaobai became a little sentimental, looking at him and said.

"Where is my smart white boy?"

"It's obviously impossible, Xiaobai, don't think too much, how could I not be by your side, that senior is just fooling you, don't take it seriously."

Tai Shujing didn't expect Xiaobai to be so confused, some Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

"Jing, I know this, I just think, would I be too selfish?"

Bai gave him a glance, Xiao Bai explained.

She was not deceived, but after listening to the senior's words, she naturally had some thoughts about Tai Shujing.

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