My Brother Is The Protagonist

Chapter 383 Confident and Cute!

Xiaobai has always had a strong possessive desire for Tai Shujing.

To this end, she tested his attitude more than once, and Tai Shujing also spoiled her very much and made a promise to her for a lifetime.

But thinking about it now, Xiao Bai wondered if he had neglected Tai Shujing's feelings a little.

If other girls really like him, Tai Shujing can only hurt the hearts of other girls, out of promise to her.

Wouldn't it be too cruel, Xiaobai thought.

"Selfish? Where does selfishness come from? Xiaobai, you wouldn't think that I rejected the senior's proposal because of scruples?"

"At this time, I hope that Xiaobai will be more domineering and stronger, and say out loud that my Tai Shujing is your person. I like such Xiaobai, confident and cute, do you understand?"

With a slight smile, Tai Shujing said.

In this world, perhaps excellent men can have many female dao companions, but Tai Shu Jing's concept of love is not so.

Therefore, there has never been a saying that selfishness is not selfish, because like, that's all.

"Jing, I have thought so much for you, but you said to me like this, it seems that I am worried about nothing, but I understand what you mean, and I won't say that in the future."

Upon meeting Tai Uncle Jing's gaze, Xiao Bai returned to his usual appearance, domineering and confident.

"Haha, that's good, this is the little white I know and I like."

Seeing Xiaobai's self-confidence regained and no longer so sentimental, the uncle smiled quietly.

the other side.

"Oh, what a pity."

After taking a sip, Tao Baikong shook his head and sighed.

"Tao Baikong, don't you come here, I really underestimated your mouth, and just said my baby girl in a daze. If it were normal, she would have slapped you on the ground with a slap. I have to say something, cow."

Ao Jue said with some admiration.

He really didn't expect that Tao Baikong wanted to dig the wall in front of Xiao Bai, but didn't annoy others, but instead fudged them. This eloquence was truly amazing.

Based on his understanding of Xiaobai, he thought he would go crazy face to face and slap him on the ground.

"Tao Baikong, you are suitable for chanting."

Even Feng Yuan said it.

He hasn't seen anyone who can fool people better than a Buddhist disciple. Today, he has seen his talents and abilities.

"What's the matter? It's not useless. When will my girl get married? It's difficult."

Tao Baikong rolled his eyes. In order to match up with his own girl, he lost his face, but he didn't make it. It was really difficult.

"Stop sighing here, the girl in your family is still very young, only twenty-seven years old, what's the rush?"

Ao Jue curled his lips, a little speechless, afraid that no one would want such an excellent girl, kidding.

For their cultivators, let alone 27 years old, they are already 37 years old, 47 years old, and they are still young. When they reach the Cultivation Base Realm like them, their age is nothing.

Moreover, the higher the Cultivation Base, the woman's appearance can still be maintained at the most beautiful time, and the word aging has long gone aside.

Not to mention, the Holy Maiden of Tao Baikong and the others is still a true king of Daoyuan realm, how could it not be beautiful.

"Yes, I haven't seen you like this. I feel like my Holy Maiden is like a plague god. I want to send it away. How do you look like an old father?"

Feng Yuan also said that he didn't understand why Tao Baikong did this.

A powerful true king of Daoyuan Realm, and an excellent woman, is of great significance to the gluttonous clan, even if there is no dao companion, in the seated clan, it is also a powerful combat force.

Others can't ask for money, don't know why, Tao Baikong still pushes it out, which is puzzling.

"You know what a fart, I watched that girl grow up, and no one looks down on it now. Is it possible for me to really make her lonely and die."

"Now it's hard to come across a suitable one. The talents and xinxing are all the best choices, and they are extremely compatible. Although there is already a dao companion, it is nothing."

"You are also people with a family. Tell me, what is the hardest thing in a woman's life? It's not cultivation, but not meeting someone worthy of your life. Am I wrong?"

Tao Baikong looked at Ao Jue and Feng Yuan seriously, without a hint of joking.

"That's right."


Ao Jue and Feng Yuan looked at each other and had to agree with Tao Baikong.

Indeed, the most feared thing for women in the world is to entrust non-human beings, not only in the world, but also in the cultivation world, and it is even more demanding.

In the world, there are too many young Masters with wives and concubines, and it can only be said to be abusive.

In the world of cultivation, cultivation can cultivate human nature. Some so-called dao companions are just tools for the exchange of interests, and it is difficult to have true feelings.

There are so many frauds in the cultivation world, and because of this, a sincere feeling is even more rare.

"So, I really fell in love with him for my girl. It's rare, such an excellent man, Ao Jue, you say that you are satisfied or not satisfied with him?"

Tao Baikong asked back.

"Of course...satisfied, to be honest, daddy is the first time I have met such a peculiar young man. It's so different. I can feel infinite possibilities from him."

Nodding, Ao Jue was a little bit emotional.

In the True Dragon Palace that day, whether it was Tai Shujing's pampering and accommodating to Xiao Bai, or Xiao Bai's maintenance and dependence on Tai Shujing, it shocked his mind.

This pair of seemingly strange dao companions inexplicably made him feel very harmonious and inseparable.

"That's not right, so I am anxious for my girl, even if I can get an opportunity, you say, is my idea wrong?"

After clapping his hands, Tao Baikong said.

"Yes, yes, but you want other young people to agree, what do you think Feng Yuan?"

Ao Jue glanced at Feng Yuan.

"Tao Baikong, your idea is correct, but Ao Jue is also correct. People rejected your proposal and are unwilling to give you this opportunity. So, you should stop this idea."

Nodded, Feng Yuan thought so too.

Tai Shujing has clearly stated her refusal, and the girl in Tao Baikong's family doesn't know about it, let alone one slap that doesn't make a sound, neither of these two slaps.

This is completely Tao Baikong's personal thoughts, without the presence of the parties, it seems a little bit no end.

"Oh, how come I don't know this, so I sighed, I didn't get a chance."

With that, Tao Baikong drank a glass and smiled bitterly.

Upon seeing this, Ao Jue and Feng Yuan looked at each other, and didn't know how to comfort him and comfort the broken-hearted old father.

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